Hillary on Meet the Press ...


New Member
Did anyone besides myself watch Tim Russert's interview with Hillary Clinton this morning on Meet The Press?

One thing she said that really stood out to me was that if elected president, in an effort to "cure" the prime mortgage situation, she would FREEZE interest rates.

Anyone remember what happened when Jimmy Carter FROZE gasoline prices? How about when Nixon FROZE wages and prices?

Anytime government puts a lid on the free market, shortages are the result. If we want mortgage money to completly dry up, the best thing to do would be to artificially control interest rates. Bah!

Will these communists in our midst never learn?



New Member
Did anyone besides myself watch Tim Russert's interview with Hillary Clinton this morning on Meet The Press?

One thing she said that really stood out to me was that if elected president, in an effort to "cure" the prime mortgage situation, she would FREEZE interest rates.

Anyone remember what happened when Jimmy Carter FROZE gasoline prices? How about when Nixon FROZE wages and prices?

Anytime government puts a lid on the free market, shortages are the result. If we want mortgage money to completly dry up, the best thing to do would be to artificially control interest rates. Bah!

Will these communists in our midst never learn?

Will these Nazis in our midst never learn?


Well-Known Member
Did anyone besides myself watch Tim Russert's interview with Hillary Clinton this morning on Meet The Press?

Will these Nazis in our midst never learn?
As for now Russert can kiss my gluteous. The unfair, yellow attack, on Dr. Paul was unwarrented.

To me the economic condition in both Nixon1 and Carter looked alot like this Bush2 situation. Each time there were way too many dollars in circulation. The dollar values are low. There is a high level of unemployment or underemployment. We have had a grossly unbalanced budget, in each of these administrations.

Price controls never work more than a few months at best. A real politition NEVER wants to fix a problem completely. Only fix it a little and break something else in the process. We should dramaticly reduced foreign spending and increase domestic spending a little, in areas that are labor intensive.

Ron Paul sums it up nicely. Because to him, almost every national problem is either a states-rights issue or macro economics.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I watched it....I get the same vibe watching her speak as I do when George Bush speaks. I can just tell she has an evil soul.


New Member
anyone but hillary for president. Other than ron paul I think we have bad choices this election.
I think it's bubble bursting time. "They" would never let R.P. be president, any more than Gravel or Kucinich. Who are "They" you say. "They" are the men behind all things evil, wars, oppresion, genocide, WMDs, Man made diseases, etc.....
They are the bankers that own the FED, The oil Barons, The defense contractors that feed off war, All the friends of the elite in every country on earth, The members of the Bilderberg if you will. "They" are the ones that have sold their soul to the "Devil". Even if the people elected a reformist, "They" would never let him get the job done. Sooo.... What are we to do? Well, common sense says to vote for the lessor of the two evils, forget parties, research the candidates and pick the one that can win and do the least damage, maybe even make some improvements. Untill we can pry the power from "Their" cold dead hands, there will be no reforming, no legalization of any drugs, no restoration of civil rights, no end to war. "They" have stolen hope and turned this planet into a prison. It's only the degree of containment that you are limited to that separates the inner city Ghetto dweller from the upscale suburbanite, and of course that great equalizer, Money. Money can almost set you free. Sorry to bring this up, but someone has to do it.


Well-Known Member
I think it's bubble bursting time. "They" would never let R.P. be president, any more than Gravel or Kucinich. Who are "They" you say. "They" are the men behind all things evil, wars, oppresion, genocide, WMDs, Man made diseases, etc.....
They are the bankers that own the FED, The oil Barons, The defense contractors that feed off war, All the friends of the elite in every country on earth, The members of the Bilderberg if you will. "They" are the ones that have sold their soul to the "Devil". Even if the people elected a reformist, "They" would never let him get the job done. Sooo.... What are we to do? Well, common sense says to vote for the lessor of the two evils, forget parties, research the candidates and pick the one that can win and do the least damage, maybe even make some improvements. Untill we can pry the power from "Their" cold dead hands, there will be no reforming, no legalization of any drugs, no restoration of civil rights, no end to war. "They" have stolen hope and turned this planet into a prison. It's only the degree of containment that you are limited to that separates the inner city Ghetto dweller from the upscale suburbanite, and of course that great equalizer, Money. Money can almost set you free. Sorry to bring this up, but someone has to do it.
I enjoy reading your posts MM. At first I thought you were just nuts but I see the truth's in what you write and agree with you on this as well.


Active Member
If one had to vote Dem, I really like Richardson....its sad he had no support. And there was a guy with even less support who seemed ok (forget his name). I really agree with the I can't put a finger on it but Clinton is evil. Two families get to rule this country.... know there saddly is a double Bush ticket waiting for Clinton your next President to serve her 8 years.


New Member
What I am saying is we have no good leaders. We need better than bush or clinton. We need better peolpe running, but your right without the inside edge you dont have a chance.
How thoroughly defeatist. I don't blame the extremists nearly as much as I blame compromise centrists who are willing to eat shit waiting for tomorrow to come because they lack the conviction to "waste" their vote.


Well-Known Member
I think it's bubble bursting time. "They" would never let R.P. be president, any more than Gravel or Kucinich. Who are "They" you say. "They" are the men behind all things evil, wars, oppresion, genocide, WMDs, Man made diseases, etc.....
They are the bankers that own the FED, The oil Barons, The defense contractors that feed off war, All the friends of the elite in every country on earth, The members of the Bilderberg if you will. "They" are the ones that have sold their soul to the "Devil". Even if the people elected a reformist, "They" would never let him get the job done. Sooo.... What are we to do? Well, common sense says to vote for the lessor of the two evils, forget parties, research the candidates and pick the one that can win and do the least damage, maybe even make some improvements. Untill we can pry the power from "Their" cold dead hands, there will be no reforming, no legalization of any drugs, no restoration of civil rights, no end to war. "They" have stolen hope and turned this planet into a prison. It's only the degree of containment that you are limited to that separates the inner city Ghetto dweller from the upscale suburbanite, and of course that great equalizer, Money. Money can almost set you free. Sorry to bring this up, but someone has to do it.
as far as i know noone will convince me to vote for someone just because theyll have a better chance my beliefs are that ron paul shares similar beliefs to me, and he is the only one and i would not vote for anyone else,
yes the elite are a sad truth but it doesnt mean awareness to the people of whats going on isnt impossible. the truth is the elite have been the power for a long time and have been trying to push ron paul down for this whole time. hes only bringing out more awareness every day! he is fighting a battle that i think is dificult but his news is growing, and his supporters are fighting harder than ever. people will see that economically and politicaly ron paul is the way to go. the media is trying so hard and making it obvious that they are pushing a almost hateful message agaisnt a good one and a good person.
man up medicine and be your own person, are you just going to do what they tell you? im sorry but you did not burst mine or my fellow supporters who became aware of the elite and then became a ron paul supporters bubble. im sorry medicine your a good man but would you tell someone with cancer to give up? why are you pushing negative thoughts on people who find a positive message for positive change, and they are fuckin pumped!


New Member
"why are you pushing negative thoughts on people who find a positive message for positive change, and they are fuckin pumped!"

It's called "Stinkin' Thinkin'.." :blsmoke:



New Member
The arrogance of our so called "leaders" is appalling. I mean Hillary Clinton saying she would "freeze" interest rates if elected president? What has this woman done that would qualify her as an expert in economics? I hope someone asks her what the results would be if interest rates were frozen. Sheesh! :roll:



Well-Known Member
yeah i know huh but its her and the others who with no doubt have campaign advisers who tell them what to talk about and publicists who teach them how to say and look. movie stars and musicians have them, they are going to be all over the world on different tvs, ill just say i havent bought in to it. with ron paul you see clear motiv compared to others who are just using strategy to win and being told what to say, thats why they smirk when he speaks cause there are no real fast meaningful combacks they have in mind


Well-Known Member
Vi, I don't support Hillary and never would. I think she was talking about freezing the interest rates on sub-prime ARM's at the time. Most of them are 'scheduled to up'. Federal intervention will be like the savings and loan fiasco. We will bail out the 'investors' to 'save' the poor homeowner. You can't change bad behavior by rewarding it. VV


Well-Known Member
The arrogance of our so called "leaders" is appalling. I mean Hillary Clinton saying she would "freeze" interest rates if elected president? What has this woman done that would qualify her as an expert in economics? I hope someone asks her what the results would be if interest rates were frozen. Sheesh! :roll:

I believe that class is macro economic theory, course number 102. Step to the left and pay the registrar.


New Member
Vi, I don't support Hillary and never would. I think she was talking about freezing the interest rates on sub-prime ARM's at the time. Most of them are 'scheduled to up'. Federal intervention will be like the savings and loan fiasco. We will bail out the 'investors' to 'save' the poor homeowner. You can't change bad behavior by rewarding it. VV
Exactly, VV ...

I saw it with my own eyes. Mortgage brokers encouraging borrowers to lie on their loan applications to get into properties they couldn't afford. The borrowers were counting on the real estate market to continue to escalate so they could reap a 25% return on the total price of the property in a year with no money invested. Those who got in at the peak are the ones who are clamoring for help now. And of course, there are always disingenuous politicians like Hillary Clinton who will come to the "rescue" ... and garner votes in the process. The answer as always is to keep government out of the equation and just let things be. Let the shake-out happen.
