Top Fed Drain to Waste Journal (12 OG) Looking GOOOOOD!

What up N!p.... So one would only assume that this is not your first grow from the looks of this set up and bud quality, yeah? I know Kali SOul is hoping his will look the same and i have a feeling he is going to have a different outcome due to different elements in his grow... i think he is only using less light and has more plants... just an observation and hell i think all of us on here wish we could have a grow as successful as yours N!pples... i mean that is a professional grow... I am definitely considering a similar set up as this once i have the room... I will most likely do 12 Fire Og or Diablo Og (Once i get my cutting of the Diablo) and am thinking 2-1000W or 4 -600W.. i know more light is better but just got to see if the means are there for all those ballasts and hoods... Crazy leaf in that last pic!!! Those were all from clones, yeah?
What up N!p.... So one would only assume that this is not your first grow from the looks of this set up and bud quality, yeah? I know Kali SOul is hoping his will look the same and i have a feeling he is going to have a different outcome due to different elements in his grow... i think he is only using less light and has more plants... just an observation and hell i think all of us on here wish we could have a grow as successful as yours N!pples... i mean that is a professional grow... I am definitely considering a similar set up as this once i have the room... I will most likely do 12 Fire Og or Diablo Og (Once i get my cutting of the Diablo) and am thinking 2-1000W or 4 -600W.. i know more light is better but just got to see if the means are there for all those ballasts and hoods... Crazy leaf in that last pic!!! Those were all from clones, yeah?

Hehe, I do have a few grows under my belt, I’m getting old… Blood sweat and tears! ;) Kali will have a different outcome I’m sure. He’s going a different route than I did… I’m still curious what he can pull and sure it will be good! I Love OG!

I’d suggest against the Fire for indoor! I love the strain but I got a good mother and cloned some out and it is one lanky plant! Very Tall and stretchy Sativa.. I’d go with that Diablo! That’s some tasty stuff also and I doubt it will stretch as much as the fire…

If I were you I’d go with the 3 600 watt Sodium’s vs. the 2 1000’s.. This way you get 3 light paths crossing and maybe get a little more saturation.. I’m sure the 2 1000 watts would be just as good but I think you can save the 200 watts and get the same results..

Yes, all clones! 3 different mothers!

Can't thank ya enough for the insight bro!!! yeah i have 24 clones right now of the Fire i took them last weekend and they are all starting to root... might do one round just to use them up or try and off at a shop perhaps... so is that a private mother on that OG you got or something that another medical MMJ user could perhaps get their hands on through a shop or something? lol worth a shot right!!! lol
No worry here bout the light if the plants get too bushy ill jus get another 1000watt set up. but u think im going let the babys get dat big ?? Na , ima wait till it covers bout 8x 8x thats how much a 1000watt covers. And i have 3gal pots. I think i know wat im doing light guy..
No worry here bout the light if the plants get too bushy ill jus get another 1000watt set up. but u think im going let the babys get dat big ?? Na , ima wait till it covers bout 8x 8x thats how much a 1000watt covers. And i have 3gal pots. I think i know wat im doing light guy..

oh no Kali i meant no disrespect by any means brother... i was just pointing out for maybe someone reading that being that there are different elements from each grow that the outcome and harvests will vary... from the looks of it man i am quite confident that you know what you're doing Kali... but for someone new to growing and that might stumble upon this thread they will understand that every grow is different and dependent on the elements in which you provide... I am hoping you continue to post your grow on here or provide a link becuase i would love to watch how that one turns out too... I wish i had the room you and N!ps have... i have the strains just not the room or equipment yet...
so is that a private mother on that OG you got or something that another medical MMJ user could perhaps get their hands on through a shop or something? lol worth a shot right!!! lol

I actually have 2 different OG's from two different growers, 7 off one of the mothers and 4 off the other. We also have 2 Skywalkers hiding in the shadows! One of the OG's is allot bushier than the other and the other has denser fatter buds.. I'm not really sure which one I like better.. The Ones I am calling HOG, the Bushier one, might be available from CC caregivers in Orange county.(its thier in house strain) The one I am calling KOG is a private strain that the guy wont give out.. He owed me for some work I did and had no money to pay me ;).. I might try to flip one and back cross it to get some feminized seeds.. KIT

Its ko man i would like to know wat im doing wrong so i can learn from my mistakes. like i said this is my first grow in soil , my first ever grow was in hydro. And im learning more than far so good
Its ko man i would like to know wat im doing wrong so i can learn from my mistakes. like i said this is my first grow in soil , my first ever grow was in hydro. And im learning more than far so good

I hear you Kali... I am forever learning.. and i have always done Hydro and never soil... but i am liking that medium that N!ps has made up on 1st page.... I am thinking about trying that...
but i am liking that medium that N!ps has made up on 1st page.... I am thinking about trying that...

I can tell you now that I love this method! They Drink ALOT of water but they grow just as fast as an NFT.. Its the cheapest larger hydro set up I've ever done and might be working the best.. I suggest it just make sure you have a pump and dont try to hand water... They get water for about 7-10 second every 35 minutes...

I actually have 2 different OG's from two different growers, 7 off one of the mothers and 4 off the other. We also have 2 Skywalkers hiding in the shadows! One of the OG's is allot bushier than the other and the other has denser fatter buds.. I'm not really sure which one I like better.. The Ones I am calling HOG, the Bushier one, might be available from CC caregivers in Orange county.(its thier in house strain) The one I am calling KOG is a private strain that the guy wont give out.. He owed me for some work I did and had no money to pay me ;).. I might try to flip one and back cross it to get some feminized seeds.. KIT


If there was ever a chance to get my hands on a clone or seed of what you are calling the KOG.. i would be greatful to have that as a personal strain... I will definitely Keep in touch bro... How big of a pump are you using for your system? you just using an inline feeding PVC or something?
just curious are you using collodial silver to feminize? or how do you do that? i have been wondering about that... much appreciated!
I'll let you know about the seeds or clones.. A little weary of the cats here but I'll pm you when i'm closer you and we'll chat! The pump we use is the Little Giant 4-MDQ-SC we got it at Pet solutions in Beaver Creek OH. We used the same one for the Sprinkler NFT. Yup, inline! A bilge would work fine also...

I do use the STS Method! Here is what to mix: It is sprayed only one time in the dark..

Here is a link to the whole process: (awesome Link!)
Damn dude that is an awesome link... I got both of those saved for sure! Yes please let me know... Thanks again N!p... Just curious... where would one find those ingredients? is that something you can find at the health nut stores, like collodial silver?
Yo nipples how much should water my plants ?? i water when it needs it, the growing medium is coco it holds water longer. What would u prefer nipples??
"When it needs it” is fine!! I find that that under watering them seems to be better than over watering! I have never used coco core yet but can’t imagine it being more than 4 times a day for maybe a few minutes at a time, during flowering.. Maybe once or twice a day when they are smaller.. I think it holds water like Rockwool, yes?! I'm trying to experiment with more mediums but there are so many to try and never enough time or space...

Just gotta pay attetion to them and give them more as they grow!! We change our on/off time almost every other day, depending on how heavy the pots are..

Sorry I couldnt help more but hold it helps a little!~

Well so far they look fine , im new with soil so there may be things i need to know.IM thinking of buying a pump to make a top fed system cause rite now im hand feeding it. I have a ? nipples , do u need to have the water at 68* when u water them, like hydro??
No, you shouldn’t need it in this system unless your tank is getting above 85 or so but it might help a little! We do because our room gets extra hot and we own the chiller so why not use it..
