Strange leaves...


Active Member
Hi everybody!
I have 5 plants of Sensi Seed's Northern #5 X Haze.
4 of them seem to be in health, but one has strange leaves…
Look at these photos, you should see which one is strange! :?:

What do you think is the problem?
Should i remove her to left room for the other ones?



Well-Known Member
If your ph is good and your room is not too cold you should be fine - plants look pretty healthy.


Well-Known Member
the crumbly, folding leaves is a sign of toxicity. i am certain you have given them some foods. what type of soil is that?


Well-Known Member
Yes - that could be too. Just the other phenos are doing pretty good so could it be the pheno? Rzza


Well-Known Member
i dont think so at all. its an environmental issue for sure. its not a bad case of it at all. later i will post a pic of a severe case. unless these are clones then i would ask if they were taken while the mom was in flower. if thats the case thats just from reveg but im pretty sure those are from seed.


Active Member
the crumbly, folding leaves is a sign of toxicity. i am certain you have given them some foods. what type of soil is that?
The soil is the "Canna Bio", and I only gave them a organic fertilizer 3 times (in total 2.1 ml for all the 5 plants). However the first symptons began before i use the fertilizer the first time.

Yes - that could be too. Just the other phenos are doing pretty good so could it be the pheno? Rzz
I think this could be the answer... but what do you you think i should do? kill her ( :-( ) or let her going?

i dont think so at all. its an environmental issue for sure. its not a bad case of it at all. later i will post a pic of a severe case. unless these are clones then i would ask if they were taken while the mom was in flower. if thats the case thats just from reveg but im pretty sure those are from seed.
They are from seed.

Ah, and some more infos: the temperature is about 82.4 F, humidity 40%.


Well-Known Member
take it slow while them girls are small and with quality soil they need little food if any for several weeks or months even...


Well-Known Member
I would definitely not kill her. Could be she is just shaken from seeing the world. I would give her the opportunity to show. She might be a weak starter and a killer finisher ;O)) - anyway what she has is not a severe case as written by Rzza so don't worry about it. If every plant starts looking like that the environment is bad - this little baby just needs some more love.


Well-Known Member
I have had clones do this for a while after rooting. Eventually they will start to produce "normal" leaves. From seed, you might see this throughout the plants lifespan, but that does not mean that it will be a failure. I would let if keep going and see what you end up with.