Confirmation Email??? I already confirmed it a long time ago.. email looks fishy..


Well-Known Member
I'm not about to confirm anything either. I did this when I first joined..

the main reason I'm not going to confirm anything.. is because the email just looks suspicious to begin with. Here's the email I got.. in its entirety.


Rollitup is proud to inform our members that we are sending the monthly newsletters now on a regular basis, along with HUGE discounts to many online stores. Every member needs to re-confirm to keep your account active. Those unconfirmed accounts will be removed from the list and the username will be released to the public.

If you have any questions, I have posted a quick question and answer thread here:


Click the link above to give us permission to send you
information. It's fast and easy! If you cannot click the
full URL above, please copy and paste it into your web

If you do not want to confirm, simply ignore this message.

Thank You,

Damien Industries, Suite #306, 234, 5149 Country Hills Blvd N.W, Cakgary, Alberta T3A 5K8, CANADA

Request generated by:
Date: September 22, 2010 09:22 EDT

Now, why would I click on a link that doesn't even contain RIU anywhere in it???!?! Yeah... no thanks.

If they want to delete my account.. then so be it. I'll just take my happy ass somewhere else. Simple as that.. I don't want to.. because I like it around here.. 90% of the ppl around here are cool.. unlike other forums.. but if I'm forced to leave.. then so be it.

Anyone else gotten this email?



Well-Known Member
I clicked the link.. but.. it took me to this message:

'Your account has already been activated so please try logging in.'

So, am I good or what??? I hope my account doesn't get deleted.. I did what it asked me to do.

I guess we shall find out..


I requested clarification from admin and received none. I mainly lurk on RUI and am active elsewhere but have found good info on RUI so come back to aid in research. After browsing here is what I surmise about this confirmation request. The reason for reconfirming is that they will be using a third party mailer to email out a magazine (spam) to members and need to correct any inaccurate or unused email addy's.

Problem 1. I like my handle to be the same across all forums. To release my user name once registered is to allow another user to adopt an identity that is not theirs. Many of my online acquaintances go back to OverGrow and it's always a pleasure to find each other on new forums. This is nothing more than allowing a type of personality theft.

2. Forum admin has no ultimate control of email addresses once released to a third party. Read "Hello Spammers" and other possible misuse.

I'm saying good bye to Rollitup....they are not protecting my info nor any reputation created under my handle in the larger online community. Admin...please delete my profile and user account. Please refrain from using my registered email address for RUI spam or magazines. Please DO NOT forward ANY of my contact or user info to ANY outside party.



New Member
I requested clarification from admin and received none. I mainly lurk on RUI and am active elsewhere but have found good info on RUI so come back to aid in research. After browsing here is what I surmise about this confirmation request. The reason for reconfirming is that they will be using a third party mailer to email out a magazine (spam) to members and need to correct any inaccurate or unused email addy's.

Problem 1. I like my handle to be the same across all forums. To release my user name once registered is to allow another user to adopt an identity that is not theirs. Many of my online acquaintances go back to OverGrow and it's always a pleasure to find each other on new forums. This is nothing more than allowing a type of personality theft.

2. Forum admin has no ultimate control of email addresses once released to a third party. Read "Hello Spammers" and other possible misuse.

I'm saying good bye to Rollitup....they are not protecting my info nor any reputation created under my handle in the larger online community. Admin...please delete my profile and user account. Please refrain from using my registered email address for RUI spam or magazines. Please DO NOT forward ANY of my contact or user info to ANY outside party.

your still bitching about all this shit. just gtfo then!! jesus we wont miss you