"I like the tent and radio idea."
That might scare them away for a while, but eventually they will come back and try to catch you slippin. Chances are it was just a kid wondering through the woods and stumbled upon your garden, but now that who ever it was knows, they arent going to forget, and will return.
"Honestly. if you put anything on your property that could cause harm to the trespasser, you'll be sued."
Unfortunately, this is just another example of our rights being stripped away from us. Whats even sadder is the fact that the majority of americans allow it to happen.
Installing a parameter(fence), and signs around your property should be more than enough to justify defending your land. The person crossing the parameter(fence, with signs warning them) knows they are committing a crime and there for relinquishes their rights.
Some things are just common sense and worth taking a stand on, whether the law agrees or not.
"and dont put up any signs saying will be shot seen trespassin or anything of that nature... "they'll" get u for pre-meditated man slaughter.."
If I was to see the perp on the other side of the fence, I would tell him he will be shot if he crosses. If he crosses, I will put one in em.
Doesnt get anymore pre-medited then that. But still within my rights as an american.
If your afraid of being sued, contact a lawyer and get advice.
Because when it comes down to it, you have three chioces. One, defend what is yours. Two, do nothing and risk having your crop stolen randomly. Or three, stop growing.
Im sorry if anyone is offended by my strong beliefs on civil rights. And again, I hope you get this resolved.