Mr I Can Do That For Half
I didnt get to make any responces to the where is NGT thread. I personally wish that he wasnt bann from the site and do have some issue with a double site standard on this one.I know seed sale is illegal in the US and that is your worry.By the reason giving then this site has to stop seed bank advertising immediately all together and they must now delete any post that refers a seed bank or reviews a seed bank as that is the exact same thing.The facts are are he was not in the US selling seeds so it was the same if someone asked to buy seeds from his company or if they ordered from the paid nirvana sponsor that rollitup supports no different except the owne rof one of those sites came and would answer questions while Nirvana does not come an answer questions but is allowed to peddle thier seeds since they bought banner space. This one to me is a little suspect and worrysome.I understand your thinking but it shows that there is a giant double standard bewtween what non paying members can do and those who pay for site sponsorship. I had issue with greenpassion for his sites user abuse and thought this was the place to be but inside I now question the meaning of membership.I would like to ask that all seed bank banners and anypost refering to where seeds can be purchased be removed from the site based on the statement that these bring unwanted attention we must do so before it does then.Not just 1 seedbank or its owner but all. Its a shame to single one out and not all that seem to be the exact same thing.Will we be removing all seed bank posts and stopping any and all seed bank sponsorship? I hope so would hate to see the site be so preferential in this situation..Im all for reinstating NGTs account...psss disclaimer..I don not support or endorse the banner placed in my thread for legal buds. ..These are very poor items and not worth buying so please do not asociate them with me or my support of it.Thanks