How much would be good for 8 gallons on nutes???
Pros recommend 3-5ml/gallon. Never felt the need to put more than a capfull tho which on the big bottle that i get is prolly equivalent to 7-10ml per bucket which prolly hold 3-4 gallons at the most during top-offs. I add mine rite from the very start of a newly set-up bucket tho maybe thats why ive never had to use more IDK.
And like Flo said discoloration of the roots is not necessarily a bad thing. My nutes always stained my roots brown. I always used Botanicaire pro series growing DWC and can say Liquid Karma will most def stain ur roots as well. If ur water doesnt stink get cloudy or develop slime then ur fine. Dont worry bout staining its natural with alot of nutes.
And Props man plants are looking like they are def bouncing back nicely just KEEP that damn wool dry as u can. The pro's say that just a simple pre soak from the start with wool is completely sufficient enuff to actually clone cuts and make them root. Would not recommend wool in DWC to anyone just for reason. The bubbles in ur water keep the hydroton plenty wet enuff for sure.
I promise u man let ur system do the work now ur plants r bout to blow the fuck up. They are still recovering from the overwatering stunt of growth. But snapping out of it.
Many props.