New Grower, need help with the works


Active Member
Hey I'm new to the growing community and I'm looking at an outdoor growsite for the spring 2011 season. anyone that can help me would be appreciated.


Active Member
Look on google maps in your area for a clearing then go hike. Always aware of hiking trails or any sign of people. The extra time spent is worth it. A good place to start.


Active Member
I have a site all mapped out for myself, I guess im looking for strains that would grow well in the area. I'm not opposed to Indica but would prefer a heavier sativa.


Well-Known Member
i been so curious about trying a gorilla grow, but im scared to put in all the work and have someone steal my crop at the end of year.. good luck man! do lots or reserch b4 you plant


Active Member
I'm hoping this one turns out, it'll be my first attempt. I guess im looking for a Sativa that does well outdoors in my midwest climate that would be easy for a new grower. Dont worry this is the first of many questions i'll have for you guys.


Active Member
Ok, now after i choose a strain where do you recomend i buy seeds from? feminized worth it? autoflowering seems not so legit, but as a first time is it easier? what's your opinion?


Well-Known Member
my humble opinion is that outdoors autflower isnt quite worth the work. since they flower independently of any light cycle autos need alot of light to reach their full potential and outdoors 16-14 hours of light just doesnt cut it if you want a decent yield. i understand you prefer sativas.. do some research and find some strains that have a good sativa dominance but a flowering time more suitable for your area. another important thing to take into account with flowering times is if the plants will be in an area where people hunt. by this i mean youll want some strains that finish before your local hunting season since they are most likely the only people willing to hike into more inhospitable areas of wilderness (which are perfect for guerilla grows). beyond all that i'd suggest Attitude seed bank because they have the largest selection and great deals. feminized are definately worth it if you dont want to make seeds to continue your strains after all if you get enough sensimilla out of your harvest it should save/make you enough money to pay for the next seasons grow. START SCOUTING NOW. and i cant stress that enough, expect to spend many many hours out in the rough and tumble finding the ideal spot for your girls. its tons of work but i promise you will be very proud and satisfied with yuorself if you do everything right. I can give you more advice if its needed just PM me. I'm happy to help! oh and by the way check out my guerilla grow thread for this year i just updated it! haha peace and good luck!!


Active Member
RDC hit the nail on the head- the earlier you harvest, the less likely hunters run across it and the harder it is for you to get to the grow area, the harder it is for everyone else. Attitude rocks, and fem seeds will save you time. Autoflower wouldn't be worth the bother.

On a side note, if you have the resources, it's not a bad idea to start them early inside, get a bunch of clones off the first batch and grow those. To get good sized plants by the time growing season starts, you would need to germinate the seeds by jan-feb, and take the clones by early march-april. Also, don't forget about soil prep; it will make a huge difference in the final yield.


Active Member
What do you guys recomend as far as soil? any brands or additives? and thank you for the cloning and prep idea, i will do that.


Active Member
Thanks for the cloning idea, i'll attempt that. I'm living in a dorm right now, are seedlings going to smell that bad if i have them in a covered tray? also what do you guys recommend as far as soil? certain brand, additives?


Active Member
sorry i didnt notice i'd already posted that haha, but i was serious about growing seedlings in my dorm, is it worth it?


Hey i am also thinking of starting a gorilla grow and I was wondering if you could answer some of my questions because the situation of the thread starter and I seem the same. I am going to be growing about 15-20 minute drive away from any heavily populated areas. The place i am trying to grow in has a house about 15-20 walking distance from it but the location is in the middle of the forest so do you think that it will be detected? I was also thinking that since it is not grown on private property, would their be park rangers or any other sort of officer searching the area. Someone I was talking to said that park rangers check everything owned by the government.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You


Active Member
Ok I think i have some insight for you silan, which may seem weird because i started the thread and still have tons of questions because i want a good yield. But I think you have the right idea about having it away from heavily populated areas, but i think you should maybe try to find a place a little farther away from the house. I guess it depends on your area but many people in rural areas tend to hunt, and he may have cameras set up around the area to scout deer, bear, etc. (depending on your area). I personally know the area im expecting to do this and know who hunts where, and where things are set up. As far as park rangers or w/e, atleast in my area it is rare. The dnr have limited resources, and unless it is hunting season and you are in a heavily hunted area, you should be ok. You have to realize that they have a ton of land to cover, and some area is higher priority than others.