Power use with smart meters worries and ??


New Member
Allo everyone

So I got a letter today from my hydro company that they will be installing "smart meters" on my house. And this letter contains this lovely sentence "smart meters will: 1. Measure how much electricity you use and when you use it and send this information to us wirelessly"

Gotta love how it "sends this information to us wirelessly" My main question is, Is anyone growing with a smart meter watching them? Cause all this letter says to me is were hunting for grow ops.


Well-Known Member
Field metre's are common.
They just save a reader from driving all the way out to read it.
If that route is getting slammed they will use them.
Dont fuck with it. If you do it will notify your supplyier that the metre is off line.
I had them and didnt even know it until one went off line and a man came out and replaced it. I didn't call or nothing . just showed up.
Scared the livin shit out of me...LOL
My .002


New Member
Strange stuff, but funny, in Ontario,Canada our "power supplier" is called HydroOne thats why I call it my hydro company, hydro meaning power... Didn't know that would throw people off

So am I the only one going into this risky operation? kinda makes me think everyone that did do this kinda disappeared.. if you know what I mean!


Well-Known Member
As long as you don't make a drastic change to what you are already using now they will know what you true peek usage would be. If they are tracking they are looking for large grow ops... but hey who knows I'm a little baked atm


Well-Known Member
its perfectly fine DMG is right those things just eliminate the route the readers have to go to and stuff like that, it also adds security, if you open the box it sends a signal out to the company letting them know that someone open the meter box without authorization. But if your growing for your smoke then your fine, a computer takes up as much juice as a light system and we leave our computer on 24/7 one upstair, downstair, sometimes we hold a lan tourney on the weekends =)


Well-Known Member
I work in a smiliar business kinda, but i have a good friend who work for the power company and he showed me how to take the old power meters ( 1950's-1980') and "rig" them. It's easy, just remove the glass buy sniping the tag carefully and pull out the meter, flip it upside down and put it back in. it will run in reverse. just make 100% sure you know when the reader comes by. as far as the smart meters go the power companies want to know when the most amount of draw is being used, and to take jobs away from the meter readers. in the eastern states anyway


Well-Known Member
i have a fellow here in the eletric business that told me the eletric company here now uses a trigger device if you open your meter box then your doom! But of caurse its expensive stuff.


Well-Known Member
3k is compared to 2 uber l33t computer gamining 20/7
Not really. 3k watts (I'm assuming) is equal to about 6 of the highest powered gaming systems out today, at full load... And possibly 12-18 when they're running idle.

OP: Just don't be stupid. Dont suddenly draw an extra 3000w. Increase slowly, and decrease wherever you can. Change all the bulbs in your house to CFL's, turn the AC down, and turn your fridge up a bit (3c fridge, -15c freezer).

Just had the same questions anyone else experience this? as far as i know, the companies not only track how much your using but specifically what times... there for if they can track and see a boost every 12 hours then 12 hours off .. of even lets say 2KW, would that not trigger some heat.?



Active Member
i found this article thats make me a little more at ease, however unauthorized access does not include police.
Is my usage information secure and will it remain confidential?

Yes. Ontario’s electricity distribution companies are required, by law, to ensure that the Smart Meters and communication networks that are put into place are equipped with security features to prevent unauthorized access. We must also comply with federal laws regarding the privacy, protection and disclosure of personal information. Any data that is sent to the central data repository will be provided in such a way as to prevent identification of an individual customer.


Well-Known Member
i have heard of this aswell... i dont have one nor have recieved a letter about it but i am taking percauctions to this... i am gonna run my veg 24hrs and my flower room will be dvided in 2 with there own ballests and bulbs... one 1/2 of my flower room will be on 12hrs and wen it shuts off the other 1 will go on so the same amount of power is running 24 hrs... seeing power running for 12 hrs every day at the same time may look suspitious so if im using the same power 24hrs a dy there wil be no fluctuation in my readings at certain times


Well-Known Member
Not really. 3k watts (I'm assuming) is equal to about 6 of the highest powered gaming systems out today, at full load... And possibly 12-18 when they're running idle.

OP: Just don't be stupid. Dont suddenly draw an extra 3000w. Increase slowly, and decrease wherever you can. Change all the bulbs in your house to CFL's, turn the AC down, and turn your fridge up a bit (3c fridge, -15c freezer).
3k the same as 6 consoles at full load??? no way... and turning ur shit down wont help cuz they will see a constant jump at the same time every day for the same period of time


Active Member
I found this article.
Is my usage information secure and will it remain confidential?

Yes. Ontario’s electricity distribution companies are required, by law, to ensure that the Smart Meters and communication networks that are put into place are equipped with security features to prevent unauthorized access. We must also comply with federal laws regarding the privacy, protection and disclosure of personal information. Any data that is sent to the central data repository will be provided in such a way as to prevent identification of an individual customer.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I have a smart meter installed at my house just like the one your talking about and have been growing with no problems. The company always could tell what and when you are using your power. Its a computer system that monitors it all so as long as you dont call to complain about something you will be fine.
The smart meters are a good thing, you can adjust your light times and cut your costs a lot. The power co's want you to use more power during off peak hrs. The meter tells them how much you use and at what times and they will charge different rates for day and night. If you run your lights at night it will cost you a lot less.