pistels turning colour at 5 weeks wtf


Well-Known Member
Right i have 4 white widow, i have had problems all the way through the grow.

The thing is all four plants have turned pistels brown (how has this happend) at 4-5 weeks, sounds pretty good but the problem is that the buds havn't packed out.

Dont know what to do?

Not checked the trich's yet.


Active Member
Look for a hermi, I had a whole room go bad once or twice first thing I noticed was hairs turned brown early then boom hermi's everywhere. Was caused by me not noticing a male flower and it popped and pollenated all the rest which mad them all hermi like crazy it was real weird hope this is'nt happening to your room.


Look for a hermi, I had a whole room go bad once or twice first thing I noticed was hairs turned brown early then boom hermi's everywhere. Was caused by me not noticing a male flower and it popped and pollenated all the rest which mad them all hermi like crazy it was real weird hope this is'nt happening to your room.
How does a single male plant make other plants herms? I'm just curious. I would have thought that the male would just pollinate the females and create seed production.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What he means that if one plant has hermied, and released some polen throughout the room, it could have polinated the rest of the plants. From what i've read (please correct me if i'm wrong) hairs turning colour prematurely can be a sign of pollination.


Well-Known Member
I've had pistils turn brown from being fanned too much. Moved my fan away and lowered the speed setting seemed to fix this problem.


Well-Known Member
What he means that if one plant has hermied, and released some polen throughout the room, it could have polinated the rest of the plants. From what i've read (please correct me if i'm wrong) hairs turning colour prematurely can be a sign of pollination.
Do u reckon that is what it is? Will check tomorrow, didn't notice any male parts.


Active Member
He's right it could be the fan. When my room was pollenated, they started making seeds and pushing more hermi's. I cut it down and threw it out, only 32 days flowering.