Rolls With Mescaline?


Active Member
I might have seen it once, back in '99 or so. Red pill with a cK stamped on it. Supposedly it was called a Red Calvin Klein, cut with mescaline, I figured that is why it might have been red in color. I had more visuals than any other roll for sure.


Well-Known Member
I need to eat some mescaline now so I can decide if it was in those rolls.
It was strange what happened, I went to sleep at like 7 AM for about 4 hours, and woke up like, def. still with some of the drug in my bloodstream. I could tell it was in my system until like 6 that evening. It was strange, I had mad visuals for at least 24 hours after I even took the pills. I ate 2.5 total.
Plus it's supposed to be "synthetic mescaline", so basically, it's some other strange drug with a weird scientifici name, I'm guessin'.
w/e, it was fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Only way I usually do it. I've heard of people (Alexander Shulgin for instance) producing synthetic mescaline, but I've never seen any.
The research chemical 2ci is what you are referring to and it can be easily obtained online if your balls are big enough. You can also get methylone which is very close to x. There is just a molecule that is different from x. Good old Doc Shulgin, he is the man. I use to get chocolate mesc in collage. It was mesc mixed with nestles quick chocolate mix.


Active Member
Mescaline is a SPIRIT QUEST its peode from cactus juice the indians put it on tobbaco for their medicine men to have visions of the future hunt/health of tribe/and that kind of bullshit


Well-Known Member
Mescaline is a SPIRIT QUEST its peode from cactus juice the indians put it on tobbaco for their medicine men to have visions of the future hunt/health of tribe/and that kind of bullshit
It is like some really kick ass shrooms. Very intense colors and trip.


Active Member
Almost 10 years ago, maybe 97-98 we had some green triangles. Someone said there was mescaline in them, but I dissagree after consuming the pill.

I have done rolls and mescaline together, just not in the same pill. Seemed the pill took over the cacti, but after about 5 or 6 hours I was purly tripping and it was quite interesting, seemed like it enhanced my visuals.

saw these same pills. in houston it seemed like all the green pills back then would have the tendency to produce visuals. Especially the pills u mentioned.


fitty dorrar..........


Well-Known Member
saw these same pills. in houston it seemed like all the green pills back then would have the tendency to produce visuals. Especially the pills u mentioned.


fitty dorrar..........
Back when I use to roll I would consume enough to hallucinate every time, I think all MDMA can cause delireum. You ever heard of shooting salad? What I ment was there were no noticable effects from the mescaline said to be in the green triangles. I would also use nitrious oxide and K while rolling too.


Well-Known Member
Why would anyone "cut" mdma with mescaline? While I have felt as little as 40 mg of mescaline, it certainly wasn't anything more than a slight stimulatory sensation. I doubt it would lend any color to mdma. Forget about the fact that mescaline is far more rare than mdma, even now and in the right circles I suspect that 400 mg of mescaline would fetch a rather handsome price, far more than anyone would be willing to pay for even the purest MDMA.