When you feed your plants synthetics, the nutrients are simply broken down so they are readily available to the plant. When feeding organic sources, you are still feeding those same nutrients to the plant, they are simply from different sources, and because they are organic, they are not as broken down and readily available to the plant. This will, however, still convert over time to the same as a synthetic will. For this, a flush will still be necessary. For organics, if you feed properly there's little chance you are going to have overfed, nutrient filled plants that smell funky like you can with synthetics. But there will still be a good qty of nutrients, sugars, & chlorophyll in the plants stores. When you get "hay-like" bud, it is because it's chlorophyll contents are way too high. It is for this reason that it is recommended for growers to flush their plants and allow the plant to feed on the remaining nutrients in the grow medium for the roots to take up, and then once all that is gone, they will start feeding on the fan leaves and yellowing off, just as any plant naturally does in autumn/fall in mother nature. And this is all coming from an organic grower. But I can swear by the fact that while organics taste the best, they achieve that much more when you take the time to atleast flush for 5-7 days for soil.