how long can mj go without rest?


Active Member
i was reading some info on about growing and i read that a plant (they said plants as in plants in general, not specifically mj) will eventually die without a rest period (24 hrs light no dark cycle). is this true for weed also? i've actually had plants on 24 hrs for almost 2 months since germination. they had no signs of slowing down and actually got too big. if you wanna see pics ended up with about a kilo of wet weight after harvest. so could you like keep a weed plant under 24 hrs of light for several years? yeah i know a lot of people do 18/6 but from my reading and experimenting, it seems almost pointless compared to 24/0 because 24 is so much faster. i know marijuana doesnt require a rest period unlike other plants, but does that still hold true in long term growth?

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
I have also grown on 24/0 before with great results. You can grow an autoflower with its whole life spent under light with no dark whatsoever (24/0) and Im sure it would do great! I do however feel that atleast some dark period is beneficial to the plant and I generally grow my autos on 20/4 and if im vegging at that time too then they will get 20/4 but if no autos are in the room during veg then 18/6 is what I use. Less power used, less heat produced, and I strongly feel though I have no scientific proof that a dark period is beneficial to the plant.


Active Member
24 of light is a wasted 6 hours of energy, when the light is off the plant eats more and grows as well.
incorrect, after about 15 minutes of darkness, plants go into sleep mode where the process of photosynthesis comes to a hault. it is not a waste of 6 hours of energy. in fact plants in 24/0 vs 18/6 have a 33% faster growth rate. im not totally against 18/6, but from my readings and 10 years of on/off experience, 24/0 is way more effective and faster than 18/6


Well-Known Member
I see great growth in my plants using 18/6 over 24/0 in my experience. During the dark period the plant coverts energy to sucrose for cell building. I've heard 24/0 is ok for MJ and I have tried it. It create more of a bush than it does a tall plant. Put them on 18/6 and watch the tops start to stretch up every day.


Active Member
I have also grown on 24/0 before with great results. You can grow an autoflower with its whole life spent under light with no dark whatsoever (24/0) and Im sure it would do great! I do however feel that atleast some dark period is beneficial to the plant and I generally grow my autos on 20/4 and if im vegging at that time too then they will get 20/4 but if no autos are in the room during veg then 18/6 is what I use. Less power used, less heat produced, and I strongly feel though I have no scientific proof that a dark period is beneficial to the plant.
thanks man but im not talking about autos. sorry i should of stated from the beginning, im only talking indicas and/or sativas. i do already know about all that you mentioned but i really appreciate the info anyway. i also agree though that a dark period during veg has no benefit unless heat is a problem. also i can see people putting mother plants on 18/6 to slow down it's growth if waiting time is needed. i dont have any documented proof but i seen way better results with 24/0 vs the 18/6 cycle. also from my reading most growers that know what they're doing agree. and actually once i went to 24/0 i never went back, just seemed stupid not to. it's not going to make your pot any stronger or weaker, but growth is way faster.

so my question is, when growing indicas, sativas, or a indica and sativa mix of the marijuana plant, how long will it live in full 24, or no rest period? i do know for a fact that they will live at least 2 months since germination. that i do have documented proof of in my link above or grow journal. but will they live even longer without rest? like years?


Active Member
I see great growth in my plants using 18/6 over 24/0 in my experience. During the dark period the plant coverts energy to sucrose for cell building. I've heard 24/0 is ok for MJ and I have tried it. It create more of a bush than it does a tall plant. Put them on 18/6 and watch the tops start to stretch up every day.
thanks but i like my plants bushy. if i wanted them to stretch more i would rather just use a hps instead of mh during veg. but so far from my experiences, 24/0 mh is the best way to go. im only allowed 12 plants under state law and i cant let them get too tall.


Active Member
sorry not trying to be confrontational but can i get an answer from someone not straying away from the question? this isnt a 24/0 vs 18/6 debate. i do appreciate the feedback but i simply want an answer for the question.

when growing indicas, sativas, or a indica and sativa mix of the marijuana plant, how long will it live in full 24, or no rest period? can it go years without?


Well-Known Member
Why don't you keep one under 24 hours and let us know in a year or two. Not sure why you would want to even consider it, but hey, you asked a good question and you can find out with some experimentation of your own.


Well-Known Member
sorry not trying to be confrontational but can i get an answer from someone not straying away from the question? this isnt a 24/0 vs 18/6 debate. i do appreciate the feedback but i simply want an answer for the question.

when growing indicas, sativas, or a indica and sativa mix of the marijuana plant, how long will it live in full 24, or no rest period? can it go years without?
try it and let us know. I doubt anyone has vegged a plant that long as there is zero reason too. eventually all mothers are replaced and they are flowered, but I doubt it's years down the road.

Smucker G

Active Member
I get it that it wasnt your question but I would like more input on the non question of this thread. Everything online and in books I've read recommend some dark hours. If 24/0 speeds up veg times I would switch. This must have been discussed here before. I'll try to search it.


Active Member
thanks. i'd like to but i only can have 12 under sate law. yeah i dont think there is really a reason to either but i was just curious if anyone knew or actually tried it. maybe one of these days in time to come i will. i will definitely post about it if i ever do. just be kinda cool to see what happens.


Active Member
I get it that it wasnt your question but I would like more input on the non question of this thread. Everything online and in books I've read recommend some dark hours. If 24/0 speeds up veg times I would switch. This must have been discussed here before. I'll try to search it.
actually this forum and many others are filled with 24 vs 18 debates. i think i also turned this into another one. also remember, not all plants in general can survive without a dark period. however marijuana is a plant that can, im just curious on how long or if it can actually for years? off subject though, i dont see how 18/6 could be beneficial to me. 24/0 is just so much faster. either way what ppl, books, online says, i could give a shit less. since switching to 24/0 it's just been so much better than when i did 18/6. i see no reason to change things that are working fine, especially if it is giving me better results. others will disagree and thats fine, but im going by what i learn on my own, not what other ppl say. i just wanted to know how long a plant will live without rest out of curiosity but looks like another 24/0 vs 18/6 debate and unless i decide to use a different lighting setup, i could give a shit less. dont take it the wrong way though. i still do appreciate any feedback or info, even if it's something i already know which is usually the case.

Smucker G

Active Member
I found this on Very interesting. I think I'm going to try this since most of what I have going is BS that I am going to switch to flowering early. My seedlings are only 5 days old. I think I am going to go 14 on 10 off. Than go 11/13.
And thanks for the idea to have the lights on at night. Never thought of that. That will solve my heat problem during the day and my cold problem at night. Damn I love this place.

This is a snip from the article.
Specifically, I find the single most powerful influence to the Indica dominant phenotype is the traditional 18/6 veggie cycle and 12/12 flowering cycle. The 18/6 veggie and 12/12 flower cycle is an attempt, however poor, to mimic the Indica-producing photoperiod. It is my belief that this light cycle strongly influences for Indica phenotypic expression.
Sativa phenotype characteristics will manifest under a more equatorial photoperiod, closer to a 13/11 veggie cycle and an 11/13 flower cycle. This is the light timing range to use to elicit more Sativa dominant expression from your plants.
As for the exact photoperiod formula that I incorporate into my growing/breeding regime, this will presently remain a trade secret. My advice is to experiment with different photoperiods, keep good notes and pay attention. Avoid the 18/6 and 12/12 photoperiods, while tweaking the times a bit differently with each breeding cycle until more desirable results in the finished product and their offspring are noted. Here's a hint: work in half-hour increments or a little less, and good luck!


Well-Known Member
My plants stretch more if I veg them with 18/6. Not that this is bad, because super short plants won't produce as much.


New Member
No, plants don't need sleep, they are not humans and will continue to grow as long they receive light. I'm not talking shit, I have tried it and there's no difference if they get 'rest' or not. They just stretch ever so slightly more if they have a dark period.


Active Member
No, plants don't need sleep, they are not humans and will continue to grow as long they receive light. I'm not talking shit, I have tried it and there's no difference if they get 'rest' or not. They just stretch ever so slightly more if they have a dark period.
thanks. exactly the answer i was looking for. whats the longest you done it for? about 2 months for me.