Confirm e-mail


Well-Known Member
Hey , did anyone else just get a e-mail saying they had to click on a link to confirm their-e-mail ?? I didn't click on it in case it is a virus . They already know my e-mail . They sent me something and I am on here everyday.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Admin has created a thread.

It is with regard to their mailing server, in taht it can't cope, so they are ouitsourcing to another company to handle the mailing of the newsletters. The thread also states that your account will be deleted if you do not do it. I myself can't, nor have any desire to do so.


Well-Known Member
LOL you guys are paranoid , never hurts to check though I clicked it I,m not chancing losing my profile !

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just noticed
the accounts that are not reconfirmed will be removed from the forum and be able to be released to new members.
So the admin is willing to tear apart the entire forum by deleting everyone's posts and threads, such as my 5000, or whatnot, or does a user just inherit my 5000 posts if they wish to be tip top toker? :lol:


Well-Known Member
LOL you guys are paranoid , never hurts to check though I clicked it I,m not chancing losing my profile !
Never hurts to check? You could not be more wrong. I've clicked on links from my email and lost my hard drive on two occasions. The fact that AVG blocks this site as a dangerous site is reason enough to use caution with links.


Misguided Angel
There is a link provided in the e-mail to a thread started by admin here on rollitup explaining everything.