The Best! Absolute Best!

Which is the best?

  • White Widow

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • AK-47

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Blueberry

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Sour Diesel

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Northern Lights

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
What is the absolute best kind you can get? I'm not a grower, I'm looking to buy and re-sell. I recently copped a zone for $100 and the shit was garbage, basically got jerked, because I sold it back to a homie of mine for $70, so I said fuck it, I'ma save up $450 to $500+ and just go in on some extreme shit, out of town, that no one around here really has. So what should I get? Northern Lights? White Widow? AK-47? Blueberry? Sour Diesel? My spot doesn't have a lot of shit, that I know of, and if we do it's probably not the easiest to find, so I would love suggestions on pricing. I'm trying to move it for $30 to $40 a gram, if I get high quality shit like that. Rare around my area from what I can tell. I'm a beginner, though, so please drop knowledge for me to soak up. Thanks.


Active Member
Sour-d is popular for sure, but Out of the above listed, White widow packs the most punch!


Well-Known Member
$30 or $40 a gram is really expensive, I don't care how good it is. Where do you live where people will pay that?
mrboots, they may not, it's all a give and pull type thing. I'm just trying to test the waters to see if they'll go for it. If not, I'll drop the price, for sure. Depends on how much I get it for, too.

But I had a feeling White Widow would be popular from the research I did on it. Sounds like one of the best you can get.

Thanks for the replies!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
None and all of the above. Anyones opinion can be anything. Why not ask someone who'd be buying from you, at least then his opinion is just slightly more useful than some random opinion from a forum. And even then it's still just one persons opinion though.

And agreed, at $30-40 a gram the dealer would be getting a fair slap.

Just to hopefully make it clear to you, there is no best you can get, there is just personal preference.


Well-Known Member
Those are all nice strains but nothing i would pay $40 a gram for. at that price i want it to give me a back rub too
None and all of the above. Anyones opinion can be anything. Why not ask someone who'd be buying from you, at least then his opinion is just slightly more useful than some random opinion from a forum. And even then it's still just one persons opinion though.

And agreed, at $30-40 a gram the dealer would be getting a fair slap.

Just to hopefully make it clear to you, there is no best you can get, there is just personal preference.
I couldnt have said it better myself
Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I know now that when I buy it, they can't be charging any ridiculous shit. I'm thinking I have to spend $450 to $500 a zone for shit like this, which is why I shot the price up, or will it cost about that? I'm still learning how to gauge the pricing from low quality to high quality. Maybe I should stop hoping to double my profit just off of a one oz. flip, too. lol

But yeah, I see weed is like food, you can never get the same answer when you ask for favorites.


Well-Known Member
40 a gram?

dealers like you can go fuck themselves.

tell your supplier to go fuck himself too, cause your being ripped off if your paying that much an oz.

your being ripped off, your customers (if you even have any) are being ripped off even more.

YOur business wont last long, anyone with a brain will laugh at your prices.
Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I know now that when I buy it, they can't be charging any ridiculous shit. I'm thinking I have to spend $450 to $500 a zone for shit like this, which is why I shot the price up, or will it cost about that? I'm still learning how to gauge the pricing from low quality to high quality. Maybe I should stop hoping to double my profit just off of a one oz. flip, too. lol

But yeah, I see weed is like food, you can never get the same answer when you ask for favorites.
Honestly anything over 400 would be too much.I would be aiming for 350 or 400 the most to pay for it shit thats how much i used to sell my shit for.Now i just happily smoke my stuff.
Really get a job that would be the best and smart thing to do.You wont get money selling dimes and 20s no good.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Those prices look similar if not more (per ounce) to what you would pay on the street as the end user, certainly not what the wholesale dealer would normally be paying.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I know now that when I buy it, they can't be charging any ridiculous shit. I'm thinking I have to spend $450 to $500 a zone for shit like this, which is why I shot the price up, or will it cost about that? I'm still learning how to gauge the pricing from low quality to high quality. Maybe I should stop hoping to double my profit just off of a one oz. flip, too. lol

But yeah, I see weed is like food, you can never get the same answer when you ask for favorites.

This is why alot of us started growing, we were tired of getting ripped of by guys like you!!
30-40 a gram???? You can keep it!!

Why would some one pay that when thay can grow their own for around 2 dollars a gram.

You should get the fuck out of here while you still can. People like you arent looked at too kindly around here!
superbak3d, I haven't even purchased it yet, those numbers are just roughdraft digits, nothing locked yet. I may get it much cheaper than I'm anticipating which will definitely make me readjust my pricing. I can already tell my shit will go for $20-$25 now. Glad I asked you guys first, before a customer laughed and walked away. I've sold before, but never nothing of this caliber. I'm used to the dirt, cheap shit.

wyte and tip top, I see what ya'll are saying. I've never even purchased it before, I don't even know who I'm getting it from yet. I just have a friend that I visit out of town and she has hookups, so I'ma find my connect through her. Hopefully she got enough pull to get her person to sell it to me for a real good deal. I know once I start buying qtr lbs and all, the price will drop significantly. And haha, I do work, but I'm in college right now, working part time and I need more dough.

DirtFree, I am a BEGINNER, dude! I've never dealt with high powered shit like this. So I don't even know the price range, to be honest! I see I was definitely over-estimating! Which is why I made this thread to learn, and I have done just that. That's why I keep saying thanks, cause I don't know the way shit goes, like ya'll do. I just started smoking and drinking my damn self, so it shows how unfamiliar I am with pricing.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
superbak3d, I haven't even purchased it yet, those numbers are just roughdraft digits, nothing locked yet. I may get it much cheaper than I'm anticipating which will definitely make me readjust my pricing. I can already tell my shit will go for $20-$25 now. Glad I asked you guys first, before a customer laughed and walked away. I've sold before, but never nothing of this caliber. I'm used to the dirt, cheap shit.

wyte and tip top, I see what ya'll are saying. I've never even purchased it before, I don't even know who I'm getting it from yet. I just have a friend that I visit out of town and she has hookups, so I'ma find my connect through her. Hopefully she got enough pull to get her person to sell it to me for a real good deal. I know once I start buying qtr lbs and all, the price will drop significantly. And haha, I do work, but I'm in college right now, working part time and I need more dough.

DirtFree, I am a BEGINNER, dude! I've never dealt with high powered shit like this. So I don't even know the price range, to be honest! I see I was definitely over-estimating! Which is why I made this thread to learn, and I have done just that. That's why I keep saying thanks, cause I don't know the way shit goes, like ya'll do. I just started smoking and drinking my damn self, so it shows how unfamiliar I am with pricing.
From the sond of it, your friend, she simply knows some dealers. If a mate came to me looking for an ounce (we're working on the basis that i buy my weed from a dealer, and do not grow) i would happily say sure, i can hook you up, i've got some contacts. Now if a mate came to me and said they were going to be dealing, could i hook up a supplier, id' have walked on, i'd have no clue, my knowledge would end at the daeler. While i know where the growers he uses live, they are not my hookup.

just watch the film Blow for a very simple explanation of how the profit is made. If there is a middleman involved, you will end up having to charge more than the buyer would like, or accept that your profit margins will not be as large.
From the sond of it, your friend, she simply knows some dealers. If a mate came to me looking for an ounce (we're working on the basis that i buy my weed from a dealer, and do not grow) i would happily say sure, i can hook you up, i've got some contacts. Now if a mate came to me and said they were going to be dealing, could i hook up a supplier, id' have walked on, i'd have no clue, my knowledge would end at the daeler. While i know where the growers he uses live, they are not my hookup.

just watch the film Blow for a very simple explanation of how the profit is made. If there is a middleman involved, you will end up having to charge more than the buyer would like, or accept that your profit margins will not be as large.
Ironically, I own that movie, which has now been fucking LOST, thanks to me moving! lol, but I watched it once, but not enough to say I really know how it went, cause I watched it with a girl, natural distraction. But I did love the movie, so I'ma re-purchase it.

And exactly! I know that middlemen, drive the price, cause I'm trying to put a little crew together myself and buy it everything for them, the work, the scales, all that and just throw it to 'em and have them bring me back my cut out of what they make. And naturally if they come to me asking to buy some on their own, I'll put 'em on, but just add a little to the original price I pay so I can get mine out of every purchase they make. My question then is, how the hell do I cut out the middleman? lol How could I find a supplier instead of a dealer?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Thats my point. If there is a middleman then you can only bump the price down so much e;lse he won't be making a profit himself (he is not a friend, he will not do you any favours, each move will be calculated for profit). In the end if your demand is too graet he'll either tell you that he only has bits and pieces, or that he's got nothing, and more likely than not he will not give up his grower so that you can make more profit/more sales. Also be aware that if you are starting a crew, don't go tramping on anyones territory, one guy selling dimes from his bedroom is one thing, a guy putting together a gang of sellers, now that's when the bigg boys come to town and tell you to lay in the fucking ditch and not make a sound :lol:

In all honesty it sounds like you really don't know enough about the weed game to jump into selling it on any kind of worthwhile scale. (another thing is taht people will rarely bother with a dealer if he cannot answer the phone and name a good time each and every time. Any dealer i get tha starts saying give me an hour, or try tomorrow i have work etc, well they are classsed as unreliable and i don't bother with them, you want to make the money you gotta put the 24/7 effort in, or there abouts/0


Well-Known Member
"Why would some one pay that when thay can grow their own for around 2 dollars a gram."

Im going to have to quote myself.....if you dont see the hidden meaning let me spell it out.
You profit margin as a dealer or middle man is like 3 dollars a gram.
Your profit as a grower is more like 18 dollars a gram.
Make sense? So instead of asking how to sell weed you need to be asking how to grow it.