how much should i get per plant under 1000 watts

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello HIGH

There are a few main factors and many many smaller factors that will effect your yields - assuming your plants are perfectly healthy

- number of plants
- strain
- light proximity t foliage
- ventilation
- co2 levels
- grow medium

You could get anywhere from 6 ounces - 1+ pounds.

If you only have 1 healthy plant that is not a HEAVY yielder, 6 oounces would be great.. IF you have 9 plants that are heavy yielders, you could get 1lb 2 ounces..

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Well blueberry isn't exactly a large yield. And what type of system will you be using? What type of nutes? soil, soiless, ebb and flo, top feed, dwc, aero, etc?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I don't have experience with that strain.. BUT it's usually safe to guess 1lb per 1000 watt for a great grow..

and 1-2 lbs per 1000 watts for super experienced growers that have DIALED out a garden...

The key will be to flower early and keep the plants healthy...

ALSO.. you want to vent that LIGHT... so that you can bring it close to the foliage.. 10-18 inches!


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
For soil I like Fox Farm. It's pretty easy and has a great feeding chart.
hey sublime

I am curious how much you feed your plants when using FOX FARM soil and Fox Farm Nutrients...

and how much can blueberry yield per plant under a 1000, in soil, vegged for 3 weeks from clone......




Well-Known Member
hey sublime

I am curious how much you feed your plants when using FOX FARM soil and Fox Farm Nutrients...

and how much can blueberry yield per plant under a 1000, in soil, vegged for 3 weeks from clone......


I follow the feeding chart almost exactly. Unless they tell me they want more. I started out with the Ocean Forest soil. Then for ferts I used their GrowBig, TigerBloom, and BigBloom stuff.

In FoxFarm soil and nutes, clones vegged for 3, under a 1000w HPs, I'd say 1.5oz-2.5oz isn't unreasonable depending on phenotype and ventilation, co2, etc.