The 25sft rule of Prop 19 - How Much Can I Really Grow?


Well-Known Member
As soon as it stops growing, it is subject to the ounce limit.

Think it through!
(b) living and harvested cannabis plants shall be assessed by square footage, not by weight in determining the amounts set forth in section 11300(a);

Stop the lies.


Well-Known Member
(b) living and harvested cannabis plants shall be assessed by square footage, not by weight in determining the amounts set forth in section 11300(a);

Stop the lies.
Do you know the difference between a "harvested plant" and "finished buds"?

The second you start trimming, you are subject to the one oz limit.

Do you understand?


Well-Known Member
Who will do this assessing??? Pot friendly dudes??? Or the Judge?

Why 25sq feet??? Per parcel..not per person??? Who does this protect???? The citizenry from crazed recreational smokers who grew too much??? Or Dick Lee and the like who are hoping to cash in???

And yeah...this seems to be your only RIU traffic...and your signature seemed pretty spammy...I bet you thinking about making some coin off this huh????


I don't know why 25 square feet. I guess the authors of the bill figured 25 square feet is more than enough to grow marijuana for recreational use in a single home. (I tend to agree)

It protects every adult 21 years of age or older.

Like I've said ... I don't make a dime from ANYTHING marijuana related. That link on my signature costs ME MONEY to run. Do you see a SINGLE ad? I know I sure don't. Failed attempt to defame my character ... If that's all you got, might as well just ignore my thread.


Well-Known Member
Do you know the difference between a "harvested plant" and "finished buds"?

The second you start trimming, you are subject to the one oz limit.

Do you understand?
Yes ... because all current legislation on marijuana uses the term "finished buds" Give me a break ... Harvested marijuana is marijuana that has been harvested and ready for consumption. Just like harvested corn is corn ready to be consumed.


Well-Known Member
It say "living and harvested plants."

Once you begin trimming, it isn't a plant, anymore.

Maybe you think this is a stretch?

There are many hundreds of thousands of people with records because of such "stretches".


Well-Known Member
It say "living and harvested plants."

Once you begin trimming, it isn't a plant, anymore.

Maybe you think this is a stretch?

There are many hundreds of thousands of people with records because of such "stretches".

According to Prop 19 it is ....

(iii) For purposes of section 11300(a)(ii) “cannabis plant” means all parts of a living Cannabis plant.
(iv) In determining whether an amount of cannabis is or is not in excess of the amounts permitted by this Act, the following shall apply:
(a) only the active amount of the cannabis in an edible cannabis product shall be included;

(b) living and harvested cannabis plants shall be assessed by square footage, not by weight in determining the amounts set forth in section 11300(a);

According Prop 19 ... the active amount of CANNABIS INSIDE an EDIBLE is still considered "cannabis plant". Notice how they say LIVING and HARVESTED cannabis plant?

Under Prop 19 .... harvested marijuana is considered any marijuana which has been cut down and no longer living.

For someone who talks about Prop 19 so much, you sure don't act like you've read it. (or at least comprehend it).


Well-Known Member

How many brownies to the square foot?

Once it isn't a part of a greater whole, the bud will be subject to the one ounce limitation.

You really are a failure.

You must believe that I want to be convinced that prop 19 won't effect my situation and those of all other medical patients and gardeners. I WANT to be convinced!

Nobody has yet addressed how the Justice System will interpret 19 and the piles of bad laws that will pop up in each jurisdiction.

One thing lacking in younger generations is foresight.

You need to be able to think ahead, or live forever with failure.

Experience is part of equation, but trust is also important.

My fears are sincere.

I believe Prop 19 might actually be a financial opportunity for me, but the possible downside makes Prop 19 too dangerous to support.


Well-Known Member

How many brownies to the square foot?

Once it isn't a part of a greater whole, the bud will be subject to the one ounce limitation.

You really are a failure.

You must believe that I want to be convinced that prop 19 won't effect my situation and those of all other medical patients and gardeners. I WANT to be convinced!

Nobody has yet addressed how the Justice System will interpret 19 and the piles of bad laws that will pop up in each jurisdiction.

One thing lacking in younger generations is foresight.

You need to be able to think ahead, or live forever with failure.

Experience is part of equation, but trust is also important.

My fears are sincere.

I believe Prop 19 might actually be a financial opportunity for me, but the possible downside makes Prop 19 too dangerous to support.
How so? I thought you said 25 square feet isn't enough space for you to grow medication? So how would you profit from Prop 19? Remember? You said that if Prop 19 passes you want someone to give you the $1,000 you lose because you won't be able to grow enough marijuana ....

Once again caught up in your own web of twisted logic and lies.

Once again resorting to name calling and mindless ranting when the facts don't favor your position.

(Insert your illogical, hate-filled, fear mongering reply)


Well-Known Member
So do you really think that Dick Lee...who grows pot for a living...REALLY thinks that 25sqft of grow space, not per person but per residence or parcel is enough??? If it is being legalized...why are they limiting my consumption...There is absolutely no limit on the amount of wine that I can produce in my own home.

Remember Dick grows for a living...he knows how much space an experienced grower with unlimited funds needs and he also knows that most people do not have the experience or funds to maximize 25sqft...he knows that 1 outdoor plant could take the majority of the 25 and that that 1 plant is not enough for a year...This is NOT an accident, and it is NOT what was thought of as "enough"..quite the opposite!

Dick has spent a lot of money getting this crap on the ballot and he did NOT do it cuz he is a cool dude and thinks MJ should be legal. And this does not even address the additional crimes created or the lack of expungement.

I want pot to be legal...I have wanted this since before most of those here voting yes have been alive. Our concerns are real. This is about money and keeping MJ quasi illegal.

This Dick wants to make me casually smoking in my own home without hiding like a meth head not only illegal, but in real risk of a FUCKING FELONY. This is so wrong...and again WHY did DICK do this???

Certainly not because he wants to end prohibition...not only is it not illegal to drink in front of your kids or anyone else kids...but it is damned American...Baseball, apple pie, Chevrolet and bud.

People think that this will end good...The cali senate took time away from balancing the budget so that teachers did not have to be fired and state employees would get actual money instead of IOU's to pen SB 420 to try to control MJ that was destined for the sick...Not only did they do this to limit access but they did it in direct violation of the State Constitution as ruled by the Ca Supreme Court in Jan ' this is being given to LOCAL Yokal part time wannabe control nuts??? Sure it will work splendid for the City of Oakland, Alameda County and Dick Lee...but we are gonna be buying his commercial crap all over the state as the NIMBY's JUST SAY NO!



Well-Known Member
So do you really think that Dick Lee...who grows pot for a living...REALLY thinks that 25sqft of grow space, not per person but per residence or parcel is enough??? If it is being legalized...why are they limiting my consumption...There is absolutely no limit on the amount of wine that I can produce in my own home.

Remember Dick grows for a living...he knows how much space an experienced grower with unlimited funds needs and he also knows that most people do not have the experience or funds to maximize 25sqft...he knows that 1 outdoor plant could take the majority of the 25 and that that 1 plant is not enough for a year...This is NOT an accident, and it is NOT what was thought of as "enough"..quite the opposite!

Dick has spent a lot of money getting this crap on the ballot and he did NOT do it cuz he is a cool dude and thinks MJ should be legal. And this does not even address the additional crimes created or the lack of expungement.

I want pot to be legal...I have wanted this since before most of those here voting yes have been alive. Our concerns are real. This is about money and keeping MJ quasi illegal.

This Dick wants to make me casually smoking in my own home without hiding like a meth head not only illegal, but in real risk of a FUCKING FELONY. This is so wrong...and again WHY did DICK do this???

Certainly not because he wants to end prohibition...not only is it not illegal to drink in front of your kids or anyone else kids...but it is damned American...Baseball, apple pie, Chevrolet and bud.

People think that this will end good...The cali senate took time away from balancing the budget so that teachers did not have to be fired and state employees would get actual money instead of IOU's to pen SB 420 to try to control MJ that was destined for the sick...Not only did they do this to limit access but they did it in direct violation of the State Constitution as ruled by the Ca Supreme Court in Jan ' this is being given to LOCAL Yokal part time wannabe control nuts??? Sure it will work splendid for the City of Oakland, Alameda County and Dick Lee...but we are gonna be buying his commercial crap all over the state as the NIMBY's JUST SAY NO!


Yes there is .... Almost every state (if not all) have a limit on how many gallons of wine you can make and store before you are required to purchase a liquor license. (This can be different county by county)

Prop 19 allows you to LAWFULLY possess, cultivate, and smoke marijuana in your own home. It also allows you to smoke marijuana in licensed "bud bars". No felony under Prop 19 ... it wouldn't be lawful otherwise.

Prop 19 does not regulate the commercial sale aspect of marijuana. Prop 19 leaves it all up to the city to decide how they wish to commercialize and tax marijuana. If you don't like how your city is handling commercial regulation ... call your closest NORML chapter and get in the face of your local politicians.

I assure you the local politicians will listen quicker than state or federal officials. This part of Prop 19 is invaluable because it gives people like you and me the ability to have our voices heard much louder with regards to marijuana reform. (local government vs state or federal)


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected...I brewed beer for a couple of years and know about the 100 gallon limit, but for some reason though wine was higher...

I usually brewed my 100 gallons but unless the ATF was checking brew logs, there is really no way to enforce...MANY good brewers exceed this by a lot, due to the popularity of their brews. Even with 100 gallons, you are pretty much brewing all the time unless you make larger than the standard 5-10 gallon batch.



Well-Known Member
lol ... no biggie.

At least you're willing to admit and correct a mistake. (brain farts happen to us all)
Man ... I gotta get to bed for work. (5 hours... yikes!)

Peace and Pot!


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected...I brewed beer for a couple of years and know about the 100 gallon limit, but for some reason though wine was higher...

I usually brewed my 100 gallons but unless the ATF was checking brew logs, there is really no way to enforce...MANY good brewers exceed this by a lot, due to the popularity of their brews. Even with 100 gallons, you are pretty much brewing all the time unless you make larger than the standard 5-10 gallon batch.

Same logic applies to pot. You can(and a whole fucking lot of people will) grow as much as you want - just don't get caught! :)

It's also going to be a loooooot easier to transport, since - GUESS WHAT??? THEY CAN'T USE A FUCKING DRUG DOG TO JUSTIFY A SEARCH! Think about it - if it's legal to transport an ounce, every police dog in CA will need retraining to avoid alerting on it.

Also - I'm a fucking growtard and I can pull 20 oz easily off 4x4'(3x3' tray) with 600W and no CO2. 5x5 is enough for most REC users(and their friends).


Well-Known Member
Hey now!:bigjoint:

I want to use the SUN!!!! Grow setups are pricey...especially if you do not sell to cover the electricity...and I can barely afford the 4 hunny!

And brewing a bit too much not only does not mandate jail, is over's brew your own?? that's cool...I didn't know you could actually do that!!!...But 100sqft in the back yard and you're a drug dealer!!! BS this is about a few people who will be able to afford commercial licenses keeping customers one way or's a scam with the novelty of buying a bag at the quikee mart held out as bait.

The dogs will be fine...we need to get these young ethnic men into the system the Jack Herrer Initiative addresses this and would make cannabis detection near worthless outside of schools in Cali.



Well-Known Member
Let's say, hypothetically of course, that you design a grow room that 5x5x30 or something ridiculously tall like that. Since there is no height restriction could you build a system that has plants hanging every few feet? Since they don't give a cubic dimension for the limit I thought that this would be a funny loophole. I might be, hypothetically of course, moving into a very tall Victorian house pretty soon so I could post some funny looking grow journals if I could legally get away with this.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed tc1 is getting a lot of bashing because of some weird uncertainties. If you have your card you can still grow as much as your doctor says you can and still hold the half pound, or more, if your doctor says you can. I don't understand why people are arguing that prop 19 takes that away... if anything, it lets you carry another ounce and lets you legally grow in another 5x5 area. There really is no downside other than the fact that Marlboro and Camel are probably gonna buy shit tons of land in California and put a lot of street assholes out of business by producing cheap B buds. This bill is just going to make mexi and B buds way more common and some nice, tasty, A buds VERY hard to find. So if you're decent at growing and already have your card this proposition does not effect you. If you're growing without your card anyway it makes it slightly more legal for you. I don't know who the fuck started the rumor that this takes away prop 215 privileges (probably some street dealer assholes), but this really needs to stop. As a citizen of California, I know that our state is better than every other state, cause we kick ass. Lets start the trend of legalizing marijuana for recreation so other states follow and don't suck so bad.


Well-Known Member
Let's say, hypothetically of course, that you design a grow room that 5x5x30 or something ridiculously tall like that. Since there is no height restriction could you build a system that has plants hanging every few feet? Since they don't give a cubic dimension for the limit I thought that this would be a funny loophole. I might be, hypothetically of course, moving into a very tall Victorian house pretty soon so I could post some funny looking grow journals if I could legally get away with this.
Indeed .... you can have a grow room design which places plants vertically to take advantage of the lack of height restrictions.

The possibilities are endless given a little bit of thinking and/or creativity. But seriously, even if you don't grow vertical ...25 square feet should be plenty of room for recreational use.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed tc1 is getting a lot of bashing because of some weird uncertainties. If you have your card you can still grow as much as your doctor says you can and still hold the half pound, or more, if your doctor says you can. I don't understand why people are arguing that prop 19 takes that away... if anything, it lets you carry another ounce and lets you legally grow in another 5x5 area. There really is no downside other than the fact that Marlboro and Camel are probably gonna buy shit tons of land in California and put a lot of street assholes out of business by producing cheap B buds. This bill is just going to make mexi and B buds way more common and some nice, tasty, A buds VERY hard to find. So if you're decent at growing and already have your card this proposition does not effect you. If you're growing without your card anyway it makes it slightly more legal for you. I don't know who the fuck started the rumor that this takes away prop 215 privileges (probably some street dealer assholes), but this really needs to stop. As a citizen of California, I know that our state is better than every other state, cause we kick ass. Lets start the trend of legalizing marijuana for recreation so other states follow and don't suck so bad.

I'm getting flack because some of these people feel they risk to lose something if Prop 19 passes. Self-preservation over the greater good.

The whole "tobacco companies have bought land in Cali for growing pot" is a myth and they've even come out publicly and said this. They've already got the government breathing down their necks ... getting in the marijuana business would be a slap in the face to the feds .... not gonna happen. Not to mention the tobacco industry continues to poor money into prohibition.

When Prop 19 passes ... good weed will be available everywhere. (It already is, you just have to know the right people because its illegal or be medical)


Well-Known Member
When Prop 19 passes ... good weed will be available everywhere. (It already is, you just have to know the right people because its illegal or be medical)
It already is (tax free) much so that I do not even know where I could get Mexican schwag, and I live 40 miles from much for the BS about the Cartels and pot...I'm sure this myth is just used to calm the masses into thinking that Heroin, meth and coke are a side business to the Cartels main money maker...bulky, heavy, cheap pot :roll:

Prop 19 will not change the availability of good weed. but it may have to be obtained biggie.

I am very concerned about the new crimes created especially the one that makes me a felon in my own home for smoking a plant in the presence of family member(s) who have not reached the arbitrary age for my crime to be reduced. It is also disappointing that Dick did nothing for those wrongfully jailed for cannabis.



Well-Known Member
This bill is bullshit. No one is against legalization here they are against this particular bill. There are other bills that have been written they just aren't being voted on yet. For all of the people saying 25 sq. ft. is enough room for personal consumption who are you to say what one person can consume? As for the vertical grow solution, this can be done but it really only works with hydro. People who want this bill passed are selfish and only think about themselves. Whatever suits you, right? It's good enough for you why should you care if it doesn't benefit others? For the claims of the OP you're retarded: if you thing you can fit 26 mature plants in 5 gallon buckets in a 5x5 area, then you obviously don't have much experience. Your mathematics are flawed and you don't take all of the variables into consideration. That being said I bet this bill gets passed simply because the uneducated simple minded out number the educated thoughtful people in this country. While I'm all for democracy the majority will never be right simply because the majority of people are not educated and informed enough to make a responsible decision for every matter.

Why are all you people for this bill when their are better bill's already being considered? Why would you vote yes on this bill simply because it's the first one? I understand legalization is what we all want but this bill doesn't provide that. Why can't you make an informed decision and wait for a better bill to vote yes?