My White Widow Doesn't Like Nutrients!!?? Help Please!


Hi There-

This is my first grow.. I am doing White Widow--9 females--2 1/2 weeks into flowering. Vegged 6 weeks too. so 8 1/2 total. I heard white widow isn't big on nutes during veg, so I waited til now to start. I used Miracle Gro Potting Soil that is supposed to feed plants for up to 6 mos.. but even on the bag it says to add nutrients to your plants after 1 month. I just added nutrients a few days ago for the first time.. it was Miracle Bloom Booster (15-30-15). I only used half the recommended dose, but some of my leaves have completely dried up and crumble to the touch! Tomorrow when I water, I'm definitely not adding anything to the water. But I'm afraid to ever add nutrients now! What do you recommend? Thanks in advance for your help! I need it :-(


Active Member
i have heard the samething many times with the widow. i am not a soil type of guy but if i were you i wouldnt add anymore nutes. i would add a small amount of molasses. the mollasses i have read helps the microbs break down the soil to make the nutes more acessible to the plants roots. i would go that way. i have a clone of widow i got from a buddy and to be honest it isnt liking a dwc either. aparently it is a very hard plant to grow. so give that a try. also a little hydrgenperoxide into water will give the roots and little extra o2 and that might help out a bit


thanks for the reply. how many grows have you done? How much molasses should I add to a gallon of water? how much hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water? should I only do one at a time? do you think I should just do plain water this next time? sorry so many questions.. my grow's been going soooo good until now--just a little frustrating!

Spartan Grower

Active Member
I have 5 years experiance with Whith Widow, Ditch the Miricle Grow, and buy black gold poting soil or Happy frog from fox farms, I have 5 years experiance with Widow, PM me and or just reply back and all share my experiance with you. I just want to let you u know for the start, White Widow is one strain that is hard to grow, she needs alot of TLC. But Chooseing this as your first strian shows you are ready to master it. This is why I will share my knowledge to you, as you can see down below this is ONE plant! that yeilded 400 grams! I still have her alive after 5 years through clones, shes been a real gem to my colection. You might want to look for Top 44, it is a great yeilder and good for first time growers, finishes in 6 to 7 weeks. I am a White Widow condisure, I love the plant and love shareing knowledge of the plant!
DWC is a form of growing with water., with a bubble bar airaiteng the water. Alot to explain in just one reply, if your intrested, i can give you DIY guide to builing a DWC system that houses clones and yeilds a hefty amount only cost around 20 bucks to make, it will pay off for its self the fisrt harvest! it can hold up to 8 clones perfect for a sea of green, and will yeild you about 2 ounces or more per clone if done right! thats a pound per system that cost $20!!
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Active Member
yes dwc is hard to explain but to me it is the easiest of hydro systems to use and the cheapest to make. there isnt many things that can go wrong using deep water culture (dwc). once you have set it up. could you please share your experience with me also. i have tried and sometime it goes well and other times nothing at all.


Spartan Grower.. I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me!! I am very interested in the DIY setup for next time.. I still have a good 7 weeks til I harvest this batch, and I sure hope I can get through it! I have 9 plants growing under 1 400W HPS light.. I am purchasing another light today (it's a 400W metal halide) so that I can spread them out more (4-5 under each light) to hopefully get a better yield! WOW!!! Your mother plant is amazing!! I've never done clones or anything, so this is all new to me. At night it gets down to 72, but during the day it's approx 83 degrees. (and that's with only 1 light) so I'm hoping i'll be able to keep the temps down. I have 2 fans in there already. So since you are an expert, what should I do about nutes for the rest of flowering? Do you give your white widows nutes? Thanks again for your help!! Maybe I'll post some pics of my babies :)

Spartan Grower

Active Member
Your problem is you have to much Nitrogen in your plants, this is causing your leafs to crumble, you wanna look for a low fist number like 5-45-15, your first number is Nitrogen!, When in flowering, you use more of the 2nd number! find something that has a very very low first number and low last number, I use Liquid Koolboom, and General Hydroponics, and I run organics to! To be honest man, DITCH YOUR MIRACLE GROW SOIL! IT WILL ATRACT UNWANTED BUGS! MY BEST EXPERIANCES WITH WIDOW HAVE BEEN WITH FOX FARMS HAPPY FROM ORGANIC POTTING SOIL! If you dont belive me do a test, do one in Miracle grow, and one in Happy frog, you will see the happy frog ones will look alot healthier and bigger than the Mircale grow, It is worth the extra 12 bucks to buy a good bag of soil, you can also reuse this soil 2 times! and buy some black diamond to amend your soil back after the 2nd grow with the soil, it has all the good shit in it! Bat Gauno and Humic acid!

Spartan Grower

Active Member
Spartan Grower.. I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me!! I am very interested in the DIY setup for next time.. I still have a good 7 weeks til I harvest this batch, and I sure hope I can get through it! I have 9 plants growing under 1 400W HPS light.. I am purchasing another light today (it's a 400W metal halide) so that I can spread them out more (4-5 under each light) to hopefully get a better yield! WOW!!! Your mother plant is amazing!! I've never done clones or anything, so this is all new to me. At night it gets down to 72, but during the day it's approx 83 degrees. (and that's with only 1 light) so I'm hoping i'll be able to keep the temps down. I have 2 fans in there already. So since you are an expert, what should I do about nutes for the rest of flowering? Do you give your white widows nutes? Thanks again for your help!! Maybe I'll post some pics of my babies :)
Thanks for your kind words. I am all Organic now on my White Widows, Feeding them with a tea feed. Simple process, real easy and it makes a real difference in your yield, taste and buds! I used Liquid KoolBloom and Dry Koolbloom, yield a decent amount. That yield in my avitar was done with General Hydroponics Bloom dry feed. I feed them about 1 time a week and did a lot of foliar sprays mix. But trust me man do Organics, buy the Budswell Bat Guano its about 30 bucks here at the local hydro store. Ill tell you when you go to organically you don't back!,


thanks for all the info! i'm posting some new pics.. since you are a white widow grower, can you tell me if my plants are coming along about where they should be? I switched to 12/12 about 6 weeks ago.. so probably only 4 weeks of true flowering.