you know your ghetto! but your ghetto with a GREAT BUZZ!!!
I think that's a good move mate. It will stabilise the temps as we move into Autumn and the loft gets colder. Plants all looking goodLooking forward to seeing what you do wit that cupboard.
That Jack herrer link you posted is the real deal tamjam, it has all the bells and whistles. IMHO that's as good as it gets from the seedbanks.
That is what i thought v12 and now you just rubbed it in i may just order one in a few weeksit does sound like the cream of the crop, we will see
edit: Just noticed that it only comes in regular form!! just imagine buying two and them both being males![]()
looks good tam, i like the cabinet within the door, very discreet!
Looking good tamjamHave you got the extraction sorted yet? All very stealthy.
yo hows that pricy see that i suggested getting on? i forgot to sub to your thread! subbing know
Wake and bake!!!
nice work man, nice. simple yet effective. i have a space under my stairs i want to do that with. but it does not currently have any openings, so i would have to pull out the big saws and cut up shit, so i passed for now!!
I'm subscribed mate all looks good