• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Voting Against Prop 19 means :

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Active Member
selfish? wtf are you talking about. Now I cant even deside how I want to use mj without being selfish. I dont give a rats ass how anyone use desides to use mj people can inject it if they found a way,what ever get you hi I guess.I was refering to redividar or whay ever his name is in thread #96 where he talks about big pharma making thc pills.


Active Member
That's pretty selfish bro. What about the people who do take Cannabis orally or as tincture. Open your mind to the other ways of medicating. In fact, the different forms of ingestion (smoke, vapor, baked edible, raw edible, tincture, transdermal oil, suppository) all have different affects that may help different needs.

Remember, big business outlawed Cannabis in the first place.
Yeah big business outlawed Cannabis in the first place, so lets all support them.
And another thing is I dont smoke as a medicen not saying it not right but I smoke for fun and yes I do got my 215 card.Anyone can get them for any reason at all.Every one here thats voting yes on prop19 is just trying to get rich after it passes(there drug dealers now but if 19 passes and you do it legaly, what are you then.) If you realy wanted to get hi without worry of the law you would have caughed up the $60 for your card like every one els did because Prop215 and sb420 are way better then prop19 will ever be anyways.


Active Member
Prop 19 is just another way for the government to take control of cannabis, cause those motherfuckers on capital hill over in sac know damn well that shit is getting out of control with prop215 and sb420 so they tell themselfs "let make some money of these potheads"How the fuck is the state going to say mj is medican and tax it at the same time.why not tax oxycontin then legalize it for recreatinal use?Medican is medican and it should not be tax in any way or form right?
Quit being cheap and go get your cards.Or are you just thinking of all the $$$$$$$$$ youll make after it legal.:clap::spew:
since cities and counties will be able to regulate and tax cannabis as they see fit, How will your city deal with the prop when it passes? Mine will ban it completely. Please inform yourself before heading to the ballot box. I like my medical recommendation and would like to perserve my current prop 215 rights. Read the entire prop 19 and see for yourself. People say it will not effect prop 215, but why in the script of the prop cleary state that it would provide safer access for medical marijuana? I like my cannabis to be medicinal. I do not want to get it from Richard Lee and the few other big business that will be "lucky" enough to be chosen as one of the few growers of cannabis. I like to know what goes into my bud! Govenment putting shit in your weed......... Vote NO!!!! Educate yourself http://votetaxcannabis2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/why-pro-pot-activists-oppose-2010-tax.html

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Prop 19 is just another way for the government to take control of cannabis,
No dude. It's not. Right now we prohibition which is the highest level of government control. Prop 19 forces government to give up some of that control. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Active Member
Ok out of all I wrote thats all you got to quote.Plus im not prohibited to smoke at all.
Go get rich of prop 19 thats the only reason your voting for it anyways


Well-Known Member
i did read the law. i can get you a copy. i don't live in california anyways. i'm just interested in all the bs being spread. because it's just that, BS.

it does not have ANYTHING to do with medicinal marijuana boy. the sentence you are reading is found in the PURPOSE section of the law document. the word medical is only found two times, both in the PURPOSE section of the law. read ahead:

the PURPOSE and INTENT sections are meant to give JUDGES an idea of the spirit of the law. it does not include the text of the law itself.

let's look at the two times medical appears in the prop:

Purpose #6: Provide easier, safer access for patients who need cannabis for medical purposes.

so, it does not say that it's purpose is to make access for patients any harder. any provision within the law tha would contradict this purpose, would make the law contradictory to itself, redundant, and would not be put up for a vote.

PURPOSE 12: Make cannabis available for scientific, medical, industrial and research purposes.

once again. any provision within the law that goes against this purpose makes the law contradictory to itself, and it would not have gotten to this level. you know, the ballot.

if i wasn't clear, the actual LAW part of this, and EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF LEGISLATION YOU EVER READ, starts out something like:

Article 23 of Chapter 2 of Division IV of the Health code, commencing in Article 1200 added to read:

Article 1200- Blah BLah Blah.

The actual law portion of any law/bill/proposition clearly states what volume/chapter/article/division/part/ of wherever the law is to be written, and that it starts at article XXXX reading as follows.... something like that.

in the case of prop 19, the changes in law that will occur are introduced like this:

Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read:

the changes in law that will occur start with the following line. all those lines before it?? it's the findings, purpose, intent.... but not the law itself......


Active Member
prop 19 is written like crap, its open to too much debate and leaves to much up to the imagination.
You actual think that there can be two different set of laws on the same subject.one will out wiegh the other and the government will always side with the laws that make them the most money.


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about is written like crap??

you guys don't even know how to interpret a legal document. you didn't even know how to distinguish between the changes in law, and the purpose. you thought it was all one thing..

how can you form an opinion about how the law is written if you can't understand what it says??


Active Member
How are you going to tell me that I dont understand the prop. Ive read it and I can say that it was written for two types of people (1)people that are looking to get filthly rich if it passes and (2) pothead junkies that dont have or dont wont the prop 215 and sb 420 rights.

Whats going to happen if this bill passes and I go get my card renewed and the doctor tells me to go buy my medical mj at a licenced mj seller or just grow your own in the 25 square ft. plot thats provide buy prop 19 .Why would Dr. still write prescriptoin if people can just go get it over-the-counter or grow there own legaly.How often do you see Dr. writing scrips for medican that you can buy over the counter and or grow\make youslef.

So no more scrips, no more card holders, no more collective, no more prop 215 or sb 420, no more compitition for Big Corprate Cannabis.

Matt Rize

...So no more scrips, no more card holders, no more collective, no more prop 215 or sb 420, no more compitition for Big Corprate Cannabis.
Just to clarify: correct me if I have misunderstood. You believe habitual Cannabis users to be junkies. And you would be in favor or repealing 215 & 420. You are against the formation of collectives, and I'm assuming just the collectives that operate dispensaries and/or delivery services. Even though most dispensaries are small businesses disguised as non-profit organizations. You are also against my doctor writing on paper that I should be using Cannabis for it's therapeutic attributes. Is that accurate?

You have not said anything about co-ops, another crucial part of 215/420.


Active Member
Just to clarify: correct me if I have misunderstood. You believe habitual Cannabis users to be junkies. And you would be in favor or repealing 215 & 420. You are against the formation of collectives, and I'm assuming just the collectives that operate dispensaries and/or delivery services. Even though most dispensaries are small businesses disguised as non-profit organizations. You are also against my doctor writing on paper that I should be using Cannabis for it's therapeutic attributes. Is that accurate?

You have not said anything about co-ops, another crucial part of 215/420.
Your misunderstood so consider yourself corrected.
No im not against any of what you saying.Im agianst prop 19 because it underminds current mj rights provided by prop215 and sb420.

So pleace stop putting words in my mouth.All I hear is, "People voteing no are just worried about there profits"or "people voting no are drug dealers.So im guessing that people voting yes are drug addicts and or would-be mj entrepreneurs?

One other thing,dont sell youself short if you smoke weed and are a habitual smoker
then more then likely your probably addicted wich would infact make a person a drug addict.
If Im a acoholic it dont matter if I drink wisky or bud light im still a acoholic.
Or should there be a whole new name for people addicted to mj. Lets say cannaholics.

My name is Needforweed and Im a cannaholic.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, this thread and all the other bullshit threads like it are 'tl;dr'. It's the same shit over and over again - some tool like you watches a youtube video and thinks they've discovered some secret that everyone else in the legalization movement has missed. Grow the fuck up. Read what real lawyers have said. Use google. Listen to trustworthy organizations like NORML.

You read the bill? Big fucking deal. I read the bill from start to finish. You're a *tool*. A *tool* of the entrenched cannabusiness industry. I hope you appreciate that - you're being used to spread lies that hurt people. You're being *used* to prop up someone's failed business model.



Active Member
and fuck YOU AND PROP19
I could give a fuck what you or any other motherfuck "lawyer" or fuckin politician got to say.I read the prop itself and it fucking suck so fuck off.

See you at the polls bitch.


Well-Known Member
People who do not want it legal based on the argument it will hurt small business are just using a clever way to say I grow weed illegaly and make money from it. It is not bad for small business at all. In fact it will increase jobs, increase tourism, increase everything that goes into having it legal. It has become well known not only in this country but throughout the world that CA is a smokers paradise. Also those nay sayers who think it will affect medicinal marijuana are wrong. People who created prop 215 have stated that prop 19 will have no affect on medicinal marijuana.


Well-Known Member
many lawyers, doctor's, even dispensaries, have stated that prop 215 will not be affected. It is illegal to prevent someone from receiving proper amounts of medication when given a doctors recommendation. The size of your garden will NOT be affected by the 25 foot minimum regulation. If your doctors recommends more you can grow more EVEN under prop 19. It has zero affect on medicinal marijuana.


Well-Known Member
A major thing that people also seem to not realize is they are not planning on taxing the shit out of home growers. They may require tax in the form of a permit which would prob be 500-1000 a year. A permit would prob state something like the garden is of legal size ect ect. Now i used to spend well over 1000 dollars a year when buying from shady ass people. The reason i say tax would be 500-1000 is because it is practicle. I see people on this forum saying tax will be 60,000-100,000 a year for the individual grower. That is just ridiculous. Who would pay that? No one, however you collect 1,000 bucks from 1,000,000 people thats 1,000,000,000 right there. Also taxes will be collected from the money spent via tourists, and the casual smoker who will spend the 3 dollars in tax every weekend for a 20 dollar gram. Medicinal patients will not be affected because there medicinal permit, is different the the potential Recreational permit. They do not overlap because the medicinal grower and recreational grower have nothing to do with each other. Another reason why the government will NOT TAX the hell out of it is they will save billions in expenses dealing with the prosecution of marijuana users.
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