• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!


Active Member
i smoked a bit of some 20x from an opium pipe once, i hate that shit, it was like the uncomfortable part to the come up on acid...everything kinda went block...like it felt cubist and there was one of those old 60 min kinda stop watches back and to my left counting down till it was over...yuck


my wife bought me some 20X salvia extract and i went up into my room to chill and smoke it . i tryed the leaves before but only got a headache so i figured this would be sorta the same , tho i figured what the hell .

i packed a whole bowl of salvia sat indian style , turned on the tv and prceeded to take the biggest hit i could . suddenly i began to cough ....... ugh oh !
I fell back into bed hacking and suddenly colors came in from my periferal ( sp ? ) vision . then it happened , i forgot i was on a drug ! i guess from falling back and trying to get up i was hallucinating that i was in a flipping room with one window out ( which later i realized was the tv ) and i had this dreadful feeling that my life had been ripped away from me and this flipping room would never stop and that this was my eternity .
the next thing i knew i was down stairs in the living room ( felt like i fell through the floor! ) staring at my wife and mother in law . they had a dumbfounded look on there faces . i had drool running out of my mouth and onto my shirt and i had a dead freaked out look .
you wouldnt believe the relief i had coming out of that trip .

i will never do it again !!!!!!!


Active Member
The first time I smoked it I felt like I was on that boat going through the tunnel in willy wonkas chocolate factory.

The second time I smoked it I went in to a cartoon type dimension. I was a toy that these kids were playing with. At one point my body felt like it was getting pulled or rolled up. TRippy shit for sure


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd add my ever so wonderful experience.

I had purchased the 10x extract. I watched two people take a small hit and I felt they handled it like pussies. So I loaded my bubbler with a full bowl (decent size bowl, 3-4 hits for bud), anyhow, I ripped that whole bowl down and held it in for 10 seconds maybe. It doesn't taste good, especially when you vomit and piss your pants at the same time you exhale the smoke. I didn't know who I was, where I was, or what was going on. I had dropped my bubbler on the cement floor of the garage, somehow it didn't break. At first I literally thought I was in the movie The Butterfly Effect, and after a few min I slowly grasped reality.

All the while there are 5 people laughing histarically, how could they not? My motor skills were completely gone for 5 minutes or so. I was cussing my friends out something fierce; and they said all I was doing was drooling and shouting gibberish.

After I had come down (or came back??) I told everyone that I would have probably ended my life had they handed me a gun. So needless to say I won't smoke it again, but a few people I know have smoked it more than once and would smoke it right now if you offered it to them.


Active Member
Jeeez! First time i tried it dont know how much x extract but it was strong. Most of my friends where on ground after 1st hit. I took first one, then second one and was fucked up, later while triping i saw the bottle with salvia coming my way and i took another hit. Than i totally faded away. I was like falling into abyss. Everything just everything was going upwards and i was like falling into something. I kinda didnt like it, i though it will never end :D In the place we smoked it was house party full of ppl. And we were all crawling on ground lol (who smoked)


Active Member
Not sure a house party is the best place for it...although one of my best trips with sally was a houseparty, but tbh once a few people started hitting the bong it became more of a salvia party...


Well-Known Member
ok so one night my friend made a video on you tube of him doing 120x huge hit like 400,000 views in a month and he called me up and let me try it and i hit it outta bowl and held it about 30 secnds and let out then everything was like one as my body was being pulled to the right and there were blue and yellow worlds of the same world but i was in the blue side while my fist wouldnt come outta the yellow and my friends car handle was turning into like a liquid and i sat down casue i didnt understand anything or couldnt see anyone just hear them as everything spun around until reality came back , and i walked home

about 6 months later my other friend has salvia 80 x and says come to my house and try it and me and about other friends went to his house in his back yard and we had to make a water bottle pipe...that i made pretty good lol and all my friends did it and only did littel hits and tripped lightly and it was my turn and he gave me alot of the powdery leaf and i took a huge rip help it for 30 seconds but as iwas holding it my friend put another leaf in the bowl when i let out i took another hit thinking oh 120 x wasnt to crazy ...man was i fucking wrong i let out the second hit of 80 x at 10 seconds and i was sitting on the stairs and all my friends were in wooden chairs and when i got the first inhale of fresh air my mind was fucking from my right side to my face was just one thing and i wanted it to like stay at that ,Basically nothing was moving the picture was frozen and i could hear everyone talking still then my body got the pulling feeling the i started full speed running around the table and chairs

all i saw was red and blue and yellow and green bricks spinning around my eyes i thought i was on a roller coaster going around them and i saw there heads going all over the place and i couldnt stop asking them to shut it off they laughed but i was serious lol , and i sat down to make them think i was ok and there fucking dog runs up to me and licks m face and trippin omg that was like a crazy disney movie i go u pquick and was liek wtf but couldnt fully talk haha then it winded down and i just chillin out and everyones asking me what it was like since they didnt even tripp good they all took littel hits

i found salvia 80x a more crazy tripp then the 120x but i also belive its casue 80x i had more fine powdery leaves and i took 2 hits


earlier today i had a mad trip, i was smoking in a field mixing it with some strong weed. after 1 of my friends tripped i was thinking i was fine but after my 4th or 5th bong hit i just spaced out without realising and after about 30 seconds i tried to move my leg as i was led down and it moved in slow motion as if i was in space, i just couldnt move or do anything without it being slow motion, i looked at my friends and they were moving and speaking in slow motion, at first i enjoyed it but then i tried to move around abit so the world would go back to normal speed, i then got up but apparently fell straight back down, at this point i was tripping balls and led down on my stomach, i felt like i was about a foot into the ground and only my head wasnt buried by the mud, then i started thinking about being buried alive and i felt like i was losing air to breathe and i got very clostrophobic and started panicing, then a friend put some nirvana on and i just concentrated on the music and tried to pull myself out the trip by thinking its just the drugs, but i kept spacing out and coming back every 2mins or so, it was scary as everytime i came back i panicd as i thought one of my friends was going to trip, although i was the one tripping.... at times it wasnt the nicest experience ever and when i panicd i swore in my head id never take drugs again but the overall trip you have of salvia is amazing.. as i look back on what happend earlier i am looking forward to taking some more salvia soon. :) thanks for reading guys


Pickle Queen
ok i'm in canada and we can buy very potent salvia at any local convenience store (well most do, if they sell pipes and shit they have salvia its legal here)
all i remember was i was watching a Tool video ( vicarious i think) i took a hit , held it in as long as i could, then i'm told i tried to talk but all that came out was babababa- lmfao then i thought i was gonna lose it,i thought i was on the side of a ship leaning over the railing?? as i'm trying to understand what the fuck is happening the buzz starts to go away.Then trying to explain to someone what happened was even more fucked up-lol I tried alot of "stuff" when i was in my teens but nothing comes close to smoking really good salvia.


Well-Known Member
my experience with Salvia:

it wasn't the first time i had used it, but this time was much more significant.
In fact, it was so intense, that i immediately forgot the experience after. All I knew was that I was happy to be back to Earth.
For some reason I've been able to recall those events after they've been deleted.
Also there seems to be some significance to the words "REALIZATION." All I could remember was my thoughts trying to explain "I came upon the realization...." and that I can't ever finish that sentence, it is too hard to comprehend what was the real reality.

So I took the pipe and took a big hit of some 60X. Held it in, and suddenly, I am in some magic room. It morphs into other rooms and other times. I can't move, I am completely alone, and I feel very unpleasant. I don't know if I felt physical or emotional pain, but it was annoying to say the least. Suddenly I noticed that everytime I tried to focus on what was in front of me, the current time would change. And I think I kept looking into the future.. other people say they go back to the past, well I think I went to the future. I wondered if I'd ever come back, but there was a certain peace. Little did I know this trip was far from over.

Suddenly there was a conversation between me and someone else. Then the thought tickled my mind again, I came upon the realization that the other person was also me, and I was talking for both people. I would say my words first, and then D's, and them mine, then D's, I didn't remember exactly what was said, but I remember that I was extremely upset that D who is a significant person in my life right now, was being controlled by me in salvia world.

From what happened there is even harder to explain, and I don't want to assume that anything specific happened, but it was like I was experiencing the lives of other beings around me, not just humans, but pets too. I just didn't understand, but I saw what I saw, then these memories are deleted, so they are very hard to recall on.

The final and scary part of the trip, is well, there seemed to be an evil entity in control of this trip toward the end, they would make jokes about my life, my loved ones, and loved to laugh about everything. All I can remember is that I was really sad, and it especially pains me living in today, and recalling that this being was laughing at my life as it is now, and laughing at the others around me. They also made threats that they would torture me and D in the future. I hope I am ready for that if it ever comes.


Active Member
i suppose ill post my salvia trip/rant.

i wrote this years ago, and saved it for just this purpose.

Salvia divinorum:

Oh god....Worst drug ive ever done.

And ive done a few...or more.

But salvia is by far the worst trip ive had.

If you want to do it, get like 20X, or stronger...Use a bong, and a torch lighter....After taking a huge hit, hold it in for 10-20 seconds...It will taste bad.

If its done properly, youll "black out" right after exhaling..and youll probably launch into some crazy hallucination...And you'll get up and walk around with no control over what you're doing...You'll most likely walk outside, which is dangerous.

All of my friends had basically the same thing...

Except with me, for about 2-3hrs afterwards, i had increased heart rate and heavy breathing..i was very scared.

Right after exhaling..my eyes filled with static "that shit on old tv's...w/e", then i got up and started walking around and yelling....My entire sense of being was abolished, i felt out of this world....I felt like someone was dragging me to a place i could never return from...the dragging feeling continued...I saw all my friends and family disappear before my eyes.

Then i regained conciousness...My friends and brother telling me to calm down...They had no idea the horror i had just felt...

I seriously thought i was going away somewhere...

Never again will i do salvia. Worst trip ever...

If you're seeking a cheap, legal hallucination, then this is it...But be warned....the hallucinations are very powerful and you can lose control of your bodily functions/ Motor skills.

In my opinion, this is more dangerous than marijuana, lsd...even mushrooms.

Oh, the hallucinations and shit only last about 2-15 minutes.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
how i tell people what salvia is like is i call it ketamines big brother like taking k and cooking it up into a crack rock. try it sometime when your tripping


Active Member
That stuff has no effect on me whatsoever, just gave me a headache. Its been years since I tried it, but my girlfriend did it at the same time and she had a very profound trip where she talked to the green lady and she told her I wouldnt understand. She told me this before she knew I hadnt had any effects. She described a few common aspects of the trip that I had read about before but she didnt know much about it beforehand. It was neat to hear her describe the same effects other people had. It was a waste for me and I havent had it since. Maybe its gotten better/more potent since then. But I seem to have an unnatural tolerance to most drugs.


Hey! awesome thread man, I've been dying to explain my crazy journey. Here comes the madness haha!

So my Salvia kit arrived today from Coffeesh0p.

I was really eager to try it so I filled up my pipe half way with x5 Salvia. After, I felt a little light, but nothing too exciting, so I filled another bowl up about half way again as I wasn't up for a bad experience, and that I was nervous since it was my first ever time smoking it. After a few seconds I felt quite confused, no visuals. I remember looking at my jet lighter and pipe and saying things aloud like "This doesn't make any sense" I was very confused by this point and wanted to just chill out and forget everything else because too much thinking would overload my brain.

2 minutes later the experience wasn't carrying any further so I packed my pipe this time and smoke it. As soon as I exhaled I could feel my heart beating quite strongly, my blood flow felt as if it were carrying needles especially around my cheeks and legs. Little did I know that it was soon going to be the end of reality.

I stood up and sat on my chair at my computer, the effects started to kick in quite extreme. Still no visuals but I drifted off from the world and got insanely confused, I felt as if I were boxed in a confined space so I leaped out my chair, rushed to the door and opened it, saying "What?!" a few times quite loud. I looked around and nothing made sense, nothing at all. After closing the door I was reassured that there were other objects outside my room as I thought that my room was the only place left in the house, and that everything outside my door was a big black hole of nothing. I sat back down but started to panic as I started to feel quite lost, trying to say things aloud but only noises escaped my mouth. I stared at my computer monitor and imagined a rotating spiral in my mind, I was hypnotized by it and I somehow managed to make myself believe that if I became one with the spiral and breathed the same way I would live. So all these crazy breathing patterns started happening but I felt settled, for a good few seconds. Then when I stopped this insane breathing technique I lost it, and thought I was dying. I stood up really scared and looked at my roof, I thought that everyone in the house were on top of my ceiling watching me, waiting for me to stop breathing like the spiral in my mind. I was genuinely waiting for my ceiling to lift up to reveal my Mum, Dad and sister laughing at me telling me that I've never existed, that my whole life has been false. That reality was nothing. I lay down on my bed and remember wishing that the experience would end. I eventually became really down, thinking the trip wouldn't end and that I would have to live the rest of my days feeling the way I did, ultimately becoming a psychopath. I became really hot so I removed my T-shirt. Tossing and turning every few seconds because the tingly feeling was making me really agitated.

About 5 minutes passed and I felt a little better, but I was shivering like hell! I was glad that things made sense again.

So yeah. Overall, First time having 3 bowls wasn't a great idea, I wished I'd stuck with just the one. It was terrifying.

About 30 minutes later, I convinced myself to have another. Just the one this time! Haha. It was better, I felt more in control. Still, that bloody tingly feeling is really uncomfortable. But it was more pleasant.

I can't imagine what smoking 1g of the stuff would do to someone! Not up for trying to be honest. :p

Insane stuff, but be careful it's strong! I only had x5 and it proved quite nasty.

I'll read some other posts to see if there's any similar effects.




Well-Known Member
You need some practice to find your feet with salvia.
The ego is a strange thing, when the centre of your conciousness disentangles from your physical form the ego is desperate to define itself, even if it is as the last thing it observed, then you become a chair, or a wall or whatever...
Once you learn to beat this autopilot system of BEING SOMETHING, which takes a shitload of letting go, things get more navigable. I have yet to experience a substance that produces the visual beaty of salvia.