Citrus Tree with THC.!!!


Well-Known Member
look. I have spliced a strwberry plant and tied it to a spliced mj plant and it grew together just fine. never got a chance to test the strwberries for THC though.

Excellent, did you splice them together when both plants were in the early stages of vegging? or later in flower? do you think you would do it again and this time make a report as to any THC you find on the strawberries or any altered taste to the bud on the cannabis side? whats the best method of splicing 2 plants like the ones you mentioned above? - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
The Crazy, Flavor-Changing "Miracle" Fruit

by Josh Day

It's scientific name is Synsepalum dulcificum, and it hails from West Africa. Thanks to a featurette on CNN online, millions of people are learning about this crazy fruit that has a "miraculously" unique ability.


After chewing the fruit and rubbing the pulp against the tongue, the berry, known by a promising name -- "miracle fruit" or Synsepalum dulcificum -- releases a sweetening potency that alters the taste buds.

For about 15 to 30 minutes, everything sour is sweet.

Lemons lose their zing and taste like candy. Oranges become sickeningly sweet. Hot sauce that usually burns the tongue tastes like honey barbecue sauce that scorches as it trickles down the throat.

Through word of mouth, these miracle fruits have inspired "taste tripping" parties, where foodies and curious eaters pay $10 to $35 to try the berries. (CNN online)

The fruit sounds like something out of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

Interestingly enough, this fruit has a history of controversy, due to the fruit's ability to alter taste perception. Once again, as with stevia, the good ole FDA was involved...

An attempt was made in the 1970s to commercialize the ability of the fruit to turn non-sweet foods into sweet foods without a caloric penalty, but ended in failure in controversial circumstances with accusations that the project was sabotaged and the research burgled by the sugar industry to prevent loss of business caused by a drop in the need for sugar. The FDA has always denied that pressure was put on it by the sugar industry, but refused to release any files on the subject. Similar arguments are noted for FDA's regulation on stevia now labeled as a "dietary supplement" instead of a "sweetener." (Wikipedia)

A Florida hospital has opened research into the fruit and its effect on improving taste for chemo patients, whose sense of taste have been diminished due to chemotherapy (CNN online).

More researchers are interested in the fruit:

"This new resurgence of interest is fascinating," said Linda Bartoshuk, a professor at the University of Florida's Center for Smell and Taste. "It popped on the scene and people are having fun with it. It motivated us to go back and do research."

Bartoshuk seeks to better understand how the berry works. In the 1970s, she studied the fruit while working for the U.S. Navy and Army labs.

The miracle fruit contains a natural protein, called miraculin, which has sugar molecules that bind to the tongue, she said. When acid enters the mouth, the sugar molecules press into the sweet receptors.

Some of her colleagues are looking into how the berries could help people with diabetes and obesity, because they sweeten the taste of food. Unlike sugar, the miracle fruit has very few calories and unlike artificial sweeteners, the berries are natural.

Bartoshuk said she hasn't seen any reports of dangers from eating the berries, but warned against premature health benefit claims.

I know its not overly relivent but it does make me wonder what a fruit like this would do to the characteristics of Cannabis if this was spliced or geneticaly changed, I wonder if you smoked a joint of Canna-Synsepalum Dulcificum (CSD) lol whether the taste of the smoke would change or if like with the fruit the smoke would change your reception/deception? of flavours, could be trippy and also fun when you get the munchies.. just a thought - STELTHY


Active Member
I did it in eraly veg.

I took both plants out of dixie cup and rinsed as much of the soil from roots as possible.

From this point CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN is the only option.

wear latex gloves NO powder.

Razor must be new !

from the bottom of the plant seperate roots in half down the middle.

Take the razor and split down middle main stalk/stem to the top of the plant. CAREFULL CAREFULL CAREFULL !!

Do the same to other plant.

take a half from each plant and take bread ties or anything better you can think of and tie together.

replant into dixie cup.

If you have any anti-shock product. water with this. If not phd water. as to most soil have enough ferts for the first week or two. in a few days you will visibly see the 2 growing together. in about a week or so you will see new weird leaves. and some regulare leaves. the bud half did bare buds and the strwberry half had little red strwberries.


Well-Known Member
I did it in eraly veg.

I took both plants out of dixie cup and rinsed as much of the soil from roots as possible.

From this point CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN is the only option.

wear latex gloves NO powder.

Razor must be new !

from the bottom of the plant seperate roots in half down the middle.

Take the razor and split down middle main stalk/stem to the top of the plant. CAREFULL CAREFULL CAREFULL !!

Do the same to other plant.

take a half from each plant and take bread ties or anything better you can think of and tie together.

replant into dixie cup.

If you have any anti-shock product. water with this. If not phd water. as to most soil have enough ferts for the first week or two. in a few days you will visibly see the 2 growing together. in about a week or so you will see new weird leaves. and some regulare leaves. the bud half did bare buds and the strwberry half had little red strwberries.

That's very helpful and useful information right there, I am going to note that down on paper to try later this month, REP :) - STELTHY


Active Member
thanks brother. im looking into these seeds. im 99% sure its not a myth. i heard of a guy in upstate newyork from jack. he said he had done this same isea but with mango. problem. jack is no onger with us. RIP. so Ill have to put the word out and see if i can get the growers name thats doin the mango.
The science on this is sound. Been going on for a few decades now.

If you want to read more about the particular methods employed above, then check out this paper by Zwenger published last year. He has made it available for FREE (no $35 just to buy a study posted to a science journal here, folks); here's a link to the original document with several format options (left-hand pane). They've even got a Kindle version for you e-reader folks(!):

The Biotechnology Of Cannabis Sativa

Here's a direct download link to the PDF HERE (~8 MB).

Light reading...only 95 pages--! :mrgreen:

As there are literally hundreds of cannabinoids, the process of transgenic plant expression needs to be done for each terpenoid that is isolated that one wishes to incorporate. So if you want to reproduce some of the subtler nuances of the actual cannabis plant - including most of the connoisseur cannabis strains that are available today, and their actual, full therapeutic and medicinal properties (and not simply a 'THC buzz') a greater understanding of endocannabinoid receptivity and the biochemistry of all the analogues within the human brain is necessary.

But to get a plant with certain THC/CBD ratios, at least: it's entirely possible, and practical - with the right genetic source material.




Active Member
so ive been calling around. when my best friend was an exchange student in highschool he met these growers overseas that said their fruit had THC in it. He said he purchased a Mango looking fruit for $100 and it TORE HIM UP. said he was couch locked with mad munchies. that was 10 years ago though.


Active Member
its completely and utterly possible and stuff like this happends all the time its just very rare you hear about it take for instance crops of corn the agricultural farmers genetically alter so they get double or even triple of the amount of corn stuff like that but at the same time due to the fact your changing genetics of things there is always a chance that somewhere down the line the genetics could change to unwanted characteristics rendering it useless but hey just a thought, and as for the guy talking about huge buds on orange trees u completely misunderstand the article there talking about normal oranges that contain thc meaning no smoke/no buds


Well-Known Member
I did it in eraly veg.

I took both plants out of dixie cup and rinsed as much of the soil from roots as possible.

From this point CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN is the only option.

wear latex gloves NO powder.

Razor must be new !

from the bottom of the plant seperate roots in half down the middle.

Take the razor and split down middle main stalk/stem to the top of the plant. CAREFULL CAREFULL CAREFULL !!

Do the same to other plant.

take a half from each plant and take bread ties or anything better you can think of and tie together.

replant into dixie cup.

If you have any anti-shock product. water with this. If not phd water. as to most soil have enough ferts for the first week or two. in a few days you will visibly see the 2 growing together. in about a week or so you will see new weird leaves. and some regulare leaves. the bud half did bare buds and the strwberry half had little red strwberries.
Dude, you are the complete and utter shit! †LOL† This next year my wife and I were planning on adding strawberries and raspberries to our garden, I'm gonna have to try it with both using bubble gum clones....

as for the oranges, may not be able to smoke them, but I bet you could sure as hell eat one while walking by a cop...:twisted:


Active Member
man i might have to try this put 2 dif plants together! so would u do this when both the plants are about 3 to 4 weeks old yea peeps


Active Member
Looks like this story is not only too good to be true, but is also many years old. Sorry to burst your bubbles guys;f=76;t=000176;p=1">
I understand when that story was. but I am sure the US did NOT throw away all the seeds por burn them or whatever. there are rumors of people in the US producing such fruit. I WILL FIND SOMEONE WITH SEEDS !!


Active Member
AS for my splice stawberry grow. this was done years ago. I will get that projectt up and running again with full pics. I will also this time test the fruit at the local college to see if any of the properties of the MJ plant were inherited by the straberry. it will be fun. probably wont be untill 2011 though.


Well-Known Member
That story keeps mentioning a 1984 Ford Aerostar, which only started in the 1986 model year... Maybe nit-picking a bit, but it made it pretty suspicious within the first few lines.


Active Member
alright u have inspired me with the strawberiies and shit that wld be worth a try and really no loss to me someone is going to have to get on this