Florida Growers Thread

The check from FEMA was cool, tho. Gotta love free generators:hump: And I was still in H.S. so missing school for a few weeks was cool too...That song by Juvenile cracks me up whenever I hear "And everybody wants a check from FEMA. So they can go score them some cocaina."
I hate to rain on the parade about tampa,but I have a buddy who lives in st pete,which is a few minutes away,helicopter spotted his outdoor garden, and came out chopped it down.he said he would act like he was walking his dogs to the woods and they asked him if it was his grow .and said no!and they just asked him to leave. he had 6 plants.I asked him how they spotted it?he said he saw a helicopter flying over a bunch of times,he said there are alot of ports around florida.he"s now inside and likes it better.
I hate to rain on the parade about tampa,but I have a buddy who lives in st pete,which is a few minutes away,helicopter spotted his outdoor garden, and came out chopped it down.he said he would act like he was walking his dogs to the woods and they asked him if it was his grow .and said no!and they just asked him to leave. he had 6 plants.I asked him how they spotted it?he said he saw a helicopter flying over a bunch of times,he said there are alot of ports around florida.he"s now inside and likes it better.
Yeah that's the other thing I'm worried about...Does anybody know what the poorest counties in Noth Florida are? The poorer the county the less likely their police will have choppers. Or have choppers specifically for looking for weed.
I dont know! but I think when you head from cocoa beach too orlando there are a lot of woods.grab a 4 wheller and head out.I seen alot of tucked spots where it could definatly happen without getting busted.fined a place with alot of brush and land. and a 4 wheller would be the only way to get to it.millions of trails on end,hope I helped.
Wow I haden't considered choppers and outdoor grows. I worry about the choppers that scan heat signatures of houses. But I read on OG a long time ago that they can't scan cities because they can't get a correct image. Are the IR choppers really a different color?

My city is pretty poor and ghetto, we get choppers every night most of the time. I get spoted a lite up walking to my front door. This place is starting to get really creepy.
damm only 6 plants and they still spotted it, could you describe the type place he had them growing?, were they in pots?ect. so i can get idea what coptors can spot?
Hey I lived just south of there on Hypoluxo for a few weeks. Had to leave, got very very bored. not really much there huh?
Naw you just got to know people. People out there love to party. You can find a house party to go literally 7 days a week. Or you could head into West Palm and there's a lot there. Downtown W. Palm has a lot of nightclubs and other types of entertainment...I lived not too far from there and it was my favorite place I've ever lived...And it's close to the beach, what's not to love?
You guys are all goons. my family has been here since b4 the cival war. you wanna see some cool shit in this state? im the man to see. I've seen shit in Florida that National Geographic would pay thousands to see.

anyways, fuck all you south florida cocksuckers who want to move to north/central florida. leave us alone and stay down there. most of its woods, leave it that fucking way.

Florida is being destroyed. Land of Flowers it being completely demolished by devleopers and yankees. I love this state. ive traveled many places and i feel this state is probly the top in the union as far as natural beauty. theres nothing like it.
So all you fucking Yanks, Blueheads, Skalawags, and eveyone else who plans to exploit this state. Fuck off.
All you south florida bubbas saying you want to move N. florida, have you ever been to N. Florida, I used to live in tally, If you think its going to be palm trees and such you are dreaming, all the miami people come up there to go to FSU, and they get there and are like WTF is this, this isn't florida..........if you like , confederate flags, muddin, cold, pine trees, wrastlen, camo hats, etc.......then you will love the place. they don't call it south Georgia for nothing
Dude honestly if your trying to hate, take it elsewhere. It makes me so sad watching this state being ripped to shreds. i can only imagine what my older relatives feel watching this state be torn apart at the seams since the 40's. Seriously Natrone if you think your that badass, show me your grow. wheres your gallery pics man. i love this state with all my heart, even in light of your last post, your still sound like a yankee ass bluehead to me.
no!they didnt stake him out. he thinks they got too tall and overcasted the other shrubbs.the grow site was off a dog walk but you had to go pretty think in the brush to get back there.thats why he always brought his dog with him, he said he would let his dog off the leash next to the sight.he went on a surf trip for 2 weeks and when ho got back guess who was there.and they were in pots.it was all cleard out when he seen it. he got lucky!maybe cause it wasnt a big grow they didnt go deep with it.
no!they didnt stake him out. he thinks they got too tall and overcasted the other shrubbs.the grow site was off a dog walk but you had to go pretty think in the brush to get back there.thats why he always brought his dog with him, he said he would let his dog off the leash next to the sight.he went on a surf trip for 2 weeks and when ho got back guess who was there.and they were in pots.it was all cleard out when he seen it. he got lucky!maybe cause it wasnt a big grow they didnt go deep with it.

Oh yeah, he is lucky, but he did it smart with dog thing, then he as excuse why he would be back there, I think my spot is pretty good spot, its in a swamp, most people arnt going to want to get there feet wet snooping around there, just me trugding through there twice a month, but I guess you have to take calculated risks sometimes to get the prize at the end! even if someone finds it, I don't think the cops will hide there for 2 weeks until I show up, prob be just cut them down or something, I'm pretty confident about my spot and if I thought it was a real risk i wouldn't attempt it..I'm more worried about the health of the plants..............but theres only one way to find out
Oh yeah, he is lucky, but he did it smart with dog thing, then he as excuse why he would be back there, I think my spot is pretty good spot, its in a swamp, most people arnt going to want to get there feet wet snooping around there, just me trugding through there twice a month, but I guess you have to take calculated risks sometimes to get the prize at the end! even if someone finds it, I don't think the cops will hide there for 2 weeks until I show up, prob be just cut them down or something, I'm pretty confident about my spot and if I thought it was a real risk i wouldn't attempt it..I'm more worried about the health of the plants..............but theres only one way to find out
good choice on the swamp. Ive been growing outdoors for 4 years now. in a 45,000 acre swamp. catch me if u can.