Please help me identify this strain...... Hi Res pics inside


Well-Known Member
looks like u under fed if thats 16weeks of flower..maybe bad lighting conditions to..and it looks like about 80-90% sativa

Those pictures are at 12 weeks. Now at...well almost 17 weeks now, the buds are still very immature. The lighting has been good. 800w hps. Other plants in the same environment have had no problems.

I am using oil with GH Micro, Flora, and Bloom. Again other plants (different strains) have all yeilded good results.

I am going to post some updated pictures either tonight or tomorrow. The plant continues to grow, and new bud sites develop...they just take FOREVER to mature.

The leaves are slowly yellowing and the pitils are about 10% amber. If I had to guess , based on the current rate, it will be at least another 6-8 weeks before it finishes.


Well-Known Member
u should get some bud enhancer to add to the mix, bet it would help..i use GH to and bud blood to promote faster flowering plus big bud and carbo load or molasses


Well-Known Member
yeah, molasses would be the carbs. i just think you have a true sativa. can you lower your light schedule to like 10/14 or 11/13? it will actually make all of your plants finish a little faster. that is if you are in a rush to get these out of there.


Well-Known Member
I have been doing some research and found this to be helpful:

A typical Sativa is a tall plant, generally a lighter shade of green than the other types. Its leaves are made up of long, narrow blades. Female flowers are longer and more ‘feathery’ in appearance than those of an Indica.
In general, the foliage of a Sativa is sparser than that of the other varieties Sativas grow taller than the other types, gaining height all through their growing and flowering phases. This is due to the equatorial origin of Sativas. In the tropical regions the length of day does not change very much between seasons, so Sativas are adapted to accomplish both their growing and flowering in a fairly uniform photoperiod.
The female flowers of Sativa strains usually grow along the length of the stem and branches, instead of forming in clusters around the internodes, as with the other types. This flower formation is due to the Sativa tendency to grow and flower simultaneously. As a result, female Sativa flowers are usually less dense and weigh less than Indica flowers.

I also found this picture of a Malawi Mini. It looks almost Identical to my plants...although my plants havent matured quite that much yet.


I'm sure that isnt the exact plant I have, but its pretty close. Based on the fact that my plant orginated from Jamaica, and was grown outdoors, It's fairly likely its a pure sativa...just not sure which strain exactly.

Again, I have to say, I have been smoke the tops that I have been cutting off because of sapce. These tops, although still immature, are a surprisingly good smoke. Now it makes me wish I had taken better care of them and let them finish fully. Good thing I still have loads of beans! :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, molasses would be the carbs. i just think you have a true sativa. can you lower your light schedule to like 10/14 or 11/13? it will actually make all of your plants finish a little faster. that is if you are in a rush to get these out of there.
Yeah, I can change the light schedule, it would be good to get those ladies finished.


Well-Known Member
Nice plants, seem to be taking to long?

I have some Blue Dream (mainly sativa) growing... and growing... I vegged them to about 20 inches and then flipped them. They were going bananas.

So I SuperCropped them, and continue to at around 4 feet. That way you don't have to remove the bud.

I have a whole canopy of buds. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
please report back on the progress. if the sativas are truely better in a stable light/dark environment, it may be better to gradually decrease the light 15-30 minutes a day until you get where you want, this is to help prevent light stress that may cause a hermie

great idea on the supercroping golddog


Well-Known Member
No. I havent ever given any of my plants carbs. Wouldnt know how if I wanted to LOL.

Is that the molasses nonsense i have heard about?
well it's not really non sense just look at your plant..its CLEARLY lacking up on how to feed your plants carbs and why


Well-Known Member
yeah, molasses would be the carbs. i just think you have a true sativa. can you lower your light schedule to like 10/14 or 11/13? it will actually make all of your plants finish a little faster. that is if you are in a rush to get these out of there.
hell no i've grown true sativa's and yea thats not his problem..he just said he doesnt feed his plant carbs and now im wondering what is he even giving it?? FLYWITHme what are u feeding your plant and how often?


These were vegged under SunBlaster Flouros, and flowering in 800w HPS.
I didn't know they made 800w HPS? Then again, I don't know alot. However, I DO know that you are putting a lot of time and money (equipment, nutes, electric bill) into seeds that you ripped from a brick of weed. This is not-so-fly. A few extra bucks on a really good strain seeded from an excellent source (greenhouse, tga, etc.) would really make the incredible amount of TLC (time, love, and cash) worth it. Great job sticking with it, but I think you are selling yourself short, flywithme. With that equipment, you could produce some excellent meds!

By the way, I would definitely say you've got a sativa-dominant strain on your hands and, this is a shot in the dark, but I think you can stunt a plant's growth and maturation a number of ways...might be a reason for the extended flowering time? Either way, best of luck!


Well-Known Member
hell no i've grown true sativa's and yea thats not his problem..he just said he doesnt feed his plant carbs and now im wondering what is he even giving it?? FLYWITHme what are u feeding your plant and how often?
all strains are different man, even different sativa's. hes said he had success before. dont just be negative of his style cuz it aint yours. maybe you should try one without "carbs" and see if you really see a major difference.

I didn't know they made 800w HPS? Then again, I don't know alot. However, I DO know that you are putting a lot of time and money (equipment, nutes, electric bill) into seeds that you ripped from a brick of weed. This is not-so-fly. A few extra bucks on a really good strain seeded from an excellent source (greenhouse, tga, etc.) would really make the incredible amount of TLC (time, love, and cash) worth it. Great job sticking with it, but I think you are selling yourself short, flywithme. With that equipment, you could produce some excellent meds!

By the way, I would definitely say you've got a sativa-dominant strain on your hands and, this is a shot in the dark, but I think you can stunt a plant's growth and maturation a number of ways...might be a reason for the extended flowering time? Either way, best of luck!
i think he has 2 400 watters. but half the fun in growing is challenge, i can def agree with him sticking it out. it arouses our interest. your right about the stress, and on top of that different strains also react way different to similar environments.

shit, if he has the room and time, then let it fly. he said the high was great already. maybe he found the tomatoe plant of pot, it will just continue to bud and bud and bud!! fat chance, but awesome it would be.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Sorry for the abence but I had internet issues. The short story is the plants have been harvested. They were still quite a way from finished but I needed the space for some new plants of a different strain.

Unfortunately I didnt take any pictures at harvest. The major difference over time was that the buds got denser. The pistils were still mostly white with about 20% turning orange. New bud sites kept appearing.

I didnt adjust light in the end, because I knew I would be using the space before long.

The smoke. To me it has a mild buzz. I equate to the first hit on a cigarette when you havent smoked in a long time. For me it didnt last long. maybe 20 the most.
Friends who dont smoke as often as I, had a different opinion. They all seemed to agree it was an intense high, and left them feeling light and buzzed for an hour or more.

This plant was the only female from seeds I started in my first ever grow. It wasnt a great choice for the first, but I started with a 0 budget. I had nothing to loose and thought I would give it a go. Along the way, I went from using soil from my back yard, to having a fully functional indoor garden. If it hadnt been for my need to get results from my investment (gotta keep the girlfriend happy), I would have let them finish. I still have a feeling that if the buds had been mature the smoke would have been excellent.

On the upside, I still have loads of beans from the original lot, and I even managed to cross the pollen from one of the 4 males I had with a another unknown indica. The indica seeds were also from a back of what was supposed seedless, but was either a hermie or some how got pollenated. The plants I have from theses seeds are nice short plants, thick buds, very sour/lemon smell (smells more like ammonia to me) and finish very early. 7.5/8 weeks tops. The smoke however is about a 5 out of 10 for potency.

If I'm lucky I will get the best from both plants in my cross. Then again...who knows? Again nothing to loose.

Lastly with regard to the molasses thing. I have read about it on few threads. I just never put much creedance to it simply becaus eit just seemed alot of effort for something that doesnt have a counterpart in nature. I am one who believes that it doesnt take miracle potions and methods to grow a that does quite well in nature with no intervention at all. So apart from using sound methods in my garden to simulate nature as best I can, I try to avoid the tonics and tricks.

Having said that, I do recall my mother and grandmother doing something similar. They would desolve one aspirin tablet in a cup of sprite and feed their plants with it once a week. I presume this would be for the same reason as the molasses. Get the carbs, and int he case of the sprite, some carbin and minerals as well. They did have the nicest roses and best tasting tomatoes there must be something in it. :)

I'm not ready to go with the molasses just yet. I do drink sprite, maybe I'll try some on one of my clones side by side with one without and see how it goes.