Gravity Scale


Active Member
what the hell does a gravity scale look like? i have used digi scales an some guys are like i got a grav scale... i no how they work an all but what the hell does it look like? please post a pic of grav scales
hew said it has an alligator clip an if thats the one on the left it is really fucked up imma need to be retaught how to use that thing
its the first picture. i used those back in the day. they actually work pretty nicely. but a lot of them arent balanced correctly. i had to add some weight to one of mine to get it right....if you're in the states, just stick a nickel in the alligator clip...nickels weigh 5 grams. i did that at the store to find a good one after i lost the other one.
hew said it has an alligator clip an if thats the one on the left it is really fucked up imma need to be retaught how to use that thing
the one on the left is postal scales. cmt is right about the nickel thing. i dont really like them tho..
i've had a couple of the one on the right. i always just called it a hand scale. i've actually had one that's been through hell that still weighs within .25 of a gram. good enough for a quick check before a sack purchase.