Number of plants per sq. footage


Active Member
BF LSD is the shit- great smell, potent smoke, and it will give you the munchies. It loves nutes and is a very durable plant. 16 won't be too much as long as the plants don't get too big in veg.


Active Member
BF LSD is the shit- great smell, potent smoke, and it will give you the munchies. It loves nutes and is a very durable plant. 16 won't be too much as long as the plants don't get too big in veg.
I'm thinking about using a small 4.5' x 2' x 4' tall mother keeper tent with 4 T5 fluro's to put my mother plant in and start my clones in until they are about 2-3' tall. Then of course they'd be put into the 5'x5' tent that has a 600w HPS bulb.

Would 2-3 feet be too big to vegg the plants?

I'm also curious if vegging the plants under fluorescents would lower the potency even though they would be flowered under a 600w HPS.


Active Member
I grow mine under 8 t5s for veg and they don't have any issues with potency. You might be using 4, but I don't see where this will hurt you too much- once you put them under the 600 they will really fill out. I don't think you should wait until they are 3 feet- 2 1/2 at the most. One idea, if you are willing to wait the time, is to let one veg for about 3 months, but top it so it doesn't grow up too much, but it will grow out. I'm not trying to plug a product, but I have mine in 8" pots of Pro-Mix and flowered once 14-18 inches tall and they are filling out well. Pro-Mix is a lot more pH tolerant than rockwool, and the roots can grow a lot better in Pro-Mix. It also happens to be 1/4 the cost of rockwool, and is reusable. I use GH nutes, and so far I have given up to 8 tsp per gallon of nutes; pH tested from 4.9 to 6.8 with no ill effects, but as of late I have been keeping the pH at 5.8.

Don't forget to take some cuttings of each seed you pop- it is a keeper strain and you want to make sure you can perpetuate the plant with the best traits. Hope this helps, and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.


Active Member
I grow mine under 8 t5s for veg and they don't have any issues with potency. You might be using 4, but I don't see where this will hurt you too much- once you put them under the 600 they will really fill out. I don't think you should wait until they are 3 feet- 2 1/2 at the most. One idea, if you are willing to wait the time, is to let one veg for about 3 months, but top it so it doesn't grow up too much, but it will grow out. I'm not trying to plug a product, but I have mine in 8" pots of Pro-Mix and flowered once 14-18 inches tall and they are filling out well. Pro-Mix is a lot more pH tolerant than rockwool, and the roots can grow a lot better in Pro-Mix. It also happens to be 1/4 the cost of rockwool, and is reusable. I use GH nutes, and so far I have given up to 8 tsp per gallon of nutes; pH tested from 4.9 to 6.8 with no ill effects, but as of late I have been keeping the pH at 5.8.

Don't forget to take some cuttings of each seed you pop- it is a keeper strain and you want to make sure you can perpetuate the plant with the best traits. Hope this helps, and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
What good would growing out rather than growing up do? Would that increase the yield?