i wouldn't take a rapper's word on international affairs either.
i agree with him though. israel's treatment of Gaza is unacceptable. conditions in Palestine rival conditions in the poorest corners of the world, while on the other side of the fence israel prospers...it's racist and despicable.
to cause tens of thousands of people to live in poverty and to ostricize them from the rest of the world....
it's like this: if I get on a boat, load it with cement so a palestinian friend can rebuild his home, and cast off from New York, upon arrival near palestine my boat will be boarded by israeli comandos, seized by the Israeli army, and I would be incarcirated.......
because of beliefs, or skin color, or ethnicity, or differences in when you're supposed to fast...... it's bullshit, inhumane, racist, ... ican't find enough words, i'm gonna go puke now....