I caught someone in my garden.


Well-Known Member
The fish hooks at head level would work, but thats very very graphic. That will most likely blind someone for life. I mean if its just some nosey kids i think the fishhooks is pretty harsh. I recommend a shot gun for home protection in general. You could also set up a camera alot of people think this is hard but it is very simple and would cost you about 100 bucks.


New Member
I could be wrong here, but I believe the only way you would be able to get away with setting traps would be if you put up a fence around your property with no trespassing signs. That way, when they cross the fence they know they have trespassed. If your not the confrontational type, this is probably your best bet. Along with cameras.

Sadly, who ever it was, was willing to come onto someone else's land and nose around through their crop. And that more than likely means they will be back, most likely at night.


Thats a fucking great idea, I just dont think I can wait that long to order it online. Im going to blaze one & ponder this. My main fear is that they come back with guns over a few plants. If they were brave enough to come into my backyard, Who knows what they will do.
If you are truely worried about this then it would be no question you would have pulled them already. The fact that you havn't says you probably wont in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
if you do pull them try and stretch there flowering as far as you can push it. If the bud is lacking best option it to buy some bubble bags and make hash.
1176125[/ATTACH]tise;4688800]Take a few pictures so we can get a better idea of your garden.
I will tommorow, I only have pics of my ladys not my yard. 006.jpg the ones with the yellow are My Green Queen Clone The others are randoms out of bags iv smoked. Nothing big time.


If you are truely worried about this then it would be no question you would have pulled them already. The fact that you havn't says you probably wont in my opinion.
Im not sure. If i do I will wait till tues or next friday.
Just bumms me out thinking i might have to.


New Member
"All I'm saying is that if your garden might bring dudes that have guns, then it might not be worth having a garden this year."


Im not the type to let someone violate my rights though. Especially when it has the potential to be an ongoing problem.


Well-Known Member
nice plants, by the way alot of people actually camp outside the remaining few weeks. Alot of outdoor threads i am following have tents set up one has a camper. The camper thread is sick with 20 foot tall plants.
if you do pull them try and stretch there flowering as far as you can push it. If the bud is lacking best option it to buy some bubble bags and make hash.
I dont own bubble bags yet.
I was thinking cold water abstraction is my only option if I do pull.

Im burning a beatles Record now, & running a Extension cord out there for tonight to sit by them with my laptop. Id sleep out there but we have wolf spiders everywhere & they always tend to find me. I Hate spiders worse than i do theifs.


Well-Known Member
or get little harmless trip lines that blast glow in the dark paint up in the air that will get all over the intruder and chase his glowing ass down the street

unshaved pubes

New Member
ok i have the PERFECT idea! if you own a loud stereo record dog barking noises and leave it outside and hae it randomly bark. or have it randomly shout HEY YOU GET BACK HERE NOW! GET OFF MY LAWN U CRAZY KIDS. and leave a few sticky notes on your plant saying THIS IS NOT MARIJAUNA.. that might fool them!


Active Member
nice plants, by the way alot of people actually camp outside the remaining few weeks. Alot of outdoor threads i am following have tents set up one has a camper. The camper thread is sick with 20 foot tall plants.

Like Bob Marley would say "stand up for your rights". If you don't, not a soul will. Get a couple of good motion sensors, some good lights and an AK-47, LOL. You ain't gotta shoot nobody dude, but when you let off some good high powered pistol or rifle rounds, the motherfuckers ain't gonna come back! Loose the silencer, pop off a round or two and your problem will be solved.


Well-Known Member
Around 5pm this evening I look out my bay window only to see a Orange blur sneaking around in my garden. I walked out back & yelled "Hey" & he "I assum it was a He" Took off running through the feild behind my house. so I got a ride to walgreens & bought batterys & i installed them my motion sensor today. "Driveway Patrol Motion sensor" 20.00$ on Amazon. Should I pull my crop? This is got me tripping. God knows who else Knows as I havent told a Soul other than you fine folks on this forum.:sad:
I didn't think this would be a Issue where I live.
Think they will come back?
You need to man up..