
California Buds

Well-Known Member
Anyway, mushroom head, if you're still checking in here, know this: all things must pass, even shit-storms like this. And it may feel like pretty small consolation right now, but you did grow a very nice plant and learned a lot about doing it along the way. Those things will remain with you long after the bullshit has blown over.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thankyou steampick, I fucked up pretty bad by telling people I had the plant when it was smaller, but told them it was cut down after awhile cause I was sketching out about someone taking it. Well someone must have seen it or something and somehow the cops found out about it.

Ill be going to court next month, im going to try to claim a huge personal problem with marijuana and try to get off with a 30 treatment program or something along the lines of that.

And I now have learned my lesson, grow for yourself, and yourself only, dont tell anyone.

I will be using my green thumb for growing cannabis when im older and live on my own.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What kind of huge problem? As the rest of us have been campaigning quite a while to get people to understand there is no problem with it :)


Active Member
Everyting gonna be allright now,
everyting gonna b allright

sorry 4 ya bro live and learn i guess coulda been anyone of us
really sucks that such a great thing can be turned into such a negative thing

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I just cant wait till im older and can move out of this bullshit town. Im def moving somewhere a little more cannabis friendly, fuck this.


Active Member
Well, Here is some info to help you out. First; you can not get a MMJ license if you have a drug related criminal offence in the last 10 years. So try to get off with alternative measures.

If you are under 18, or aboriginal and this is your first offence you have the option of alternative measures, which = no criminal record but you will have to do something stupid like addiction therapy, probation, community service ect, ect. I am assuming you are under 18, so good luck with probation. If you want MMJ Card, Insomnia or ADD/ADHD are very common mmj illnesses. Good Luck! Shoot me a PM with your cellphone number if you need some information man, here to help!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thanks Shayden, will be going to court at 10:00am tomorrow. Laywer said I dont have to appear in court for some reason, he said he will call me tomorrow after court, ill post details.

Also was smokin some buds I got from my buddy who harvested a few weeks ago. Some very nice smoke, with a crazy strawberry smell. Found 2 seeds out of the ounce I bought, I was so exicted! Guess I know what im growin next year...