Where to Find a Good Mg Scale? (+rep reward)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hey I'm looking for a mg scale, not trying to spend too much money.

I'd like it to have a calibration weight if possible, I've learned that even crappy scales can be reliable when you calibrate before each use.

+Rep for help


Well-Known Member
I bought mine at my head shop. There are a few rc vendors that carry them, other than that cheap ebay ones have a decent track record as most don't have the funds to go with an analytical one. Just generally a good rule of thumb is to get some 5 and 10 gram weights to calibrate, and always assume +/- 5 mg. You can weigh a larger amount a dissolve it into a known amount of water creating a ml/mg dosing.


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Okay bro... you might as well +rep me now lols

But here's a link to a very reliable scale that I use on a daily basis. Its cost efficient... and hasn't done me wrong since!


It's the third one down on the page... you can even find it cheaper on ebay... so just a brief search and you'll find ;)
Funny thing I found that scale for 75 on american weighs website (or another i'm not sure) and I pm'd shepj and asked him if that was a good one :lol:

Anyway, just got that one for like $35 including shipping ;)


Well-Known Member
You didn't take my word... so you had to ask Shepj... how dare you :lol: j/k

It will weigh out your all precious chemicals within a -5/+5 margin ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You didn't take my word... so you had to ask Shepj... how dare you :lol: j/k

It will weigh out your all precious chemicals within a -5/+5 margin ;)

Nah I asked shepj first then he didn't respond (figured hes busy) so I just brought the simple question to the forum

-5/+5 ? Does it measure like 3mg-5mg well?


Well-Known Member
Yes... but the recognition of 5mg's is slow to pick up. Usually you'll need to way at least ten mg's for it to register properly. But a simple calibration will take care of that.... I've only calibrated it once.. .and that's when I first got it...ever since it worked like a charm! I'll get grams of various things. and weigh it out and bam... it weighs it as 1 gram... so thus it works :)
Yea got mine last week was 15$ and that included shipping on eBay!:clap:heres the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220601044340&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT
Okay bro... you might as well +rep me now lols

But here's a link to a very reliable scale that I use on a daily basis. Its cost efficient... and hasn't done me wrong since!


It's the third one down on the page... you can even find it cheaper on ebay... so just a brief search and you'll find ;)


Well-Known Member
honestly I got my .00 scale at a corner store for 20 bucks .
weighs up to 50 grams .

and it doesnt round or anything , its like .13 not rounding it to .15

websites will be more expensive , plus you'll need shipping ask some friends in your hood :P .


Well-Known Member
In certain areas you can find them at headshops and such... but some areas are not so cool to offer those products openly. Ebay is a good place to start... but I believe the OP of this thread has already gone through with success :)


Well-Known Member
There we go... can't ask for more! My little weight chest full of wonders came with a bag for the scale, a calibration weight, tweezers, and a tipping scale that is removable ;)