Male, Female or too early?


Active Member
the first 2 pics look a little early to tell .. but the last pic at the bottom of the shoot is that a sac?


Well-Known Member
Yea it is starting to look suspect indeed! I'm about to check in a minute to see if anything has changed in the past 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
that might be a sac indeed. if anything, alice at nirvana will happily ship you another seed or credit it to another order. shes awsome!


Well-Known Member
Upon intense examination this morning I noticed this while looking at the pictures I had taken. Is that a pistil on the left node? It looks just like one. It looks more like it in the 8MP image, this resized one seems like it's less noticeable.



Well-Known Member
Here's another picture, the more I look and take pictures the more it's looking like it's going hermi...


Still nothing on my other plant, at least I don't see anything that resembles balls. Hope it doesn't hermi on me.

Think I'll germ another bubble seed today do a 12/12 from seed.


Active Member
that last pic on page 2 here looks male for sure... but if you wanna be sure i dont think it till hurt to wait a day or 2 just to be 100% sure