tip top toker
Well-Known Member
I'm not fighting any fight, just highlighting poor management skills 
And so yes, if we do not conform, we get banned

And so yes, if we do not conform, we get banned

still never got an answer...if we let our sub go and re sub do we have this 3rd part deal still involved, or do we get around it. or its a mandatory sub now no matter what???
and what about the idea of just having a newsletter on the home page where all the advertising is now. this isnt an insult or poke. id like to know...from one that has a say this time maybe.
hahaha.,..ok well when is this pruning going to happen then so some of us know when we will be leaving here. and most have aqn option to opt out of spam letters. if its not direct from the hosting site most us call that spam. not pocking here just how some of us feel is all. there is no way a 3rd co will do thios free so why not just run it here is why i say and also why i made the money grab comment. who does stuff for free. doubt this 3rd party is.
ya whats that have to do with making us take a newsletter. i said this 3rd party. i dont know of 1 site that has a fee to be on it. is not the point of this to spread as much info to help as we can...and not have to pay. leave that to book buying
nvmd...you guys obvious dont get what i mean then. can do it with out involving 3rd wheel. and to use it as a clean house excuse when there is a built in feature here that does this. so the lie makes me sceptical
who knows. but when you say you need to do this to prune old members thats what i meant by a lkie. you dont. 1 click is all thats needed. not saying your un to shit. just dont like being lied to is all.
ya i get the not everyone will be happy. and ill even apologize for the lie comment....missleading, lie sounds so harsh. has nothing to do with newsletter so why not just say it the way ti is. im lazzy to prune them abnd our server is to full now so we need to prune. if thats the case.
curious why its always you answering if you have nothing to do with it then,.not an insult just curious. no wonder people are always throwin rocks at you...lol