What's better than K2?


Active Member
Hey guys I wanted to know if any of you guys have tried anything better than K2 and preferably cheaper? Right now I'm currently hooked on this thing called Silver Haze from eKoms-Top. I bought some on eBay for $10 and it does the job good since I'm on probation and all.


Active Member
Yeah but some people are on probation or have a job with random piss tests so I really can't blaze the real thing at the moment.... So anyone know anything better than K2? I've been trying everything in the eKoms-Top brand line and it seems like Love Potion is for beginners, Silver Haze for experienced users, and I'm waiting on my NY Diesel from them.... Help a dude out with other products fellas. Anyone else here tried anything better than K2?


if you are looking to trip you can try morning glory seeds. If you grab like 2 packs from a garden mart and wash them off really good to get any pesticides off and then chew up like 150 seeds and swallow them there is a drug in them called LSA which is related to LSD but not nearly as potent. Its super cheap and gets you fucked up. The only downside to it is after you eat them you feel sick for like an hour until the trip starts setting in.


Active Member
i used to be big into K2, its bad stuff bro. get off it asap. for real
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Why would you say that? Could you elaborate more?

BTW guys I just tried NY Diesel from eKoms-Top and mannnnn it felt like a good body stone. Tomorrow Imma buy a piss test kit at walgreens and see if I get any false positives since I do have to keep my job to survive. DAMN RANDOM PISS TESTS! :finger:


Active Member
this shit always makes my head hurt and i dont know a lot about it, but sometimes i just need a head change. k2 is alright, but this shit i found near the casino in my area called KUSH lol no lie, its 30 for 1.5 gs and i tripped so fkn hard..


Well-Known Member
this shit always makes my head hurt and i dont know a lot about it, but sometimes i just need a head change. k2 is alright, but this shit i found near the casino in my area called KUSH lol no lie, its 30 for 1.5 gs and i tripped so fkn hard..

Wow... You would of paid less for actual kush. :)


Active Member
I know right, but if you havent seen the other thread about the guy from arkansas, its dry as hell here.


Active Member
I've tried kush but that shit made my heart race! I seriously attitude to NY Diesel from ekoms-top. And I just figured out what their website name really means lol XD