First BIG grow, strain seems laggy for short canadian season?

this is my 3rd grow, first attempt ended when i moved and sold my vegging closet grow to my friend, had 2 plants last year that got found and stolen around september. finally partnered up with someone and did it big!!! strain seems to be a sativa of some sort, supposedly "bomb" names of pics depict times that photos were taken. last pics are a few days before this post. and expect to harvest in end of october. would to hear yielding estimates. i hope these buds explode in the next month as it seems slow going, every week buds are just only "noticably" bigger. but isnt until nowish that its a true 12/12 rather then 13/11

there are 2 crops of 33 clones. 1st crop (biggest) is the pots that have more of a straight through walkway planted early/mid june... smaller crop being the one with the more "U" shapped pot layout, planted mid july, thanx to our slacker clone dealer/pusher.

soil: Lambert LM3
Nutes: 70 day release beads for veg/bat guano, Sonic boost for flowering
water: from the stream

pics start around end of july as the small crop is still small just a few weeks in veg. we think it may be to shaded but dunno if it is a big problem



Well-Known Member
Looks like ya put them out too late.
How long have they been flowering?

One more thing unless you are a legal grower ya might want to remove your face from those pics, i dont know how things are in canada but ya gotta keep safe.
had a hard time chronologically listing 20 photos... lol. my frist post, bin meaning to register and post this for awhile. anyways to see the APPROX times of when these pics were taken, double click to fullsize, and the file name will read what time of what month it is and you can just skim through or w/e.

thnx for looking, and feedback is appreciated. next year will be bigger, and in a more well lit spot, and will all be planted in first week of june. again LOOKING for YIELD estimates please :)
Looks like ya put them out too late.
How long have they been flowering?

One more thing unless you are a legal grower ya might want to remove your face from those pics, i dont know how things are in canada but ya gotta keep safe.
been flowering for 3-4weeks now, 4 weeks ago was just a few hairs if that even counts. hopefully in 6 weeks they will be full blast. and yes one crop was planted much to late. but you can see the pics of the biggest few is the ones planted at a decent time

also i doubt authorities browse this site and use high tech face matching software to track us.


Well-Known Member
I cant get the pic date info like you said, maybe you could just tell us how long they have been flowering.
I cant get the pic date info like you said, maybe you could just tell us how long they have been flowering.
when you double click and it shows it in fullsize, the title of the pic will be for instance... midsept1.jpeg or midaug2.jpeg

midsep pics are newest taken a few days ago.

and read the post above yours, it states flowering time


Well-Known Member
the shading is making a big difference. your buds would be a lot bigger if they were getting full or at least half a day full sun, from your pics it looks like it's shaded most the day..
the shading is making a big difference. your buds would be a lot bigger if they were getting full or at least half a day full sun, from your pics it looks like it's shaded most the day..
me and my buddy moved the 2 smallest 2 a full sunny area and in a week it made no difference. They all have the EXACT same budd sizes no matter the size of the plant or the amount of sun there getting. allthough, it isnt "fully" shaded. there is always some "sunny spots" that shift around throughout the day. trying to avoid chopper sightings and such. i geuss next year we will take our chances and plant in the open. perhaps then it would be a wiser idea to put them in the ground to make em less visible.

hopefully well atleast have enough to smoke throught the year, i would hope so anyways with 66 clones, even if growth is limited due to lack of sun

i expect to get a half pound from the biggest one pictured in the top row on the far right


Well-Known Member
a week is barely time to make a difference man. trust me photosynthesis is how a plant grows and that's form absorbtion of light. either way the more light the bigger and the stronger your plant will be.