Leaving a male with Other plants?


If i leave a male in the mix of my plants will it make all of them male? I have some that hasn't shown any signs of sex what so ever yet and its been like probably 6 to almost 7 weeks. Today i seen that maybe one is starting to show i see that it has very very little sacs but i am not sure forsure could be something else. So is it okay if I leave it with the rest of my plants ? Will it cause them to be all male too if he turns out being male?


Active Member
if you leave the male in with the other plants and the other plants turn out to be females, then the male will pollinate the females and give you seedy, less potent bud.
and if a plant is a female, its a female. it wont turn male by being around male plants. it will just get prego


New Member
If i leave a male in the mix of my plants will it make all of them male? I have some that hasn't shown any signs of sex what so ever yet and its been like probably 6 to almost 7 weeks. Today i seen that maybe one is starting to show i see that it has very very little sacs but i am not sure forsure could be something else. So is it okay if I leave it with the rest of my plants ? Will it cause them to be all male too if he turns out being male?
No (the plants wont change sex) but if it develops into a male and the pollen sacks (male flowers) open from the suspect plant then they will release pollen that you dont want on your female plants.

separate the males they can turn females into males
Impossible due to (seed) genetics as males are males and females are females the genetics of the female plants wont change and become males because plants burst there pollen balls. The males will pollinate the females (if left to long) but wont change them in to males.

if you leave the male in with the other plants and the other plants turn out to be females, then the male will pollinate the females and give you seedy, less potent bud.
and if a plant is a female, its a female. it wont turn male by being around male plants. it will just get prego
Almost correct.......


Well-Known Member
Males polinate females=............seeds in ur bud.......extra weigh forsale or shitty personal smoke