my arjans 1# using 400hps,


Well-Known Member
here are my 5 arjans haze 1#

he only nutes ive been using is terra vega thru 3 weeks of veg,
then terra flores with watering every 3 rd day, an some pk 13/14,

any 1 like to hazzard a guess wot they might yeild??
:joint:1 002.jpg


I know its early to guess yeild but you will be happy with the results.The haze will grow a massive cola and bigs buds as long as you get nice coverage.


Well-Known Member
1000 watt hps ... those plants are already too tall for that light[/QU

yeah, cant rearly afford that at the minit, but ur right, the last thing i want is shit loads of popcorn buds!

there mother plant i cut very early due to some weirdness that i thought i was gona lose wot bud i had, the smoke was very trippy an a nice smoke, ive also got a kiwi 2pounder on the

go at the minit an when these are finishd my next grow will be somthing diffrent, somthin that doesnt take so long to flower!
darling 009.jpgdarling 016.jpgdarling 018.jpg hazard a guess wot u think i should yeild from the 5 arjans???


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, sorry about that , ive just bumpd most of my posts, the wrong ones!!! ill put up some more pics tomoro , an look forward to you telling me how great they look !! lol!!!

they really seem to have startd putting in a kick now
oh yeah, sorry about that , ive just bumpd most of my posts, the wrong ones!!! ill put up some more pics tomoro , an look forward to you telling me how great they look !! lol!!!

they really seem to have startd putting in a kick now
Thats how those haze strains are once they start they feel like forever packing weight.


you can get good yeilds with that light it's all depends on how big the growing area is. no bigger than 3x3 how close the light is and how long you veg i've been growing for years with the same light. you need more blue light to stop the stretching add 2 or 3 daytime cfl lights 42 watts. or just get convertable ballast for next grow both ways work the same.


Well-Known Member
you can get good yeilds with that light it's all depends on how big the growing area is. no bigger than 3x3 how close the light is and how long you veg i've been growing for years with the same light. you need more blue light to stop the stretching add 2 or 3 daytime cfl lights 42 watts. or just get convertable ballast for next grow both ways work the same.
this is wot im goin to try an get for the sides, money bit tight at minit but i feel would definatly benefit forthe last 5 weeks or so


New Member
its looking good !!!!! small buds tho, shoulda grew a indica, like kiwi 2 pounder lol !!!

That shit streached bro

good luck


Well-Known Member
thanks lol!!

that fourth pic isnt of any perticular bud!! there are bigger ones!! im telling ya!!!!

cmon rtoke..... dont piss on my parade, in 5/6 weeks there gona be huge!!( i hope)!!

dont u think??


Active Member
I've got some Arjan Haze #3 that I've just brought in from outside (in pots) to finish. Mine are taller than yours and right now I'm just september 20th, 2010 004.jpggoing with the 400 watt HPS (like you, it's all I got right now). Here's a picture taken last night just before my camera's batteries expired.
september 20th, 2010 003.jpg