Well-Known Member
Cheers Potroast! Good to meet a fellow water hauler. I have 12 plants in one of those blue kiddie pools...running a aero/fog set up. how would you go about distributing the nutrient tea (in res)? And did I mention I'm doing a vert-setup with 2000w in a diy cooltubes. Im having trouble fully seeing it through in my head. Your experienced advice is always respected and appreciated. Thanks Potroast.
I can answer that in PR's absence. The best way to give nutrients is through your res when using a fogger. Be warned though that some organic nutrients will clog a fogger easily so make sure to keep an eye on your res, fogger, and your plants to make sure this doesn't happen. I like the idea of using a kiddie pool, I had never thought about doing that. I would like some pictures if possible because I will make a killer sog out of that idea