i want to see rollitups tanks! fish tanks i mean. i love fishkeeping. i currently have two aquariums a 30 gallon and a 20 gallon. the thirty gal is my chiclid tank and my 20 is community. i woke up this morning to my brichardy chiclid sticking halfway out of my oscars mouth. i was also wondering if it would be at all possable to turn a tank into a hydro unit, like with net pot holders cut into the lid, make it into a bad ass dwc or something
You're keeping Lamprologus brichardii with Oscars? Yeah.. that's not gonna last too long. Neither is an Oscar in a 20 or 30. When he outgrows it, if you can't house him, search for fish/aquatic rescues. I just learned about one recently. Or, feed it bugs and fruit to make it taste better, then do what the natives do and have him for dinner. I hear they're excellent eating, but not likely if it's being fed goldies.
No more tanks for me. But, I am intrigued by DWC using aquaponic methods.
I hate to tell you, but not one of those fish he listed qualifies as "sweet".
'Cept maybe the catfish (depends on the catfish).
Lol I'm busy converting all my old planted tanks and lights to growing units...
THe big sucker fish is called a plecostomus... Shops are cruel in selling the normal form of this fish which realy grows to over 2 feet... it is just cruel keeping em in a tank... the proper type to keep in a tank is the bristlenose variant... they stay smallish.
ANC, plecs are an entire group of catfishes, with many, many species. You'd have to know what species he's keeping to be able to tell him what its ultimate size is.
still no pics though, i have three plecos in my 2 tanks, they arent getting very big though, i have two common, and one butterfly pleco. i had to wait 6 months for petco to just get one god damn butterfly pleco but i got it!
If you can help it at all, PLEASE don't buy from Petco. You don't even want to know what I know about that outfit.
The talk has been that they're supposed to be getting OUT of the live animal trade, and I hope like hell that's the truth. Mr. Brian Devine, what say you?