OHIO Growers..When is the average harvest date?

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
yea that was i was thinking too..just wanted to get a second opinion. i know you have to check the trichs with a microscope first and all. It has been an EXCELLENT year here hasnt it?!!!


Well-Known Member
This is my frist grow but yea hot and humid for most of the summer has been great for my gals! You dont need a microscope. Im using a 10x eyepiece and it works great. Did you hear about the 22,000 plant bust near Columbus a few weeks ago? Just think how big that field was!

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
really?!! no i didnt here. i know in coshocaton or something like that,they are busting them left and right in corn fields. 200+ plants siezed so far!


Well-Known Member
It really depends on which part of Ohio one is growing in. N.OH is much different from S. OH. Even the interior is different from those 2.

For NE OH, probably anywhere from the beginning of Oct until the beginning of Nov. It depends on how fast and how sloppy the weather gets. Generally, I don't relly worry about temp because plants have ways of surviving nights below freezing, and it's not usually that cold until November.

I hate the lack of sunshine (sun doesn't come back until May), and the rain. Last year, it got overcast, wet, and windy early to mid Oct and that caused all sorts of problems.

I know some people that just refuse to grow outside in NE/NW OH because of "the short flowering period." They argue that a lot of hybrids and most sativas just won't finish in time on a consistent basis. I argue that they should grow something that finishes in Oct. :blsmoke:

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
It was so dry this summer! (NE OH here.) I know there was a big bust someplace, maybe it was the Columbus one somebody mentioned before. All I've seen to buy lately is brick weed and 'mersh at best. I can't wait to have some nice homegrown, even if it is just bagseed. Super-psyched.
I know lots of individuals have been getting busted, or have moved. East Side is usually a bud desert but now the West Side's getting hinky too.


Well-Known Member
It was so dry this summer! (NE OH here.) I know there was a big bust someplace, maybe it was the Columbus one somebody mentioned before. All I've seen to buy lately is brick weed and 'mersh at best. I can't wait to have some nice homegrown, even if it is just bagseed. Super-psyched.
I know lots of individuals have been getting busted, or have moved. East Side is usually a bud desert but now the West Side's getting hinky too.
Yeah, strange summer. Really fucking hot and dry for virtually the whole summer until now. We hadn't had one of those in the last ~5-8 yrs.

Ditto on the lotsa schwag. Heck, it'd be nice to see a bunch of decent mersh :mrgreen: That'll change soon enough though. All I ever see on the east side is over-priced stuff that was grown in a basement. Variety is down on the west side. :?

I just hope that is the fall doesn't turn cool and wet since the summer was hot and dry. Just gimme dry weather until Halloween. Please!