

Well-Known Member
and apparently there was a new interview done this year, making it all kinds of fun in regards to finding the old one... :(

Check this out...Jiraiya_-_kuniyoshi_.jpg its Jiraiya....
It also occurs to me you'll be one of the few people that would give a fuck, but I can fold a 9-tailed fox from a square sheet of paper (my own design) I've also made an 8 tails, thinking about making the other seven and seeing if I can get it published.


Well-Known Member
well, honestly i dont think it will happen, but im hoping like hell it does. lol, it might not be a long term thing though if it does im thinking, just kind of a change of scenery w/either aizen and/or the hogyoku escaping after playing every card they have almost and then maybe there will be a super powerful vasto lorde or something who's truly been the one pulling the strings till now, aizen might get a taste of his own medicine as well when he retreats back to the real boss.something like "You have served your purpose aizen, you are now worthless to me, I will be taking the hogyoku however." maybe? I mean we havent even seen aizens bankai yet and maybe he's saving that so he can use it in a worst case scenario to escape.
I found something very interesting when i was bored and re-reading my naruto graphic novels, according to them(i dont know if its exactly the same in all language versions or something like that since ive seen the american versions of shonen jump graphic novels not sync up with the jap totally, like with the visoreds being miswrote as vizards,i still like vizards better though) its not that lee cant use chakra, its that he has no ninjutsu or genjutsu abilities. The 8 inner gates are opened by forcibley overriding them with the subjects chakra, so lee can use chakra, he just cant focus it into other abilities, you might be right though in a way, guy might not really have any ninjutsu or genjutsu abilities like lee. I think ive read that interview as well, i too dont have a clue as to where exactly i saw it either though. lol.
I also thought of another thing-how is madara ever going to be able to complete the set and revive the 10 tails? Even if he got bee and somehow got the fox from naruto the thing is that naruto does not have the full fox inside of him, he's only got the one half and the other is stuck in the god of deaths realm with all the former hokage. so unless madaras space time/warp could somehow retrieve it im lost on as how it would be possible


Well-Known Member
looks like we will get to see part of ichigo's training this chapter, its mostly him and his hollow talking from what i understand. man, i just saw a updated version of the spoilers and its pretty incredible, ichigo will lose his spiritual/shinigami energy/powers from the final getsuga it seems so im really hoping this isnt the end already, i was expecting 20 or more chapters at the least. ichigo and his hollows talk is very very very interesting. heres a rough version of his hollow and ichigo conversation,
Unbelievable, the final Getsuga...

608 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/09/14(火) 18:12:26 ID
イチゴ 見せてやるよ 最後の月牙天衝だ
Ichigo: I'll show you, the final Getsuga Tenshou.
藍前 なんだ その姿はーーー(藍前の姿の方が。。どうかと思ったけど)
Aizen: What, that form is--- (well, I wonder what he thinks about his form)

bleach DEICIDE22 

Underwater? Well, during that time in his mind--
白一護 まだ倒れんか 一護
Shirosaki: Haven't you fallen yet, Ichigo.
一護 倒れねえって言った筈だぜ 最後の月牙天衝ってのを聞きだすまではな
Ichigo: Don't make me laugh, I'm not down yet. Not until I get what the final Getsuga Tenshou is.
白一護 教える気はないと… 言っている!!
Shirosaki: I'm tellin' you... I'm not gonna teach you!!

Shirosaki flies

一護(どうしてだ 本気で倒すつもりなら 最初の段階で俺を倒せたはずだ それくらいの力の差 がオレ達には あった
Ichigo: (Why is it, that if he really wants to kill me, then he could've done so since the very beginning. He's got that much difference of power between us.
本気で教える気が無えなら 戦いをやめて身を隠せばいい そのくらいの事は出来だハズだ  ど うしてだ
If he really doesn't want to teach me, then just stopping this fight and avoiding me would be fine. He could've done just that. So why
どうしてこいつの剣からは 寂しさばかりが流れ込んでくるんだ)
So why is it that from his sword, flows such overwhelming loneliness)
The two exchange blows.
白イチゴ イチゴに向かう 一護剣を離す
Shirosaki faces Ichigo and separates him from his sword.

Ichigo is stabbed.

白一護 よく気がついた… 最後の月牙天衝とは私の刃を受け入れることでしか手にすることはで きん…
Shirosaki: So you've noticed... The final Getsuga Tenshou can't be learned from any blade but mine.
一護 痛みが 無え… 
Ichigo: It doesn't hurt...
白一護 当然だ この天鎖斬月は本来お前自身… 受け入れれば貫かれる事に痛みなどあろうはず もない…
Shirosaki: Of course. This Tensa Zangetsu is originally yours... To be pierced by it will not cause any pain.
Tears spill from Shirosaki
一護 なんで泣いてんだ
Ichigo: Why the hell are you crying 
白一護 一護 この戦いを始めた時に言った言葉を覚えているか お前の護りたいものが 私の護 りたいもので はないのだと
Shirosaki: Ichigo, do you remember the words I said at the beginning of this fight? That what you want to protect is not what I want to protect.
一護 あア
Ichigo: Yeah.
白一護 私の護りたかったものは  お前自身だ 一護
Shirosaki: What I wanted to protect was... you, Ichigo.
一護 どういう意味だよ
Ichigo: What do you mean.
白一 意味は 技の極意とともにこの刃から直に伝わるだろう 一護 この技を使えばお前はーー ーー
Shirosaki: I meant, that the main point of the technique is directly taught straight from this blade. Ichigo, to teach you this technique, you have to----

then it goes back to aizen and ichigos battle in the present and ichigo does another powerup.


Well-Known Member
WTF?!! Thats crazy. And how is a gift taught by a zanpaktou going to take away his shinigami powers?! This is going to be a trip...ESPECIALLY when they finally animate it...

As far as Madara and the 10 that you mention it, It should be impossible, but I'm sure Kishi will either find a way, otherwise it'll be funny as hell when madara figures out after all that hard work his goal can never be realized...I wonder how kishi is going to play that?

Another thing I was thinking of in regards to Naruto, do you remember when Sakura and Elder Chiyo fought Sasori? what ever happened to all those puppets? Being that he was they're best puppeteer and a rogue nin, wouldn't they have had to retrieve everything? And if so, would Kankorou be able to put the puppets back together, especially the third Sand Kage? That would make him one bad motherfucker, as well as keeper of some of the greatest craft secrets of the sand village....(was watching earlier episodes) Not to mention it would give the Sand Village back the third Kage, sorta...


Well-Known Member
they probally did collect them, i forgot about this till you brought it up but after sasori destroyed both of kankuros puppets and was then defeated by sakura and chiyo kankuro took at the least sasoris body/puppet. it was a long time ago i think but kankuro is shown with/using his new puppet probally around the time when sasuke attacked the kage summit, but its always possible it was at a different time, i'll have to try to find those chaps and find out when for sure.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea if it been mentioned already coz i dont feel like reading through this whole thread...but the storyline of Death Note while high would just E.P.I.C!!!!


Well-Known Member
reminded me of one, detective conan or whatever it was called was pretty good, cant remember much of the story anymore though. their was also reign the conqueror


Well-Known Member
and apparently there was a new interview done this year, making it all kinds of fun in regards to finding the old one... :(

Check this out...View attachment 1153241 its Jiraiya....
It also occurs to me you'll be one of the few people that would give a fuck, but I can fold a 9-tailed fox from a square sheet of paper (my own design) I've also made an 8 tails, thinking about making the other seven and seeing if I can get it published.
you probally could,english shonen jump loves stuff like that to put into the magazines. do you have any pics of those 2? they sound pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea if it been mentioned already coz i dont feel like reading through this whole thread...but the storyline of Death Note while high would just E.P.I.C!!!!
Deathnote was the shit!!! No, don't think it has been, but it was definitely worth mentioning...

I think I have both of them done in foil, if not I can remake them and take a picture, probably be better if I had pics of both anyways, so I'll just remake time my daughter goes to sleep, she likes playing with them, but not much survives her... :)


Well-Known Member
I still need to redo them in both mediums, these two are a little beat up, and my first finalized design on both of them...
Kyuubi - ravensKyuubi.jpg Hachibi - RavensHachibi2.jpgRavenshachibi1.jpg
hadn't thought about submitting them to shonen jump....


Well-Known Member
DAMMIT!!! Just read the new naruto and the new bleach. madara gets the rinnengan, bitch couldn't have killed herself?!! and Bleach, the spoilers were off, it was a flashback to were they explain how he was able to complete that kind of training in time, because of something Aizen destroyed, it left a place out of time and space, meaning Ichigo's dad could take his time training him in the technique. Was a disappointing week manga wise...


Well-Known Member
where did you read em at? the site i usually use doesnt have em up yet.
Those beasts you made are pretty cool, just like i thought they would be, have we seen all the beasts yet though? cuz i thought their are like 3 or 4 that we never actually see yet.


Well-Known Member
Thank you :) naruto I read at mangastream, and I was thankfully wrong about the bleach manga, The link said 420, but when I looked closer at it now, it was actually only they're still that to look forward to. I'm surprised Naruto is out before Bleach, thats normally the other way around...

all 9 tailed beast -


Well-Known Member
so bleachs spoilers might actually be correct still? i hope thats what you mean, but im a touch confused. lol, from what i usually see on the site i check for it most of the time naruto comes out first and then bleach, but lately i have noticed that now that the interest in bleach has grown so much as everyone is holding their breath waiting to see what happens next that bleach has been coming out a little before or at nearly the same time as naruto. I gotta go read naruto, i hope the spoilers i read were right on or pretty close, im stoked that it seems my whole uchia and senju theory was pretty close.


Well-Known Member
so bleachs spoilers might actually be correct still? i hope thats what you mean, but im a touch confused. lol, from what i usually see on the site i check for it most of the time naruto comes out first and then bleach, but lately i have noticed that now that the interest in bleach has grown so much as everyone is holding their breath waiting to see what happens next that bleach has been coming out a little before or at nearly the same time as naruto. I gotta go read naruto, i hope the spoilers i read were right on or pretty close, im stoked that it seems my whole uchia and senju theory was pretty close.
Yea, the spoilers may very well be dead on... :)


Well-Known Member
konan did alot better than i thought she would, 600 billion is a crazy impossible number thats pretty over the top though, i dont see how the hell she could make 1 billion of them much less 600 billion, 1 billion is a pretty huge number just by itself. its cool we got to see more of madaras weaknesses revealed but like we both said and knew that in the end it wouldnt help her enough to beat him.


Well-Known Member
man, nagato was related to naruto....thats crazy. i think its cool but i thought nagato himself had dark hair and why would he say to yahiko that he was the third sage so far so im a bit confused. i wonder if madara really did lose to the 1rdt on purpose or if he's just trying to make excuses for his loss. lol


Well-Known Member
I think he's coming up with excuses, if he had the power he boasted, why all this bullshit? He wouldn't have needed anyone's help, not to mention didn't he say he was but a shell of his former self? Right now its not making alot of sense really. I'm looking forward to clarification, you know, in about another 100 chapters when they get back to it... :blsmoke: I so didn't see that happening with nagato being related...if so, does that mean naruto can awaken the rinnengan? :shock: Or maybe you were right in that it will be a matter of naruto and sasuke having to work together to defeat madara

Is it just me, or did we unintentionally take over this thread?