Love's Perpetual DWC Combo Grow


Well-Known Member
Due to some unfortunate circumstances involving a shady former friend, I feel the security of my grow has been compromised. I don't feel I have any other option than to close up shop for awhile.

As someone on one of these forums once said, the cops aren't the only people that will kick in your door for growing.

Thanks to everyone for their support and I'd like to re-iterate I'm not in trouble or anything and this is a pre-emptive move for my own security.

Moral, even some of your best friends can turn on you someday. Keep your grows private, there's some bad people out there.

Hopefully if all goes according to plan I can start things up again in a few months. Until then.... stay high ya'll!


Well-Known Member
Yea it's tough when a kid you knew through high school and college and lived with for 3 years is making "questionable comments" relating to grow jacking while hanging out with kids that do jack grows.

Just taking a little vacation is all :joint:


Active Member
I'm on my way CL. Bringin the dog, we can stand vigil over yer trees brah! Fuckin Haters! Get one of these growbot deals, lock yer shit up. Its just some time to slow down, reflect a little and ORDER SOME BOMB ASS SEEDS for the next grow! MAHN!


Well-Known Member
Yea it's tough when a kid you knew through high school and college and lived with for 3 years is making "questionable comments" relating to grow jacking while hanging out with kids that do jack grows.

Just taking a little vacation is all :joint:
Get a couple of pitbulls and a shottie and your all good!


Active Member
Naw the ass booted me along with Hardroc long time A couple of us ended up a skunkskool. Hows it going for you? I'm just cruising along...


Well-Known Member
Skunkskool eh? I'm doing ok, club is what it always is. I find I post less these days. Might pop over there and see what you guys are up to


Active Member
Me too that's how I popped in over here... Stop by I bet you have some friends that would love to say Hi...So what have you been growing lately?


Well-Known Member
Been messing with LEDs, just took down some Vortex. Got some ISS and Veneno running too. You got a journal over there?


Active Member
ISS oh hell yeah... yeah I have one stop by and post a pic or two if ya feel inclined.....You think they will have football this season on time?


Well-Known Member
Tough to say, I saw some numbers on how much $$ they'd lose if they missed even 1 preseason game and it was really high. Since this whole thing is about money, I'd be shocked if they let the lockout interfere with the season and lost even more money. My biggest concern would be the quality of the season coming up. I don't know what kinda offseason training is even allowed right now. Who was that dude from the Redskins who couldn't even pass his physical test? I hope we don't see a whole season of that


Active Member
I think that guy was Brenden Hayward what a joke.The sports writers I my area are saying around july 15th. A couple weeks of free agency and off we go....I hope so, however I'm thinging the greedy owners will hold out, scab teams for all...I hope I'm wrong. In spite of the drama at the club I enjoyed the fantasy football thing...Got my ass kicked but it was fun...