To deseed or not to deseed, that is the question

What would you do with a TON of seedy pot?

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If the weed is being re-sold or donated or whatnot, simply state to people, this is a odnation to us, we'll sell for any price you deem fair, it has seeds. Selling an inferior product as a one off rarely ruins a reputation (from experience) so long as youu;re truthful about what it is. (for examplke if you are an organic greengrocer, and you can only get non-organic bananas one week, you simply tell people the circumstances and they more than understand :))
Good advise imo. Before I started growing for patients myself I used to go to a few local dispensaries. One of them was selling "Premium Seeded" for about 50% less than their usual prices. It was still really good stuff, and I felt like I got a deal. If they hadn't told me about the seeds or I paid full pop I may have been upset, it's all about setting expectations.
Thanks, ttt! I hadn't seen an acrylic grinder, but those look great.

SB Garlic - I would never buy from a Mexican drug cartel. LOL. I have a legitimate, legal patient in my collective and I've been to his house several times and I've seen his plants. He's a family man and not a drug lord. His pot is legit... as legit as Mec can get. ; )

SB Garlic

Active Member
Thanks, ttt! I hadn't seen an acrylic grinder, but those look great.

SB Garlic - I would never buy from a Mexican drug cartel. LOL. I have a legitimate, legal patient in my collective and I've been to his house several times and I've seen his plants. He's a family man and not a drug lord. His pot is legit... as legit as Mec can get. ; )
Ok man just wanted to make sure, cuz a ton of the mec shit is cartel shit and supporting that is supporting murder and other shit. I'd rather have no smoke than cartel shit.


Well-Known Member
I try to pick the seeds out, then grind up whats left.. If I miss a seed, oh well, doesnt really effect the taste much if the seed is ground up just like the bud..