Voting Against Prop 19 means :

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Matt Rize

Ive already desided to volunteer my time to gather signuaters.
Good for you, but seriously, Jack H 2012 has ZERO chance. No compromise, no taxing, no regulation... no votes.

So keep on doing what you are doing... because your grammar and spelling makes everyone want to vote YES ON 19.


Active Member
Im just trying to say thats there is other options out there. So quit trying to say it now or never cause thats not true.Ive seen to many people write about its now or never.Thats not true.Its now or 2012 and I choose 2012.


Active Member
They say that prop19 will legalize weed,how?
You see corn is legal to grow eat or even smoke if one wanted to.
Im not limited to buying a certain amout of corn, or limited to growing corn in a 5x5 area,or selling corn in small amounts and Im not taxed just for growing corn forsale and I dont need a special permit to grow large amounts of corn on my own land.No none of these restrictions apply for corn because corn is legal.


Well-Known Member
corn has not been a victim of prohibition. No one will take a schedual one drug federaly and just make it 100 percent legal and a free for all. As Matt said it is all about compromise. The best compromis is prop 19

Matt Rize

They say that prop19 will legalize weed,how?
You see corn is legal to grow eat or even smoke if one wanted to.
Im not limited to buying a certain amout of corn, or limited to growing corn in a 5x5 area,or selling corn in small amounts and Im not taxed just for growing corn forsale and I dont need a special permit to grow large amounts of corn on my own land.No none of these restrictions apply for corn because corn is legal.
For one: Only ids think this is legalization. This is obviously about tax/regulate, no hiding that fact from anyone, it's the title.

Only ids say this is now or never. Cannabis is heading for tax/regulation (control) one way or another, it comes with legitimacy and general acceptance that it holds incredible therapeutic properties. Jack H 2012 has ZERO chance, so get over it, or at least don't hate on 19.

Your comparison to corn is full of holes, especially because you think we are Cannabis addicts. It's a good thing people like you don't vote, or take part in politics in general.

Compromise is the whole point of American politics. 19 is far from perfect, but is a step in the right direction. baby-steps.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
For one: Only ids think this is legalization. This is obviously about tax/regulate, no hiding that fact from anyone, it's the title.

Only ids say this is now or never. Cannabis is heading for tax/regulation (control) one way or another, it comes with legitimacy and general acceptance that it holds incredible therapeutic properties. Jack H 2012 has ZERO chance, so get over it, or at least don't hate on 19.

Your comparison to corn is full of holes, especially because you think we are Cannabis addicts. It's a good thing people like you don't vote, or take part in politics in general.

Compromise is the whole point of American politics. 19 is far from perfect, but is a step in the right direction. baby-steps.
Why wouldnt CCHHI have a chance? If you could cull the pro 19 people and the non 19 people, why wouldnt it have a chance?

Your deflection to personal expression is full of holes...there's no point for that.

As far as compromise, the only compromise is between drug dealers that have way too much money (you know who you are, and how you got it, and now you want to keep others from doing the same thing) and politicians you can buy as advertisements. There is no compromise between MMJ patients and 19.

Matt Rize

baby steps are for BABIES.

i'm a grown adult.

YOU may be, but the state in general is a bunch of babies. Politicians in general are a bunch of babies. And Jack H 2012 is so uncompromising that anyone with a brain knows it will never gain mainstream acceptance. ITS ABOUT MONEY FOR THE STATE.


Well-Known Member
YOU may be, but the state in general is a bunch of babies. Politicians in general are a bunch of babies. And Jack H 2012 is so uncompromising that anyone with a brain knows it will never gain mainstream acceptance. ITS ABOUT MONEY FOR THE STATE.
i'm the one voting. ;)

Matt Rize

i'm the one voting. ;)
I too...sigh.

If Jack H 2012 had the slightest chance I would be here trashing prop 19 and pushing for 2012. But I don't see it happening. So here I am, as a public Cannabis activist and educator, who fears the changes that will occur after 19. But for the poor people who can't buy a rec...

YES on 19.

ps. fdd: best avatar ever ;)

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I too...sigh.

If Jack H 2012 had the slightest chance I would be here trashing prop 19 and pushing for 2012. But I don't see it happening. So here I am, as a public Cannabis activist and educator, who fears the changes that will occur after 19. But for the poor people who can't buy a rec...

YES on 19.

ps. fdd: best avatar ever ;)
Poor people that cant buy a rec but can buy weed? Rec's are as low as $35 now... what's an 1/8 go for?
Arent you just the most self-less thing to grace these pages?


Well-Known Member
Rec's should be for patients who need them, not for people who want to casualy smoke weed. Also rec's can affect ones employment/future employment. So those who need them get shafted especially when in fields of work that are more white collar. It is not all about the weed, there are other things that are with in the prop that are good.


Active Member
Rec's should be for patients who need them, not for people who want to casualy smoke weed. Also rec's can affect ones employment/future employment. So those who need them get shafted especially when in fields of work that are more white collar. It is not all about the weed, there are other things that are with in the prop that are good.
No rec's should be for anyone who wants a better life.Isnt that what mj and medicine are all about,living better and more comfortable so one can enjoy life to its fullest potential.
All a person needs to get a card is a want to live a better life.Now you can even get Medi-Cal to pay up to 50% of the coast.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Rec's should be for patients who need them, not for people who want to casualy smoke weed. Also rec's can affect ones employment/future employment. So those who need them get shafted especially when in fields of work that are more white collar. It is not all about the weed, there are other things that are with in the prop that are good.
So your opinion of someones need for MMJ should mean more than a doctors? What kind of jobs are you refering to? Your words are vague, trying to evoke sympathy for some non-existant people you just made up...and how the heck are the white collar types more affected than blue? This makes absolutely no sense, and you probably cant establish this with any credibility. And yes, this is ALL ABOUT THE WEED. If it wasn't why are you here?


Well-Known Member
Do you read what people say or just form an idea and no matter what is said respond with what is already in your head.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Do you read what people say or just form an idea and no matter what is said respond with what is already in your head.
I am responding to you sentence by sentence... and you came back with your arguments! Come on!

Matt Rize

I mean shouldnt every one be able to smoke a joint for the common headache insted of poping a pill.
Yes, that is part of what prop 19 does for everyone over 21. The rest is BS big business taxation and control. Is it worth it to Californians? We shall see. Respect to both sides of this issue.

Matt Rize

Poor people that cant buy a rec but can buy weed? Rec's are as low as $35 now... what's an 1/8 go for?
Arent you just the most self-less thing to grace these pages?
Not where I am, they go for 100 renewal and 150 for newbs. Either way, if you are a poor or on the street without a proper ID, it's kinda hard to get a rec. The people washing our dishes and picking our food should get to smoke too.
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