Funny, wacky, brain teaser, joke, cool pics, cool video. Just about anything ya like


Well-Known Member
A guy lives on the 20th floor of an apartment block. Every morning when he leaves he enters the lift (elevator?) and presses the button for the ground floor and goes off to work.
Each evening on his return he enters the elevator, presses the button for the tenth floor - gets out there and walks up the stairs to his apartment.
Why ?
This is too easy. No googling. I think i heard somthing similar. Is it because he is a dwarf and cant reach the upper buttons?


Well-Known Member
Ok i want you to think of a number between 1 - 50, you have to choose a double number. nether decimal is even nor are they the same.....

Keep your number safe in your head. i will post in a couple of times then try to see if i can guess the number your thinking of......


Well-Known Member
lol Damn....... Well im not going to guess again. most times i say this to someone it works but putting it down in text form will make it more complicated. And also its said really quick so that the person choosing doesn't really have time to consider number. and most times out of all the number 37 is chosen. As i say, it don't work all the time but i would say 90% of the time it does. Its a real good 1 to say to a group of mates rather than just one person. because you might not get them all, but you will defo get a few.....Do it to someone in person and do it fast, also ask then to answer straight away when your finished speaking.


Well-Known Member
Come on peep's lets here some funny shit from you.....

You can post up whatever you like if you think its going to be funny or intelectually pleasing. Any pic's or vid's toooooooooo.


Active Member
Hi everybody.......:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Ok so i think that we need to bring some light hearted fun to this site, where we can all just sit back and flick through this thread for a giggle, Or to just down right mess with your mind when your high as a fricking kite.....

You can post what every you like on this thread as long as its funny to you and other. or its going to test your fellow grower.....

Here is an example of mine to kick us off....


3 women live together in a flat that has no TV. So the 3 women decide to go to a TV shop to buy 1 for the flat. So the next day the 3 women set of shopping to the TV shop in town. When they get there they take a look around and see a TV that they all agree to purchase.

The TV is £30.

So they all give the shop keeper £10 each.

3 x £10 = £30.

They are happy with there buy and set of home, TV in hand.

Once they left the shop, The shopkeeper thinks to himself???? " i have over charged tho's Lady's by £5.

So he calls his little assistant and say's. " here are 5 pound coins, run and catch up tho's ladys and give it to them"

The little assistant starts running after the ladys, but on the way to them thinks to himself. " They dont know how much they have been over charged. I'll give them 1 pound back each "

So he catches them and gives them a 1 pound back each

Ok so now he gave them a pound they have only spent £9 each.

3 x £9 = £27.

The little assistant pocketed £2

So £27 + £2 = £29.

So where as the other pound gone???????????????????????????????????????:confused:

Thanks for taking the time to go through this and i hope you have somthing to add....:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
there is no missing pound.
you have 30 - 5 = 25 + 3 then pocked 2 = 30 pounds.
its all there
A man and his wife are having sex when their 10 year old son walks in and screams, "Oh my God!"

The husband says "I'll go to his room and explain to him what was going on."

When the father walks in he finds his son having sex with his grandmother.

The father screams "Oh my God!!!"

"Yeah," the son replies, "It's not so funny when it's YOUR mother!"


Active Member
how is it not?
you have 30 for the tv
its really 25 pounds, some discount?
so 30- 5 = 25+3+2=30 with the 2 pounds the attendant pocketed
the 3 woman paid 27 pounds when they should have paid 25

so, there is no missing pound, but two stolen pounds!
this is what i meant above anyhow...very stoned