500 grams of dried product each indoor plant? anybody confirm this?


Well-Known Member
It would all depend on veg time really.
A 800 gr plant outdoors is very doable, but you also have 3-4 months of grow time while it matures.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that's not what you would get in WET weight? Cuz I'm doing the math here, and 500 grams is a lot. There are 28 grams in an ounce. And 16 ounces in a pound. So by my math that would be 17.86 ounces...off of one plant? Is that really possible without growing a 6 foot bush? I just don't see you getting almost 18 ounces off of a single plant indoors. I vegged mine for a month on my first grow, and then they flowered for about 10 weeks and I got around an ouce for each plant, and they all stood approx. 2 ft tall. I'll admit that I didn't top or lst or anything like that for my first grow, I kinda just let them do there thing for my own experience. Anyways, just wondering how big you would really need the plant to be in order to get that type of yeild (17.86) ounces per plant. I'm guessing it would have to be huge, LST'd to the nuts, and topped a couple of times.


Well-Known Member
I second that^

Breeders are salesmen too! Dont believe the hype.

If this is your first grow there is nothing wrong with using a couple bag seeds.


Well-Known Member
I second that^

Breeders are salesmen too! Dont believe the hype.

If this is your first grow there is nothing wrong with using a couple bag seeds.
And they are great salesman too, you have to think, what setup do they have for that plant? They are telling you what the plant can yeild under the BEST conditions, including lights, co2, perfect combination of water and nutes, PERFECT temps, and just think, it's there job to grow these plants, so they've got what they're doing down to a science. They're probably using a top of the line Aeroponics or Hydroponics system, have very expensive equipment to measure levels and timers, and automatically controll these factors with their fancy computers with fancy displays that cost upwards of $1000.


Well-Known Member
I just don't see you getting a pound from an indoor plant unless you are an expert and have been growing for 10+ years. You would have to veg for months and months, and then you would have to know different methods of supercropping (LST, Topping, Pinching, etc etc) and have the perfect setup, with LOTS of space, etc etc etc, just don't think about how much you're going to get. You'll learn that after your first harvest, and on you're second grow you can improve on that.


Active Member
i hate to break it to you all but i know guys that are pulling 3-4 lbs per plant with 4 weeks of total veg. The key is having a shit ton of light (12000 watts for 10 plants).


Well-Known Member
i hate to break it to you all but i know guys that are pulling 3-4 lbs per plant with 4 weeks of total veg. The key is having a shit ton of light (12000 watts for 10 plants).
I didn't say it isn't possible, I said it's not something to aim for unless your have a good ammount of exp. Your "guys" that pull in 3-4 pounds per plant with 12 x 1000w lights obviously has a shit ton of money to put out for lights. He's not going to get anywhere near that with a couple lights and 4 weeks veg. Sorry to say, but it's not happening. Be realisic


Well-Known Member
i just think you need enough soil for it to root in to and enough time to vedge and good conditions obviously but i dont think u would need to have SO much experiance , heres another strain that claims to be "massive" yeilding
thc is low thoe
You're absolutely right. But you would have to veg for quite a while in a large room with only a few lights, unless you have a shit ton of money to put out for 12 x 1000w lights. lol I know I sure don't have that kinda $$


Active Member
If you have 3 1000 watts for a flower room and 1000 watts for a veg room and veg your plants for 11-12 weeks in totes and lst no topping just bending you can get 1 lb to 1.5 lb per plant, one plant per 1000 watter flowering. Next time I go to my buddies shop I'll take pics.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see pics of that. Not doubting you at all, would just love to see it indoors. I'm lsting this time around and hope to get a lot more than last time.


Well-Known Member
1000w mh/hps for 1 plant in a 20 gallon tub, best soil and best nutes possible, also would need a high yielding strain, a pound doesn't seem impossible


Well-Known Member
1000w mh/hps for 1 plant in a 20 gallon tub, best soil and best nutes possible, also would need a high yielding strain, a pound doesn't seem impossible

Damn, you beat me to it.lol Hell yeah, it's possible, rather easily. That's only 1/2 gram per watt, using a 1000 watt HID, which is was most if us get. A 5' plant could easily produce that, with a little bit of training. Could do it without any training, as well. Especially, if you had some killer side-lighting.


Active Member
I grow blue berry in five gallon bucks for around 10weeks of veg and sometimes I can get very close to this in the low 400g range. Outside ive had Blueberrys and my whiterhinos also get like like this, plant them in early may top them let them get 9- 10' high bushes and they will produce around 500g as long as there toped and pruned right.


Well-Known Member
i wanna purchase this strain..looks good..they company is kc brains i guess from attitude seeds..are they legit? or are they just gonna send me bag seed. heres the link..read bout the strain.. said it can give u 500grams per plant indoors and 800 grams outdoors..thats of dry product
My best yield is 735 grams dried of White Widow - that was outside. I keep on trying.


Well-Known Member
I believe the "500g" is referring to the yield per square meter.

Meaning that if you filled a roughly 3'x3' area with these plants, under HID lighting, in quality soil with quality nutes, you may be able to yield 500g in perfect conditions.