OK, so my first time smoking with Mary? It was mid October pretty warm night for this time of year, 2nd week of college and I wasn't there for sports so fuck it. My roommate calls after class say's "Yo, u got five bux I can borrow.""Sure", I say. Come to room... I guess 409. I go, he's like yeah I need it to buy weed your definatley welcome to chill and smoke. Though he all knew I wanted to try it due to previous discussions. So the bowl is packed, Toke it, Hold it, Choke it, Pass it, Repeat... Nothing. So we chill for a bit, pre-roll a blunt and play some Tekken. Maybe I was high because I was killing it in Tekken and these kids play in tournaments.
So after watching this event that is as complicated to understand, as cosmical electrodynamics, we go to smoke another bowl on the balcony. As Jon lights the bowl I said "wait don't some of the R.A.'s live in the building across form us". As if orchestrated every one agreed, and we go to our room to continue to the balcony for the bowl. So we go to the bedroom, put on some chill music take some requests for a playlist and begin. That did the trick, I start geeking out and so does everyone else. We get on break out the camera make a bunch of stupid videos which there are clips of some of them floating around the internet.
At the drop of a hat we're bored and we need to take over the living room for some halo 2 "Sweet"! Only one problem though another roommate, a temp-roomate and his girlfriend. My trump card everything in the living room consist of my xbox and my flat screen, so I politely insist upon vacating the premisess, "Ha, Yeah right", Ha YEAH right, Ha Yeah right? Are u serious the nerve of this kid this 6' 4" 240lbs KID. Yeah kid! Yu-gi-oh cards, pokemon cards, naruto headband on a daily basis, samurai sword practicing kid. If you've ever seen the movie "How-High", you'll understand when I say that I "Powered" him, snatched the remote and sprayed them with air freshener like roach spray and rangled them in to there room. And so the halo proceeded, against each other, together, online, and so on, and so forth. Pizza and a movie, goodbyes, and see you later's. Just an overall soon to be regular, evening. Since that time we added a second television spades more blunts bongs booze broads more blunts and happiness. The End............................................................................................................................... ....... ........... .........................
.....Or the beginning?