Marc Emery gets five years in prison


New Member
We need to blatantly disobey the law.

if every single smoker started growing outdoors in their gardens they could not stop us.

We must instigate a civil disobedience on a world-wide scale. My country's government are a bunch of faggots, they'll do whatever your government does.

This is too much to ask, I know, I have asked it before.
This is what needs to be done but it is a hard thing to accomplish. If enough people stood up and said we dont care what the law says this is what we want i guess they would have to listen , but the way society lables pot and potheads no one wants to take the chance. I know I have a family and alot to lose. Hopefully with time and more medical uses the views will start to change and we can actually do something like this. I hope its in my lifetime.


New Member
The sentence was to make the American Feds happy and so they'd shut up, he'll be out in 3
So he does have the right to appeal?

I could see this ruling getting turned over in a high court after him serving just 6mths to a year.

The feds want him to serve the full 5...

But yes, it stands to reason that he'll have chance of appeal, they must follow the law.


Active Member
thanks Skunk...i sincerely appreciate your thoughts.....yes....I totally agree - it SHOULD be the same as brandy or chocolate or whatever one's desire........and I am scared and totally admit that I am not going to place myself in harms way so to my world....this is a hill I won't die on.....maybe once I am ready to fully retire...then I don't have the uncertainty the source of my to speak. I do believe it is a fight to win....but for me...not at the expense of my this point.....with two young children....I want to acknoweldge that can grasp the bipolar nature of this position.....but as I have said in the past...I am a lone island in a sea of non-smokers.....and my circumstances would have to change in order for me to be able to take the strong stand that I'd like to.....even saying that sounds sorta lame......:roll:
Tahoe, I am in the same boat as you. No one around me smokes, and I have a job and kids that I can't risk by standing up for weed in public. However, I think we can stand up in private by donating to NORML, MPP, etc. That way, we can send our dollars to those that can stand up for our rights to smoke a plant that happens to make you feel good when you set it on fire.


Well-Known Member
Im sure he realized the possibility of being extradicted to the US if he was charged with selling sending seeds to the states.

Im of the mindset of...Dont do the crime if you cant do the time. If you dont know what the possible ramifications of "xxxxxx" are....Then thats kinda your fault for letting greed be your motivating factor. I dont think that's the case....Im sure he knew going in...what could happen on the back end.

That said....I dont think selling/smoking/growing should be illegal. But if it is....You still have to deal with the reality of the situation as it is at the time....Not how we want it to be.

If caught growing....The "It shouldnt be illegal in the 1st place" defense wont work. Yo ass is still going to the bing. Same goes for me...and anyone else.

Thats just the way it is. He got caught up....Its part of the game.

Change the game.


Well-Known Member
As a thought. During our local elections, I emailed the candidates about their position on this topic and stated that if they supported the legalization/decriminalized of weed they would get my vote. They said they strongly opposed it. I fired another email back to them stating that I strongly opposed them being elected. Needless to say, I did not vote for any of them.


Well-Known Member
Theres gonna be some real big problems here, if our Government turns him over to the US believe me.


Active Member
skunk and tahoe i appreciate ur view points and find BSIv2.0's comments particularly true and concretely real. my contention is this, we are making a lifestyle "choice" just like say drinkers, cigar smokers, or even the gay and lesbian community, in the majority of the countries eyes. so lets do what worked for them. come out of the closet!!!

now tahoe i know u can't do this alone, but if all the other closet potheads u work with and around, ;] , would just comeout on the same day, what could they do. if we showed people that everyone knows someone who is a pothead just like most everybody knows someone who is gay, we could normalize pot smoking to the general public. just like the whites feared the africans they didn't know about, they fear and demonize "gays" and "potheads" and even tobacco smokers for the same reason. show them that an uncle, cousin, brother, or parent they love now can still be loved just as much once they comeout of the pot closet.

my cents too...

fitty dorrar....:mrgreen:


New Member
This is so true... we hide in the closet because we feel there is a stigma against smoking weed.

Just like homosexuality, cannabis is not class oriented. It is spread across the breadth of society.

How could they stop that? If we were to just 'open that closet door'... step out with no shame. There was a period in history when homosexuality was a crime, in fact one of our own Kings was executed by the church with a hot poker shoved into his rectum.

I'm sure cannabis has been around as long as homosexuality, it's only fair that we get equal rights.


Well-Known Member
Six HUNDRED Fucking thousand bastard Dollars he paid in Tax. For what they then Jail him for! CUNTS CUNTS CUNTS America is waiting. The thousand year Reich, the American Millenium CUNTS.
Time for some Smokie the Bear Picnics. With attitude.


Well-Known Member
hey psyclone.....I want you to tell me how you REALLY feel....ahahahahahaha.....yes the whole sitaution is rather f'd up for sure.....

hey geneticdrifter and skunk ....ya....I agree it is the stigma, and the I realize it would not be the end of the world.....there are people that are in my world that know that I 'used" ro in my youth so to speak.....butyou know...that was hwne you were youmng and foolish...and now you're all mature and grown'd not be doing THAT anymore....actually....I'm all mature and grown up and it makes even more sense now.....especially when I look at the alcohol and perscription medicine abuse.....and the time for me to come out of the closet.....maybe be nigh.....who knows......for the moment, I have been through hell and back in my life in the last 5+ yrs, and stability of sorts has returned. I will not be walking out of that closet anytime in the short it self preservation....


Well-Known Member
I understand completely, mind you, mass Smokie Picnics are a good method of amiable mass disobedience -low key ones are just fun, pick a beach-any beach.


Well-Known Member
right.....yes...I agree......that I could...would....have done....the movement for that kind of action does seem to be building....though in our city.....people don't really seem to care much about lighting up anywhere....I walk downtown and in the river parks sometimes at lunch time for the sunshine and freshair....and you can smell it all the time....unabated....and totally out in the open...but I like your idea of the beach....


Well-Known Member
I agree with skunky on this one.

Maybe it is time we made a stand.:blsmoke:

I don't know how we would go about that but it would have to be peaceful and in the vain of civil disobedience or we in england would be arrested for incitement or affray and Americans would be arrested as "homegrown" terrorists.

I am all ears as to suggestions or ideas on what can be done about draconian laws and practices that affect us all.
It would seem that the only thing we can do is what Marc Emery has said,just keep smoking and overgrow the governments until we get what we want.

I have no idea though of how we would all go about this without serious comprimisation though.

Might be a good idea to just work on freeing Marc from prison first but seriously this is something i have no idea on where or how to move forward with.
How can we ever change such horrible and single minded people like george bush or the dea?

I haven't a clue:confused:


Well-Known Member
hey Nat....yea I am feeling more and more that this is something we have to try and figure out.....a ground swell of public marc says....overgrow the government.....and the rest of the naysayers...cheers, and have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Well Just to shed a bit of light... I was lucky in April 20th 2004 I was able to meet March Emery on Parlemint Hill and speak with him for a bit. In Ottawa they have a thing celebrating 420. On that date we all gather infront of the parliament hill and smoke all day with the RCMP just watching and allowing us to smoke freely. Just to let people know as well that I personally have seen some local head shops stop selling seeds since Jan 2008 because of this issue. Hopefully one day the Liberals or NDP will get back into power and overtake the conservatives so we can have a lenient pot laws. The conservatives that are in power now only believe in strong anti pot laws and believe in jail time. I mean if beer is legal and cigarettes are legal then why in the hell is pot not?
The real issue today is we the people weather it be in Canada, USA, Europe are suppose to be making the laws. Now I can't speak for any other country but I am sure it's the same everywhere but they are all corrupted. As long as they can make their money without people knowing and lie to our faces until they turn blue. Anyways I hope things will work out for Marc and he's just a guy trying to fight for something that he strongly believes in. Here in Canada Marc we are behind you!!


Well-Known Member
I was unfotunate to be born with ultra-conservative family members. I took a small stand against their biased beliefs. My family knows I smoke and I make no attempt to hide it. Their is a sea of disinformation ladies and gentleman. My grandparents once finding out I toke were "apalled". They told me that I could kill my family and not even know because my mind was on "drugs". How do you even argue with someone with distorted views as this? It is about civil liberties, not the substance itself. As generations come of age they will have only known a life of surveliance and few liberties. The most shocking thing is that through constant indoctrination most can't understand a life without rules and monitoring. Rules used to be simple, if you don't hurt anyone physically or otherwise or infringe upon others civil liberties you can do as you please. Do we need more laws that slowly disintigrate our freedoms? They say marijuana is harmful because so many people will risk the legal rammifications to do it. This is a circular argument with no room for logic. Marijuana is bad because its illegal. Marijuana is illegal because it is bad.


Well-Known Member
I just read this and thought it would be good to share...

The extradition hearing is scheduled to begin on January 21st - January 25th, 2008. Please phone (613) 957-4222 to tell the Canadian Minister of Justice it would be "cruel and unjust", an insult to Canada's sovereignty, to extradite Canadians Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams to the United States to face life in US prison, especially when a $200 fine -- not jail time -- is the BC Supreme Court precedent for selling cannabis seeds (R. v. Hunter, 2000), and 58% of Canadians oppose extradition in this case (Strategic Counsel/Angus Reid polls). If Canadians have broken the law in Canada, they should be given a fair jury trial in Canada. If they wouldn't face any imprisonment in Canada for the charges laid, they should not be extradited to another country to face life imprisonment.


New Member
We need to blatantly disobey the law.

if every single smoker started growing outdoors in their gardens they could not stop us.

We must instigate a civil disobedience on a world-wide scale. My country's government are a bunch of faggots, they'll do whatever your government does.

This is too much to ask, I know, I have asked it before.
You remind me alot of marc emery alot. Keep fighting....