EPIC Blue cheese grow....


Well-Known Member
good job on the screens i fucked up my first attempt of LST maybe i should of just tried to scrog


Well-Known Member

Hi everyone.

Ok my clones have almost all taken root. So I have potted 1 tray up for you all to see how i have done this.

Firstly i made the medium from.

45% perlight
45% COCO pro
10% clay pellets.

I then cleaned out the tray with a mild bleach and rinsed with water. Then i filled the tray with the medium and using a finger made a hole to transplant the clones into.

After filling the tray with 28 clones i put them under the CFL's in the tent and watered with ph 5.8 and added CANNA start at 1/4 strength.

I have another 4 trays to do over the next couple of days, And as soon as they are all done i will be putting the trays in to the larger room. After a week In the room depending on how well the root's grow, i will transplant again in to the final 12 liter pots. I may give another 3-7 days in the new pots to deal with the stress of the transplant. Then its lights out for 36 hours and the start of 12/12...

As always comments welcomed.




Well-Known Member
whats the idea of the 36 hours of light off before the 12/12.
Hey purp lad.

Well from what i have read, its said that giving plants a prolonged period of darkness before flower encourages the plant to think that the stage for vegatative growth has come to an end and kickstarts the plant in to flowering at a much greater rate at the start of 12/12. Now im not saying this works but I did this with my last grow and my plants started to form bud sites almost immediately. But on a note..... They were already pre flowering.... Do you think that it's possible to just go straight to 12/12 with the clones.....

Hmmmmmm think im going to do some more research on this...

You can go straight to 12/12 with the clones as soon as they root.Alot of people do this almost every sea of green grower does this.


Well-Known Member
You can go straight to 12/12 with the clones as soon as they root.Alot of people do this almost every sea of green grower does this.
Thanks for the info wyteberry lad.

Would it still be classed as SOG if they are veg'd for a week. Its just i think there is space in the room. But on that note i think as soon as they fill the small containers i have put them into then i will transplant and go straight to 12/12.

Thanks for the info wyteberry lad.

Would it still be classed as SOG if they are veg'd for a week. Its just i think there is space in the room. But on that note i think as soon as they fill the small containers i have put them into then i will transplant and go straight to 12/12.

Yeah it will be s.o.g. still if veg for just a week.You can have a harvest every 2-3 weeks with that style keep them small and you can fill your room every 2-3 weeks with new rooted clones.


Well-Known Member
Hey purp lad.

Well from what i have read, its said that giving plants a prolonged period of darkness before flower encourages the plant to think that the stage for vegatative growth has come to an end and kickstarts the plant in to flowering at a much greater rate at the start of 12/12. Now im not saying this works but I did this with my last grow and my plants started to form bud sites almost immediately. But on a note..... They were already pre flowering.... Do you think that it's possible to just go straight to 12/12 with the clones.....

Hmmmmmm think im going to do some more research on this...

i have read that to, i cant say it doesnt work though cuz ive never done it my self. i was just wondering if you had done it before and yes if a plant is in veg and is preflowering it will start to flower sooner in 12/12 than a plant that was not sexually mature.
and you seem to have gottin your answer on the 12/12 from clone


Well-Known Member
Yeah it will be s.o.g. still if veg for just a week.You can have a harvest every 2-3 weeks with that style keep them small and you can fill your room every 2-3 weeks with new rooted clones.

Im sort of still working on the perpetual grow. Im not going to have room to start the perpetual this grow, as my flower room will be rammed packed full with the mothers SCROG'd and the SOG all flowering. But after this grow all being well i will be starting to do perpetual, as i can keep any mothers in the tent. Just got to see what the SOG yields....

I have just aquired 2 blueberry clones and in the next week im going to set up my tent better so i can have 2 x blueberry, 2 x PPP and 2 x Blue cheese growing as mothers. I have also purchased a 250 w HPS light and ballast to go in the tent for the mothers. I'll be changing the timber frame so that the clones sit up as high as they can. And i think the 250 will have enough heat to keep the clones. ( cross that bridge when i come to it tho ) I will document how i put all this together with pictures and update when its done.

But thanks again for the info bro.



Well-Known Member

Hi everybody.

This is the second tray of clone i have potted up...




Well-Known Member
i have read that to, i cant say it doesnt work though cuz ive never done it my self. i was just wondering if you had done it before and yes if a plant is in veg and is preflowering it will start to flower sooner in 12/12 than a plant that was not sexually mature.
and you seem to have gottin your answer on the 12/12 from clone
Yeah man. My only query is..... because all my Mothers that i have SCROG'd are showing pre flowers and the clones are not pre flowering. Will they finish flowering around the same time or will the clones take a week or 2 more to finish.....

The clones should finish around the same time the mother is finished.So when the clones are rooted and you put htme to flower they will take the same amount of time the mother took to flower.