1 plant going hermie! PLEASE HELP!


Active Member
Ok, i have 18 girls, well i thought they were all girls. One of the plants i started to flower early and put outside ( 3 weeks in to flowering) , and when i did that i think the lighting changed by 1 hour so it went hermie on me. or I THINK it went hermie. I found small sacks below the nodes, i opened one up and there was a small seed. So, with this plant being outside ( the other are inside in a grow room that is ventilated with windows) , will it pollinate my HOLE crop? Do i need to chop it and get it out of here since i heard that pollen travels far & wide? I also want to know if its already 3 weeks into flowering, and my other plants are only 2 weeks into flowering,. can it still ruin my whole crop? PLEASE HELP, IM FREAKING OUT HERE..


Well-Known Member
Hmm...Well, I can tell ya that if you did indeed find a seed, it wasn't in a pollen sac. It had to be inside a calyx,(where the pistils sprout from) which means that there are pollen sacs somewhere, which need to be located, and removed, asap.

Yes, you need to find it and chop it(or...them) down, because it will pollinate your whole crop, with devestating results. Also, I'm guessing you mentioned they were 2-3 weeks old, because you were thinking they might be too young to get pollinated? As long as they have white pistils, they can be pollinated, and are at risk. Get those hermies out of there, like yesterday.lol :wink:


Active Member
Any pic of the so called Hermie? I would say if you removed the Hermie and set it outside (away from the others) you should be ok. Are you venting (pushing) air out the window or (sucking) bringing fresh air in? If you are bringing fresh air in I would say there is a chance you could get some cross pollenation if the Hermie or a male is in the area. I,m not sure I understand the seed? Was it a seed or a male pollen sack? Any pics would be great.......if I had my doubts I would kill it and hope for the best with the other 17 ladies.

Just my thoughts: Stlmat


Well-Known Member
P.S. If you believe you have been pollinated,or at risk, you should read up on a product called 'Dutchmasters Reverse', which is supposed to reverse, or stop, pollination. I've read of growers using it with good results, but can't offer any more info than that. I've never had to use it, thankfully. *knocks on wood*


Active Member
I broke open a small sack looking thing wherever it was, and when i opened it up, i pulled out a tiny lil seed, not even developed yet, i panicked and chopped it down, its not worth losing 17 4 foot plants that are in flower, ( bushiest plants i have ever seen in my life) I dont have a pic at this point, already chopped it and drove that lil bastard to a dumpster behind ralphs, not even messing with it. THANKS- REPS TO ALL WHOP RESPONDED. APPRECIATE IT..

Hmm...Well, I can tell ya that if you did indeed find a seed, it wasn't in a pollen sac. It had to be inside a calyx,(where the pistils sprout from) which means that there are pollen sacs somewhere, which need to be located, and removed, asap.

Yes, you need to find it and chop it(or...them) down, because it will pollinate your whole crop, with devestating results. Also, I'm guessing you mentioned they were 2-3 weeks old, because you were thinking they might be too young to get pollinated? As long as they have white pistils, they can be pollinated, and are at risk. Get those hermies out of there, like yesterday.lol :wink: