Trippy drug myths


Well-Known Member
huh kool forgot his name I've seen the history channel thing on him, when he created lsd, and had to bike home all trippin


New Member
okay i know this is about weed but i know i can find the answer here. i"ve heard this one before " putting ice in the ice catcher of the bong is bad because when you start smoking the ice will crystallize in your lungs".. has anyone ever heard that?


Well-Known Member
I heard orange juice ups your roll, and your trip. never noticed any thing except acid reflux but that doesn't mean its not true but it seems like it may be a myth

Were are our Tripbusters i know there's people on here that can bunk every last one of these thats false they just haven't made an appearance yet :wink:


Active Member
Vitamin C or OJ intensifies trip/roll I've heard, also heard it shortens it or brings you down. Also I always hear "They're in a k hole, they need orange juice" lol

Truth is, orange juice doesn't do anything noticable - I've tried it

The best possibly factual info I've heard regarding orange juice is that vitamin c helps metabolize shit faster, so if anything, it'll get out of your system more quickly, but possibly be more intense? Still just rumor/speculation.

As for ice in the bong - that sounds like total garbage. However, I think ice in a bong chills the hit too much and makes it harsher than a room temperature hit.


Well-Known Member
hmmm so not complete myth, I was told/read that mycelium is nearly the same in stalk, cake and cap, this not being true I guess this actually make this another myth
bunked by canuk before it was even posted lol KNOWLEGE IS POWER. or NOW YOU KNOW. funny


Active Member
I have heard this one also and that drinking milk will also slow or end an acid trip.
I Dont know much about the lactate but i think it originated with hoffmans first trip were in his report he wrote

"The lady next door, whom I scarcely recognized, brought me milk in the course of the evening I drank more than two liters. She was no longer Mrs. R., but rather a malevolent, insidious witch with a colored mask. "
but doesn't state that it helped lol
My last trip I was grubbin tacos and gulpin down milk, and didn't effect me. Lol


Well-Known Member
Oh yea I love to stuff my face with some Pizza while tripping plenty of cheese no problem there either
think the milk thing is a deff myth
Its likely that the milk was a choice built in to the subconsiouse from the comfort and satisfaction of breast feeding or bottle feeding when baby, just speculation